Below are some links that might be useful to get ideas on possible projects, methods, and data sets.
Statistical Approaches to
Learning and Discovery
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The course project is intended to give students a chance to exercise some of the ideas and methods discussed in the course on more realistic and challenging problems/data than considered in the problem sets. Define a narrow enough statistical problem that you can make significant progress on it in a three-week period. It's easy to go both overboard and underboard here -- a rough guideline is that the work involved should be about the equivalent of 2-3 problem sets, but that the project should involve "real models and real data." The projects can be done either individually or in groups of two.A writeup on the project is due in class on May 8. You should hand in a research-style paper, approximately 5-10 pages in length. This writeup should include:
- A concise problem statement
- A description of related work
- A detailed presentation of the statistical techniques that you use
- Experimental results
- Conclusions
- References