15-462 Programming Assignment 4: Procedural Modeling

Due Thursday, Dec 6, 2007, 23:59:59



For this project you will explore various techniques for procedural modeling and animation. The project will involve generating procedural textures, terrain, organic structures based on L-systems, and procedural animation of a flock of birds. Below are some screenshots of examples to give you an idea of the kinds of scenes you will be creating:

Simple planar fractal L-system tree.

More complex L-system tree with 3-D structure.


Required Features [100 points]

You must implement the following features:

Extra Credit Features [maximum assignment score is 110 points]

Starter Code and Submission

You can find the lab 4 starter code here. To finish the required features, you should make changes to functions that have "FIXME" comments. There are 6 of them in total (4 in lsystem_render.cc and 2 in main.cxx). The submission guidelines remain the same as the previous labs. Please name your directory asst4_lsys. Make sure your project can be compiled by just going into the asst4_lsys directory and typing make.

Please include a copy of whatever models, textures, or additional data files you use when handing in your project as it makes life a lot easier to verify your features.
