BSP Trees
This is a small collection of pointers to information on BSP trees.
A binary space partition (BSP) tree is a multidimensional generalization of
the binary tree in which space is recursively split by
lines, planes, or hyperplanes.
It is also a generalization of the k-dimensional (k-d) tree.
Papers and Books
Computational Geometry,
Mark de Berg and others,
(undergrad textbook, theory-oriented)
Excellent general introduction to BSP trees, especially in 2-D.
Kinetic binary space partitions for intersecting segments and disjoint triangles,
Pankaj K. Agarwal, Jeff Erickson, Leonidas J. Guibas,
(theory paper)
Describes randomized algorithms for constructing 3-D BSP trees of
O(n log^2 n) expected size.
They are dynamic (work well for moving scenes).
Bruce Naylor's notes for the course
The Computational Representation of Geometry
at SIGGRAPH '94 or
Available on CD ROM.
You might have trouble finding this (I think I have a copy).
Here's the key excerpt:
A Tutorial on Binary Space Partitioning Trees
(25 page PDF)
Bruce Naylor's paper
Constructing Good Partitioning Trees,
Graphics Interface '93.
Asks the question: what's a good tree?
Discusses heuristics for selecting good split planes from the set of
triangles, perpendicular to the axes,
or in other ways that yield small or balanced trees.
Michael Abrash has written on Quake's use of BSP trees
(a game-oriented perspective).
Graphics Programming Black Book
is online.
Local mirror of that is faster.
Also his
Ramblings in Realtime
and his
talk for the Computer Game Developers Conference, 1996.
BSP trees for collision detection
by Stan Melax.
Hanan Samet's books
The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures
Applications of Spatial Data Structures
contain a bit on BSP trees and are excellent general references on
octrees, quadtrees, k-d trees, and bounding volumes.
See also Frantisek Brabec and Samet's
very impressive Java applet,
for comparing data structures!
The amount of splitting that occurs during tree construction greatly
affects its memory and time cost.
Choosing a good split line (plane) at each step to minimize splitting
and/or balance the tree is critical.
When using a BSP tree for a painter's algorithm, typically the entire
tree is traversed, so the total size of the tree should be minimized,
and balance is unimportant.
When using a BSP tree for ray tracing, typically several paths from
root to leaves are followed, so minimizing the depth of the tree
is more critical than minimizing its total size,
and hence tree balance is important.
Styles of BSP Tree
There are several options according to how one answers the questions:
How are line segments / triangles / spheres / other objects
that span the split line (plane) handled?
split and recurse.
Subdivide the segment (or whatever) into pieces with the splitter
and recurse on the left and right subtrees.
This is the standard approach.
recurse without splitting.
List the full object in both subtrees.
Ray tracing this data structure is inefficient
unless ray-intersection "mailboxes" are used.
store the object at the internal node.
This way tree size is linear, but queries on the
data structure are less efficient in some (most?) cases.
Which lines (planes) are used for splitting?
Auto-partition: splitting lines (planes) are extensions of the
line segments (triangles) in the input set.
General: arbitrary lines (planes) can be used as splitters.
Axis-aligned: if the split planes are always perpendicular to the
axes, the BSP tree is called a k-d tree.
Sometimes people split at the geometric midpoint, or at the
median of the vertices along one dimension.
When to stop splitting?
split until the leaves contain a single line segment (triangle).
This is the classic approach.
stop sooner, when the leaves contain 10 objects or fewer, say.
This might be better, in some situations.
Note that theory folks (the computational geometry community) tend to study
auto-partitions a lot, while computer graphics and game people usually
don't limit themselves to auto-partitions.
When reading "expected" results, be careful to note the statistics of the
scenes being analyzed;
they may differ significantly from "real" scenes, e.g.
lots of possibly big polygons versus a triangulated manifold consisting of
lots of small polygons.
This difference probably explains the discrepancy between expected results
and empirical results.
Naylor '93 discusses this issue.
optimal tree construction
Building the smallest tree is NP-complete;
nobody does this in practice.
Instead people use heuristics to find approximately-optimal trees.
auto-partition of non-intersecting line segments
expected size
O(n log n).
See de Berg's book.
lower bound size
Just proven: there are
configurations of segments whose BSP tree has superlinear size.
In particular, there are sets of line segments where every BSP
tree needs Omega((n log n)/log log n) cuts, disproving the
long-standing conjecture that O(n) cuts
suffice. See paper by Toth will be in the
next (2001?) ACM SOCG proceedings.
empirical size
auto-partition of non-intersecting "fat" line segments
If the ratio of longest to shortest segment is bounded,
a linear size BSP tree exists.
See de Berg's papers.
auto-partition of non-intersecting triangles
expected size
Best known algorithm: O(n log^2 n).
See Agarwal's paper.
Older algorithms:
See de Berg's book.
lower bound size
That is, there are some configurations for which the smallest
BSP tree is Theta(n^2).
See de Berg's book.
All known algorithms will sometimes build trees
of quadratic size (Theta(n^2)) when a tree of linear size exists.
No one knows a fast algorithm for building a BSP tree that
is within a constant factor of the optimal size.
See Agarwal's paper.
empirical size
O(n log n)?
See Naylor's GI'93 paper.
I hope I've got the above results right.
Send me email
if not.
15-463, Computer Graphics 2
Paul Heckbert, 12 Apr. 2001