15-463 Computer Graphics 2 - Administrative Info

When: Spring 1999 (Jan. 12 - Apr. 29)
Time: TR 10:30-11:50
Place: Margaret Morrison A14

Professor: Paul Heckbert

Teaching Assistant: Andrew Bernard Course Secretary: Cleah Schlueter

Electronic Information

The class web page
Slides for some notes on notes page. Print & take notes on them. There will be some printed handouts (papers).

Newsgroup: cmu.cs.class.cs463.

/afs/andrew.cmu.edu/scs/cs/15-463/, which we call classdir. You get a directory in classdir/students. Public files are in classdir/pub.


Required Text

Other Texts and Sources

Grading Policies

The following are approximate:

Late penalty on assignments: 20% per CMU class day. Maple OK.

Assignments and Homework

There will be two kinds of assignments: Programming assignments and written homeworks.

Supported: Sun Sparcs, SGI's Linux PC's.

Write the core code yourself. Peripheral libraries may be copied. Talk to professor if in doubt. Software libraries we will use: Xforms (user interface library), OpenGL (3D graphics library), Xlib (X window system), and SVL (vector/matrix library). Support code for some assignments is written in C, for others, it is written in C++.