15-463 Syllabus, Spring '99
Computer Graphics 2 (15-463) is the successor to
Computer Graphics 1 (15-462).
Where 462 teaches introductory computer graphics broadly,
463 teaches selected topics in greater detail.
This page will have readings and schedule info later.
- Introduction
- Image Processing
- image warping and morphing
- image filtering
- Fourier transforms
- image and video compression
- Modeling
- parametric surfaces
- B-splines
- Bezier surfaces
- adaptive subdivision
- subdivision surfaces
- surface and volume data structures
- free-form deformation
- shape acquisition
- surface simplification
- Animation
- keyframe animation
- motion capture
- scripted animation
- dynamics
- Rendering
- perception
- aliasing & antialiasing
- recursive ray tracing
- advanced illumination models
- radiosity & global illumination
- scientific visualization & volume rendering
- graphics hardware & video games
15-463, Computer Graphics 2
ph@cs.cmu.edu Jan. 1999