Assignment 1

We were given the gray-scale image of the three colors, RGB of some pictures taken a long time ago. However the three images do not align properly.By calculating the sum of squared distances between the images at various offsets we can realign the images. To speed up the processing of larger images, we may use recursion. It is just doing the same thing on a downscaled image. Also the range of jittering is downscaled as well. With the best offset value from the downscaled image, we may jitter a small radius around that offset on the normal image. The offsets must of course be scaled up properly as well. I set a window size of 128*128. Any image smaller than this will stop it's recursion at this level. Also the edges of the images mostly contained noisy black areas which mess up the ssd value. So a fraction of the edges were set to be ignored in calculating the ssd.

Results from the smaller jpg's.
Offsets are [Rx, Ry, Gx, Gy]

results for 00149v.jpg
offset = [2, 9, 2, 4]

results for 00153v.jpg
offset = [6, 14, 3, 7]

results for 00163v.jpg
offset = [1, -4, 1, -3]

results for 00194v.jpg
offset = [4, 8, 2, 4]

results for 00398v.jpg
offset = [4, 11, 3, 5]

results for 00952v.jpg
offset = [-4, 8, -2, 3]

results for 01167v.jpg
offset = [-2, 12, 0, 5]

results for 01656v.jpg
offset = [-1, 12, 0, 2]

Results from the larger tif's
Offsets are [Rx, Ry, Gx, Gy]

results for 00458u.tif
offset = [32, 87, 6, 42]

results for 01043u.tif
offset = [17, 11, 10, -16]

results for 01047u.tif
offset = [33, 71, 20, 24]

results for 01657u.tif
offset = [11, 116, 9, 55]

Heegun Lee
Last modified: Mon Sep 12 21:00:18 EDT 2005