15-463 Computational Photography

Project 2: Face Modeling and Morphing

Lindley French                lms@andrew.cmu.edu

(My picture. + Next Picture)/2 = Halfway Morph
Here is a sample of the output of my morphing algorithm. The complete set of frames can be found here, and a Quicktime movie of my morph can be found here. If you have difficulty playing it, I will make another format available.

For my averages and caricatures, I used the faces of the entire class, plus jmacalli's family (here), plus the faces of four celebrities: Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau (both stars of Serenity, which opens September 30th and will rock), Alyson Hannigan, and Julie Benz. Photos and control points for them can be found at the link below.

The average face that I found is:
Class Average       Class Average
The squeezed background is the result of my image resizing function, which I run on every face to match the eye positions to my own. It automatically scales the inter-eye distance to be the same, then rotates and translates the image and points to match. This does funky things with the four corner points. Therefore, I have included a version which does not make use of those four points.

With my face texture applied to the average geometry....

Or the average texture applied to my face geometry.

A set of 43 correspondence points for my face (left above) as specified on the webpage is here.

My entire set of correspondence points for all faces is here. To ignore the background, use only the first 43 points in each file.

I found averages of only the male and female faces as well.
Clearly, I am still not working with a representative sample. But this is an improvement, at least.
I attempted to use these to create feminized and masculized versions of myself, but the results were not all I'd hoped.
Perhaps it would be better to simply find midway points between myself and each of the averages. I'm using 60% me, 40% average face here.

Caricatures of myself:
Looks kinda angry.

Or with my normal face color.

I also did a set of caricatures based on the masculine and feminine averages.
Based on the Male average                Based on the female average          

Inverse caricatures.....the anti-me.
Inverse Caricature Full       Inverse Caricature

With my face.
Inverse Caricature with my face.
No comment....

Here's an inverse caricature generated using the female average.

And using the male average.