15-463 Computational Photography

Project 5: Tour Into the Picture

Lindley French                lms@andrew.cmu.edu

In this project, I used a single-point projection model to project portions of an image onto the inside of a 3D box. I also implemted support for rectangular foreground objects, although I did not have time to add texture synthesis for filling in the space behind the objects. This would be an entire challenge in itself to do properly.

Due to limitations of Matlab, I was unable to properly render views from within the scene, only from various angles in front of it. However, zooming in was able to provide the illusion of being within the scene, and there would be little benefit to reverse-views in any case. The real drawback to this problem is that it prevented any exploration of the possibility of infinitely flying through the scene. In both painter mode and OpenGL mode, Matlab obscured the rear plane and strangely warped the side planes upon moving the camera too close. In zbuffer mode this did not occur, but the texture mapping on the planes was incorrect. It appeared to use affine rather than projective warps.