Moving Object Detection From 2D Images
Photoed From Moving Camera
This Project is trying to implemet the paper "Parallax Geometry of Pairs of Points for 3D Scene Analysis "
published by M. Irani and P. Anandan, in 1996. The detail is available here
simple ppt
First Step : The Planar Parallax Decomposition
Using the image registration to find out the homography matrix between two frames.
Then using the optical flow algo to find the corresponding points.
Example 1:
First frame
| Second frame
| Reference frame
Difference between reference frame and first frame after image registration
| Difference between reference frame and second frame after image registration
Optical flow field between reference frame and first frame
| Optical flow field between reference frame and second frame
Example 2:
First frame
| Second frame
| Reference frame
Difference between reference frame and first frame after image registration
| Difference between reference frame and second frame after image registration
Optical flow field between reference frame and first frame
| Optical flow field between reference frame and second frame
Second Step : The ParallaxBased Rigidity Constraint
In the following figure ,
p1 is the reference point : pw1 is the image point in the reference frame which results from warping the p1's corresponding point
in the next frame by the homography matrix from the image reqistration ; and u is the parallax displacment.
Use the parallax based rigidity constraint as following to find out the moving object . If the p2 is is the moving object , it will not obey the constraint.

But in the process of implement , I find that since of the precision of the float number, we can't get the zero purely from the constraint,
so I set the threhold for the ratio for the part before and after the minus sign.
Result after applying the constraint , red points stand for moving object
Example 1:
The result of first frame
| The result of second frame
Example 2:
The result of first frame
| The result of second frame
From the result showed above, the effect of detection is not very good.
Although there are some red points on the real moving object, but they are with a lot of noises on it either.
Since the image registration's effect looks good, so I think the optical flow is the main reason for the bad result.
Big region of single color or big movement my cause wrong optical flow result . Besides, the choosing of reference point
will also cause the error if it is not the background but the moving object.
Page by Wei-Chen Chiu Dec 15th 2006