15-463 Project1 Results by Scott Shih-yu Wang
Updated with Bells and Whistles, Sep. 13 2006
Small Resolution Images:
A single-scale version to align the three seperated color channels.
Cut each channel image's side by 1/15 of its length first to avoid the alignment calculation error caused by circle shifting the image,
and then use the Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) algorithm to calculate the displacement vector of channel G to B and channel R to B.
Displacement vector of channel G is [5,2]; displacement vector of channel R is [10,1].
Displacement vector of channel G is [4,2]; displacement vector of channel R is [9,2].
Displacement vector of channel G is [7,3]; displacement vector of channel R is [14,5].
Displacement vector of channel G is [-3,1]; displacement vector of channel R is [-4,1].
Displacement vector of channel G is [3,1]; displacement vector of channel R is [12,1].
Displacement vector of channel G is [7,0]; displacement vector of channel R is [15,1].
Displacement vector of channel G is [5,3]; displacement vector of channel R is [11,4].
Displacement vector of channel G is [7,1]; displacement vector of channel R is [15,0].
Displacement vector of channel G is [5,0]; displacement vector of channel R is [12,-2].
Displacement vector of channel G is [6,2]; displacement vector of channel R is [14,4].
Displacement vector of channel G is [4,0]; displacement vector of channel R is [11,0].
Large Resolution Images:
A multi-scale version to align the three seperated color channels.
Create a 4-level image pyramid first, and then do the same thing of the single-scale version for each level from top to down.
The output image is converted from 16-bit tiff to 8-bit jpeg file with the same resolution to save disk space and achieve better performance reading this page and opening full-size image.
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [42,6]; displacement vector of channel R is [87,32].
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [60,-2]; displacement vector of channel R is [133,-18].
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [13,-5]; displacement vector of channel R is [133,-12].
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [-17,10]; displacement vector of channel R is [11,17].
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [24,20]; displacement vector of channel R is [72,33].
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [56,8]; displacement vector of channel R is [111,12].
Other Large Resolution Images from the LoC Collection:
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [78,20]; displacement vector of channel R is [152,26].
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [27,4]; displacement vector of channel R is [62,7].
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [72,17]; displacement vector of channel R is [152,20].
Click on the image to open a full size image in a new browser window.
Click here to open the original input image.
Displacement vector of channel G is [37,0]; displacement vector of channel R is [80,-13].
Bells and Whistles: Crop The Bad Borders
This works on most of the small images, only some images are hard to handle and I don't have time to improve it.
Generally the program search over where the three color channels are very different from each other, and then cut that part off.
Black and white edges are also removed at the end.





Page by Scott Wang, Sep. 11 2006.