15-463 HW #1 Stephen Lin (SL2a@andrew.cmu.edu)
Result Small Images:
Result Large Images:
Some Notables about the code
- It reads a folder to generate list of images to process, namely the data/ folder
- Uses the built in edge function with 'sobel' and sensitivity of .05
- It ignores a border region since that seems to contribute negatively toward aligning images
- Will display the intermitten alignments of the images if you un-comment the imshows in the align function - quite fun to watch
- Saves all images as jpeg despite original filetype due to compatibility as well as size/ease of viewing
- Saves aligned R,G,B channels independantly as well for other use, such as easily comparing how well the images are aligned outside Matlab
- colorize_skel_2.m - Main code, vers 2 (uses recursiveness)
- align.m - Recursive Multi-Resolution code to align images
- getPad.m - calculates original edge pad/ignore size (somewhat arbitrarily calculated)
- error_sq.m - originally calculated mean squared error using raw pixel data, but after switched over to calling edge function, just calculates the difference between the edge images
Wednesday, September 13, 2006