Assignment – 4: Feature Matching for Autostitching


-Charudatta Phatak



Section 1: Feauture detection and matching


I used the sample code provided for harris corner detection and made some modifications to it. Mainly used a bigger derivative kernel and used matlab function ordfilt2 for non-maxima suppression. The detected feature points are shown in red. After the detecing the feature points, the feature descriptors were calculated by sampling 8x8 patches from 40x40 patches. Then I used SSD to match the descriptors. Thresholding was done based on the 1-NN/2-NN ratio. In the figures below, points in blue were obtained after this step. Then using RANSAC, homography was estimated amongst these points and the outliers were rejected. In figures below, points in yellow were obtained after RANSAC . Then the code from prev. assignment was used to generate mosaic from the images.


Image Set 1:


Figure 1: Red - Detected Feature points, Blue – Matched feature pts, Yellow – RANSAC feature points


Figure 2: Mosaic generated using the yellow points above.


Image Set 2:

Figure 3: Red - Detected Feature points, Blue – Matched feature pts, Yellow – RANSAC feature points


Figure 4: Mosaic generated from yellow points.


Bells & Whistles:-


Section 2:  Multiscale feature detection.


I used a 3 level Gaussian pyramid of the images and detected the feature points in each level. The maximaÕs were selected by comparing the neighborhoods across all the 3 levels of the pyramids.  The results are shown in the figure. The varying diameter of the spot shows the level at which it was selected.

Figure 5: Feature points detected over multiscale.


Then I also computed the orientation vector [cos(q) , sin(q)] for each point as mentioned in the MOPS paper. The arrows in the figure show the orientation vector for each point. These were also calculated over all the levels of the images.


Figure 6: Vectors showing the orientation of the feature patches at all the levels.



Section 3: Automatic panorama recognition


A set of images was given as the input in random order. I didnÕt use the bundle assignment but crudely forced a check over the no. of matching points it found to be less than 4 by keeping the threshold of 1-NN/2-NN very low.



Image set 1:



Figure 7: The input image set in the order it was input.



Figure 8: Output images.


Image set 2:





Figure 9: Input images in the order of input.




Figure 10: Output images.