This webpage was created by Mark Ritterhoff

Below are the resulting rendered images made by my program. In order to make the aligning process more accurate, I trim 7% of the image off of all 4 sides. This way only the true image is being aligned, not black bars which mess up the alignment. The only image that is unaligned is the one with the t01754out.jpg, the one with the cammels. The reason for this is the large defect in one of the color channles, that is trying to be matched against the image but fails to because it isn't in any of the other color channels. I hope you enjoy my photos as much as I enjoyed writing the code to produce them!

Note: There are 2 tiff renderings that are not displayed. They are on one of the local graphics machines and I was unable to transfer them off, if you would like to see them, please let me know.

To see the photo directory, click here.