Aaron Johnson's Vertigo Zoom
For this assignment I used my Sony DSC-F828 digital SLR-style camera,
8MP, 7x optical zoom. The rather large zoom scale made the effect very
noticeable from start to finish on both of these shots, as both use almost the entire optical range of the camera.
The first sequence was taken during the day outside the Carnegie Cafe. The focus of this shot is the red awning.
I was expecting to take the pictures going up the amphitheater, but my
7x zoom was better than that so I had to go most of the way to schlag to
get the last shot. In processing the images I learned that I have a
pretty consistent 2 degree turn to the left in most of my pictures,
which is easy to correct in any photo editing software.

The second sequence was taken at night on the football field at CMU. The focus of this shot is the center window of Danforth lounge. I
used my camera's low light mode, which takes in IR light in additional
to regular light to get better pictures at night. This works pretty
well, but leaves pictures with a greenish tint. The long zoom shots
(which i put first in this sequence) are a little blurrier because there
was little light and the zoom amplifies any jitter in the camera.