This is another scenario that I created with Playmobil figures on my dining table. This time, I had changed to zooming out while I moved the subject closer towards my camera. Moving the subjects while keeping them in the exact spot in the pictures was very difficult. As seen in the images below, sometimes I had accidentally changed the angle of the object my mistake. The animated gif image was created with 0 seconds of delay between the images.
Animated Gif:
Field of View Calculation:
Minimum Zoom |
Maximum Zoom |
The images were taken infront of my apartment, with the focus of the object being the trash can lid. The measurements are below:
The width of the trash can lid: 23 inches
Distance from camera to trash can at minimum zoom: 79 inches
Distance from camera to trash can at maximum zoom: 423 inches
From using the equation given in the second lecture, the field of view (FOV) can be calculated with FOV = arctan(d/2f).
At minimum zoom: FOV = arctan(38/(2x79)) = 8.28 degrees
At maximum zoom: FOV = arctan(38/(2x423)) = 1.58 degrees