15-463: Computational Photography
Project 5: Single View Modeling (Tour into the Picture )
Eugenio Dominguez
For this project the task was to create a simple, planar 3D scene from a single photograph. The project will follow the description in Tour into the Picture by Horry et al. in modeling the scene as a 3D axis-parallel box.
The algorithm to create the 3D scene works in the folowing way:
- Manually define wich parts in the image will corespond to the 5 planes in the 3D box.
- Rectify each one of the sides.
- Model a 3D box and add the rectified images as textures.
Some examples of generating different views from a single picture.

from rourkevisualart.com
Novel viewpoints

from wvs.topleftpixel.com
Novel viewpoints

from flickr user j.towbin
Novel viewpoints

from flickr user Beyond The Grave
Novel viewpoints