
Here are the results from running the naive algorithm on the smaller images:

Image AlignmentGAlignmentR
[1 -2][1 -3]
[-1 0][-6 1]
[0 2][5 3]
[-3 -1][-2 -2]
[8 1][15 1]
[6 2][14 4]
[5 0][10 0]
[5 1][0 0]
[5 0][11 -5]
[6 2][13 3]
[6 3][13 4]
[8 0][13 0]


Here are the results from running the pyramid algorithm on the large images:

[10 1][80 32]
[136 31][120 52]
[44 -17][92 -33]
[52 15][112 40]
[52 32][96 29]
[72 29][140 31]

Bells and Whistles

For the bells and whistles, I cropped the images to remove as much of the border with the misaligned plates as possible.

I did this by finding the corner of the plate that was pushed the lowest and to the left and the diagonal corner that was the highest and most right.

I then cropped the image based on these points