The provided "" file was produced by classifying a series of images with the EasyTrain tool (Tekkotsu/tools/easytrain), in each of HSB, xy, and YUV color spaces. The EasyTrain color specification files for each of these spaces are provided here (*.spc). The corresponding threshold files are *not* provided to save space, but can be regenerated by loading each of the .spc files in EasyTrain and then clicking 'Save' within the GUI. Each of these color spaces gives pretty good results on their own, but as a post-processing step, we used the Vote tool (Tekkotsu/tools/seg/ to combine their results into a single threshold file, which yields the you see in ms/config. e.g.: $ cd Tekkotsu/tools/seg $ java Vote /path/to/7gen-*.tm .../project/ms/config/