15-494/694 Cognitive Robotics: Lab 1
Learning Goal: This lab will familiarize you with the Tekkotsu
user interface, called the ControllerGUI, and the Calliope2SP
robot hardware.
Part I: Account Setup
You will only have to do this once.
- Log in to a lab workstation using your Andrew userid and password.
- Open a gnome-terminal by typing alt-control-T.
- Run the setup script by typing this command in your terminal window:
$ ~/Class/utils/setup-account
- In your gnome-terminal, select Edit and then Profile Preferences.
Click on Scrolling and select unlimited scrollback. Then click the
Close button to save your change. Then edit Keyboard Shortcuts and
turn off the top checkbox (for menu access keys), so that you can use
Emacs-style commands (like alt-F) in the shell.
Part II: The ControllerGUI and the Mirage Simulator
- Start the Mirage simulator, the ControllerGUI, and Tekkotsu by following the
steps on the Running Mirage
page on the wiki, with one change. Instead of running tekkotsu-CALLIOPE in the first tab, you should
run tekkotsu-CALLIOPE2SP.
- Explore the robot's user interface by following the steps in the
Lab on the wiki. Skip the Preliminaries section and jump straight
to Teleoperation. Don't do the Sensor Observer part; save that for running on the real robot.
Part III: Calliope2SP Assembly and Power-Up
Do this part in teams of 2 people.
- Read the web page on Create
Controls and Indicators
- Follow the Calliope2SP
Assembly Instructions on the wiki to put together your Calliope2SP
- On the netbook, follow the Ubuntu
install instructions starting at step 5 (steps 1-4 have already
been done for you.) and proceeding only through step 8. Note: the
easiest way to do this is to visit the wiki page using a browser on
the netbook, and then cut and paste the commands into a terminal
- Follow the Tekkotsu
install instructions on the wiki. Skip the optional software
section, except for dynamixel_util, which you'll want.
- Follow the Linux Udev Rules
instructions on the wiki.
Part IV: Testing the Robot and Running the Sensor Observer
- Make sure the netbook is powered up. If not, turn it on and it will
boot in about a minute.
- Unplug the charger from the Create. Tekkotsu will not be able to
control the robot if the charger is plugged in. Then press the power
button on the Create to power it up. The power LED will flash several
times and the Create will make a short beep to indicate that it has
powered up successfully.
- Turn the slide switch on the servo controller board to the "on" position;
you'll hear a beep, and the white LED on the robot's head will illuminate.
- Run Tekkotsu on the robot and use the ControllerGUI on the robot to drive the robot around.
- Later we'll set things up so that you can control the robot from the workstation.
Read the Create
sensors page at the Tekkotsu wiki.
Do the Sensor Observer exercise in the Teleoperation
Lab on the Tekkotsu wiki.
Part V: Powering Down
- Stop Tekkotsu by typing control-D or "quit" in the terminal window.
- Press the power button on the Create and the LEDs should all go out.
- Move the slide switch on the servo controller board back to the
neutral position, shutting off servo power and extinguishing the
system power light. (This is because we don't want to energize the
robot's servos while it's on the charger.)
- You can leave the netbook powered up; make sure it is plugged in
to its charger, then close the lid.
- Plug in the Create's charger cable.
Part VI: Troubleshooting