15-494/694 Spring 2015: Kodu Robot Toy Tasks

This is a discussion document that will be fleshed out as the class progresses. Send comments and suggestions to Dave Touretzky or bring them up in class.
  1. Kodu interpreter.
    1. Parser for text files encoding Kodu programs.
    2. Rule interpreter.
    3. Implementation of basic perception, navigation, and manipulation primitives (as in Troi Williams' MS thesis.)

  2. Mockup of UI design for a tablet.

  3. XBox 360 game controller support.
    • In Java, can use JXInput or JInput.
    • Add this support to ControllerGUI?
    • Add as a Tekkotsu event stream?

  4. Mockup of a themed environment for the robot.
    • Like a dollhouse for robots?
    • Plastic walls with artwork denoting a street scene or a Star Wars set.
    • AprilTags or RFID tags for robot guidance?
    • Upward-facing markers for the perched camera view?
    • How will the robot use the environment?

  5. Robot costumes and personalities.
    1. Body design: plastic shell, fabric, other?
    2. Can we add a face?
      • A static structure mounted on the pan/tilt might be enough.
    3. Personality design:
      • Sounds that match the character.
      • Fidgeting patterns that match the character.

  6. Object competencies: being really good at manipulating specific things.
    • Cylinders with access obstructed by walls, or by other objects.
    • Placing dominoes as in a game.

  7. Robot-robot interactions.
    1. Perceiving other robots, either directly or via the world map.
    2. Inter-robot communication (via shared events) to simulate how Kodu's "hear" action detects another robot's "say", "emote", and "play sound" actions.
    3. Coordination between robots for "give" actions.
    4. Implementation of a "shoot" action.

  8. Perched camera system.
    1. Test the concept to assess feasibility.
    2. What markings are needed to make the robot easily detectable?
    3. Can we make the environment (walls) detectable?
    4. How much of a problem is occlusion by children?
    5. How hard is it to integrate on-board camera info with perched camera info via a global map?

  9. Demo video.
    • See the Claytronics demo video for an example.
    • About 5 minutes long?
    • What should be covered?
      1. Users driving the robots with their game pads.
      2. Two robots interacting.
      3. Kodu rule editor.
      4. Autonomous object manipulation.
      5. Themed environments.
      6. Mixture of autonomous and user-guided behavior.

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Last modified: Sun Jan 25 19:26:29 EST 2015