15-494/694 Cognitive Robotics: Final Project Presentation and Hand-In
Your Presentation
The last day of class will be devoted to presentations of final
projects, preferably with a live demo, but you should have a fallback
plan (a video) if things don't go well.
For your presentation you should have a brief PowerPoint deck, around 5-7 slides,
- What problem you attempted to solve.
- The approach you took.
- What is the most interesting aspect of your solution?
- The results you obtained. What worked? What didn't work?
- How this work could be extended in the future.
What To Hand In
Please submit a zip file in AutoLab containing:
- The slides from your presentation, discussing what you did.
- Include some pictures, or video if appropriate.
- Your source code.
- Instructions for how to run your code.
WARNING: If you include links to Google drive files, you must set the share properties of
those files to "Anyone with the link can view".