What is StarFleet

StarFleet is an interactive multiplayer network based game for UNIX workstations running the X11 windowing system. StarFleet is a 2 dimensional space game along the same lines as xtrek/netrek. There the similarities end.

Ships in StarFleet are constructed from 16 different types of systems, from transporters to impulse engines to phasers. There is no limit on the number or combination of systems carried on a ship. For instance, a ship can have a number of different shields that extend over one or more of its six sides, and even overlap. Damage is done to ships on a system-by-system basis. So, for instance, one or more of a ship's engines can be damaged, while the rest of the ship may be fine. Or, for example, the systems on the side of a ship facing an enemy may be damaged heavily while the systems on the other sides could be untouched. A ship is destroyed when its hull is completely destroyed.

Power is an important concept is StarFleet. For every "turn", or tick of the server clock, there must be enough power provided by the engines to move the ship, charge the shields and weapons, and power systems. If there is not enough power to cover all these needs, power is allocated in a priority specified by the player.

Repair works in a similar way. There is only a certain amount of repair that can be accomplished in a server tick. This amount is based on resources carried by the ship and number of living crew. Systems must be repaired to a certain level to function. If not repaired fully, their function will be scaled by their damage. So, for instance, a damaged phaser cannot fire as far, and a damaged engine does not generate as much power. Repair priority can be set by the player, so that, for instance, shields are repaired before weapons, or engines before shields, and so on.

The StarFleet universe can be very large. The system is designed so that a large number of ships can be operating within a universe divided up into quadrants and sectors. The locations and names of suns are read in from a universe config file at startup. Around these stars orbit planets whose distance from their star, orbital period, and size are also read in from the config file. The goals and size of a game can change based on the layout and size of the universe.

StarFleet is designed to be configurable in the extreme. There are currently several major types of config files governing such diverse things as the universe layout, ship parts, ships, server behavior, and client window placement and key bindings.

At present there are 3 races: Federation, Klingon, and Romulan; and 111 distinct ship descriptions ranging from starbases to tugs. Naturally, the number and types of races are configurable as are the ships.

The systems currently implemented are as follows:

A StarFleet ship can contain any number of these systems covering any side or combination of sides.

The StarFleet functionality is divided among 3 executables:

The Client

The StarFleet client is made up of many different windows. Some of the more important ones are as follows:

Each window has a number of resources that control its behavior and appearance. Windows can also have "functions" that are bound to keys or mouse buttons. The binding of keys and buttons as well as resource settings is controlled by the client configuration file. Functions (or actions) are bound to keys on a window by window basis. So, for instance, the binding "8 goto-impulse-speed 80" would bind the action of going to impulse speed 80 to the key "8". The client config file also supports macro definitions that combine multiple actions that can be bound to a single key, or used in other macro definitions. For instance we have a macro to turn on and activate all systems on a ship, and macros to fire torpedos in complex salvos.

The StarFleet client provides a straightforward interface to windows, so programming new windows for StarFleet and including them in clients will not be a problem. New window contributions will be encouraged.

The Robot

The StarFleet robot can be thought of as a collection of many different robots, each controlling a part of the whole. Each robot is constructed of routines to handle its creation and deletion, and an update routine to be called periodically. In addition, each robot can register itself to receive "events" such as ship creation, ship destruction, a player joining, messages from players, or messages from other robots. At present there are only four robot types implemented:

There are a great many possible robots that can be implemented to perform different tasks. The robot executable is designed to allow many different robots written by different people to interact and operate in the same universe. Robot contributions will also be encouraged.

The Server

The StarFleet server controls ship and missile movement, planet economy updating, ship system updating, intership visibility, ship to ship messages, and getting information out to players and the robot.

The server has its own config file to control basic behaviors of the universe such as ship speeds (i.e. what does warp 1 mean in terms of movement), whether or not a player is allowed to change ships without logging out, and how many ticks per second the server will generate. Any basic server behavior changes are intended to go into the server config and be selectable as an option. New server behavior will be encouraged as long as it can be made selectable in the server config.

Steve Gifford - sjg+@cs.cmu.edu Jim Zelenka - jimz+@cs.cmu.edu
Last update: 19 August 1994