Keywords: {penup, pendown, pencolor, penwidth, penheight, penshape, forward, up, turn, moveto, heading, const}
penup and pendown control whether the pen is up or down. It is up by default.
pencolor [material] specifies what material objects drawn by the pen should use.
penwidth [float] and penheight [float] specify the pen's width and height.
penshape [shape_type] specifies what type of shapes the pen will draw.
const var=float will bind the value specified by the float to var for all logo commands
forward [float] will move the turtle forward the specified amount. If the pen is down, it will draw a line along the path it takes using the pen's parameters.
up [float] will move the turtle up the specified amount. If the pen is down, it will draw a line along the path it takes using the pen's parameters.
turn [float] will rotation the turtle the specified amount of degrees.
moveto [float,float,float] will set the turtle's location
heading [float] will set the turtle's heafing
pencolor [material] specifies what material objects drawn by the pen should use.
penwidth [float] and penheight [float] specify the pen's width and height.
penshape [shape_type] specifies what type of shapes the pen will draw.
const var=float will bind the value specified by the float to var for all logo commands
forward [float] will move the turtle forward the specified amount. If the pen is down, it will draw a line along the path it takes using the pen's parameters.
up [float] will move the turtle up the specified amount. If the pen is down, it will draw a line along the path it takes using the pen's parameters.
turn [float] will rotation the turtle the specified amount of degrees.
moveto [float,float,float] will set the turtle's location
heading [float] will set the turtle's heafing