The Basics
This example shows the basic syntax of defining multiple shapes in the Mirage environment.

Copy Groups

This example shows a more complicated series of shapes, and uses the clone functionality of the parser to duplicate the stack of spheres twice.
This example provides an environment which is interesting for testing kinematics of the robot, but would be difficult or expensive to construct in reality. Using our language, we were able to construct this environment in just a few minutes.

Cool Worlds

This example shows a more complex environment defined entirely within our language. By copying and mirroring groups of objects, we created a large environment fairly easily.
This example shows the capability of the parser to rapidly create large groups of objects in a way the user can easily specify.
The textures for the grass and buildings were custom made for this environment, which is a modification done outside of the parser.
The textures for the grass and buildings were custom made for this environment, which is a modification done outside of the parser.

Logo Mode

Using the turtle pen capability of our parser, we created a simple spiral shape by turning the turtle while moving the pen forward by greater and greater amounts.
We used the turtle pen mode to quickly create a maze for the Chiara robot from a sketch done on graph paper.
Because we used the turtle to draw the walls of the maze, we didn't need to worry about specifying absolute coordinates for the positions of each wall.
Because we used the turtle to draw the walls of the maze, we didn't need to worry about specifying absolute coordinates for the positions of each wall.