Will it roll ?
Learning environment property through action
Francois Chu
The idea for this project is to study what a robot can learn by
itself when it only relies on its own senses and motor system. What
kind of property can it learn, if it is limited by a black and white
camera and a single arm ? Would it develop the same approach of
spatiality if experienced through the sense of touch or through a
stereoscopic vision system. In this project, we focused specifically on
the property of rollability. We want to study if the robot can
differentiate a rollable object from a non rollable one, not only by
watching at them but also by interacting with them, since the
rollability property is intrinsically a movement property than cannot
be observed on still images (human can do it because they have several
years experience with cubes and balls!).
This page present my project results for 15-494 Cognitive Robotics,
taught by Dave Touretzky, by giving a brief description of the model I
wanted to implement, the actual implementation, and some results and
additional ideas.
Theoretical model
This problem can be expressed with the following model: we want to
describe how a robot can attribute a property to what he describes as
an object by interacting with the environment.

If the robot can use a video camera, he can then understand some static property:

a black and white camera and an arm, he can understand the notion of
compressibility, but cannot anymore grasps the idea of color.

this project, we want to study a robot that learns the property of
rollability, as a proof of concept of the ability of a robot acquiring
knowledge by itself.

general architecture of the main behavior reproduces the theoretical
structure presented above. The states in the following sequence
alternate between the input, the output and the process of information.
The behavior can be divided in 2 main components :
- Search and alignment: the Chiara robot is looking for the
object to test, and move toward its target to align its body and its
arm properly in order to perform the action.
- Action,
feedback and decision: when the alignement condition is met, the action
is performed, and a sequence of frame are recorded. Then, based on the
variation of the object blob area, the Decider concludes if the object
can roll or not.
To increase the classification accuracy, the Behavior can loop a certain number of time and average the results.
The Decider class, depending on the results of its algorithms, throw
different SignalEvents. For instance, the loop indicated in red is
just after an action is performed on the object, and captures the
movement by computing the blob size.
Here we can see the (slightly) difference of reaction between a rollable and a non rollable object:
The following video show a run of the Behavior against a rollable
and a non rollable object, each focused on the robot or on the Sketch
Although the classification is usually correct in good environment
conditions, the accuracy drops significantly when these conditions are
not met. There are multiple reasons for the behavior to fail
classifying correctly :
- Camera noise: since the behavior is based on the areas
(in pixel) that are observed, noisy images can result in inaccurate
input data for the Decider to operate correctly. In particular, light
exposure can
- Lack of precision: for the Behavior to
classify correctly, the arm should be positioned precisely relatively
to the target object. Since the robot doesn't have 3D vision, the
object position (in the local Shape Space) is an approximation that is
not precise enough to get identical object reactions. The Walk
mechanism of the robot
- Non included parameters:
inclinaison and adherence of the floor. The robot is unaware of these
parameters which certainly influences the object feedback
Conclusion & Future work
Different aspects could benefit from further improvement :
- Input processing: in our example, the algorithm that
predict if an object is rollable is quite simple, and was hand
generated. In order to match the idea of robot learning by himself, we
could change this algorithm by a clustering algorithm, which would take
more features (such as SIFT descriptors, motion histogram, etc.) With
time, categories of objets would maybe naturally appear.
- Actions:
we have so far implemented the straight push, but to increase the
choice of possible tests to perform on an object, future work could try
to implement different actions, such as an arm swap, or a front right
leg push (which is higher than the arm push and allows torque push
around the y axis). For each of these actions, we can also try
different velocities.
- Input sensors: with Chiara, we were
limited to the camera, and to some extend to the IR sensor. What if the
robot could have a touch sense, and build a sensorial representation of
its environment ?
Also, this project can provide good insights for further research:
- What are the sensors and the motors that enable the most expressivity for a robot to learn ?
- How can the robot understand the possible actions it can do ?