Performed and Developed by Booz-Allen and Hamilton


The State of Maryland is striving to realize its vision of future telecommunicationsservices to State employees and citizens. As a part of this effort, the State of MarylandTelecommunications Network Study was undertaken to evaluate Marylands wide areatelecommunications network infrastructure, identify alternative technologies and strategies, andrecommend future network solutions.

Maryland's current telecommunications architecture is typical of many large governmentand commercial organizations. Individual networks have evolved over a period of years; as newrequirements emerged, new networks and additional capacity were added, leading to theoperation of independent networks throughout the State. Although many of these networks sharecommon transmission facilities, there are few unified plans to share resources. This results in anuncoordinated design throughout the current telecommunications environment. Also, largeragencies with greater resources typically have more advanced networks, and smaller agencies areoften technologically disadvantaged.

The State plans to make significant changes in information and computing systems overthe next several years, as indicated by Maryland's Information Technology Board's (ITB) Missionand Vision Statement. It is imperative that a modern telecommunications infrastructure be inplace to support a broad array of communications, information access, and electronic transactionservices to employees and citizens, and to provide connectivity to local jurisdictions and beyondMaryland's borders.

This report evaluates Marylands current wide area telecommunications networkinfrastructure, identifies alternative technologies and strategies, and provides a conceptualnetwork architecture to support the recommendations. The report addresses agencies' currentand future telecommunications requirements, and considers options for improving citizen andbusiness access to government information and services. This report provides a strategic,statewide telecommunications network plan that guides the State in acquiring high-performance,reliable, and cost-effective network facilities and services to meet its needs into the twenty-firstcentury.


Telecommunications network planning challenges include constant technologicaladvances, changing user requirements, and industry trends. Each of these factors can affect futurearchitectures. Technology and associated standards and services play a major role in networkplanning and development. Planning must consider current and planned availability of networks,standards, and services to meet user requirements. Understanding these technology trends,choosing the best available, and facilitating compatibility and interoperability among systems andnetworks challenge network evolution.

Technological advances constantly increase the menu of applications available. Thenumber of information services has grown tremendously in a relatively short time. As technologycontinues to improve performance capabilities, users will employ more capable applications andexpect less delay in processing and accessing information. Networks will carry large amounts ofdata and imagery traffic, as an example.

User requirements now encompass an integrated information environment. Technicaladvances have blurred the distinctions between computing and communications. In addition, newpolicy and regulatory directions in both the Federal and State arenas will significantly influencetelecommunications planning. Increasingly, legislation and Public Service Commission regulationin the State will stimulate competition, technological growth, and increase the number of availableservices and applications. In addition, the Office of the Governor has emphasized that publicaccess to State information, where appropriate, and interagency access to databases are critical tomaking State government more efficient and effective.


The study team interviewed key officials within State organizations and tappedinformation on the goals and objectives of current and planned networks. Also, where possible,transaction data, such as billing and network management statistics on the States current systems,was collected. The required performance and operating parameters for the key components of theState's telecommunications networks were also identified.

Using current network data and information on future requirements, the current networkwas assessed for its ability to meet changing demands for data capacity and connectivity. Aconceptual direction for the State was then developed, selecting from broad categories ofimplementations (e.g., switched versus point-to-point for the data network, trunked versusconventional for the wireless network). Information regarding future user needs guided thedevelopment of the conceptual network. Within these broad implementation categories, specificstandards and products exist, which suggested alternative candidate network designs.

To verify the general direction of requirements and the appropriate strategic direction, theState hosted a conference on March 13, 1995. The purpose was to discuss and share informationgathered to date, and gain a better understanding of future requirements and high-priorityinitiatives. The conference also provided a forum to discuss candidate criteria to evaluatenetwork alternatives. A broad cross-section of State agencies and personnel participated in theconference. Invitees are listed in Appendix D.

Interviews and data collection resumed after the State conference; all information gatheredcontributed to the evaluation of candidate technologies and network designs. These conceptualdesigns considered changes in telecommunications regulations, current State practices and assets,and industry trends. The concepts were influenced by research on telecommunications strategiesof major corporations, other States' telecommunications plans and experiences, and Marylandssuccessful network implementations. These network architectures also considered the continuedvalue of legacy applications.

The candidate network designs were evaluated based on feasibility and costs. The designsincluded selecting the major nodes and links, and estimating the costs of equipment andtransmission facilities. Network modeling and tariff analysis tools were used to develop thedesigns. Implementation plans were developed to specify the transition strategy for evolving tothe new network. The factors considered in determining the strategy included the ability to meetcommunications requirements, the use of existing infrastructure, and the relative cost of operatinga new network.

This process culminated in the recommendation of a telecommunications network designto be reached over 10 years. This design includes capacity for transfer of data, voice, video, andwireless information.


As result of the research and analyses described above, the following conclusions andrecommendations were made.

Data Services

1. The State can realize improved data transfer services at reduced cost. The Statescurrent data networks are typically implemented ad-hoc, each supporting an individual applicationand/or database. Although each network appears to be implemented at the lowest cost, whenviewed in the aggregate, these networks miss opportunities for greater savings available from acoordinated design. Application-specific networks often traverse similar paths, providingopportunities for sharing of resources.

2. In the near-term (1-5 years), a transition to a statewide router-based network offersthe most immediate potential for cost savings. This network will maintain the ability totransport legacy mainframe application data over a common network. Several network designswere considered; a network with 12 routers at 12 locations is the recommended solution.

3. In the longer term (5-10 years), this router-based network can gracefully evolve intoa fully switched network. This network will provide sufficient capacity to accommodateprojected data, video tele-conferencing, and telephone connectivity between local calling areas.

4. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology is not yet appropriate for use. Inthe short term, the common network will not have sufficient demand to require the transfercapacity offered by ATM. Furthermore, although ATM is considered a robust protocol,standards are not yet mature, and economics have not been proven. As ATM standards areresolved and the requirements for data transfer grow, ATM may become an appropriate option.

5. Security of the network can be maintained at the level required by the State. Theproposed network would be private and can be protected from unauthorized access from other,more public networks such as the Internet. "Firewalls" and application-specific securitytechniques, such as user authentication, will allow different levels of security to be implemented.

6. The State should increase the availability of information to the public via a separateInternet capability. Internet access is relatively simple to establish, and can be made widelyavailable to the general population through PCs in the home and libraries, and kiosks in libraries,State offices, and other public areas. Information on the location of State offices; procedures forobtaining licenses; the location of health clinics; statistics on population, the environment, andhealth; and other information of general interest should be considered for placement on theInternet. Many State agencies and institutions are well versed in Internet server implementationsand security. This expertise should be exploited for the benefit of the citizens.

Voice Services

1. Continued use of commercially available telephone services is recommended. Publicswitched voice services are cost-effective because they use large, mature networks that offereconomies of scale and competitive prices. Contracting out voice services eliminates the need fornetwork engineering, maintenance, and operation responsibilities for the State. This solutionallows the State to take advantage of new technology development and increasingly competitivepricing in the industry.

2. The State should expand network services to support ISDN. Integrated ServicesDigital Network (ISDN) would link together multiple private branch exchange (PBX) andCENTREX environments throughout the State and offer expanded data and video services, andpotentially greater flexibility for telecommuting.

Video Services

1. The potential cost savings from videotele-conferencing, and its critical role in theStates telecommuting initiative, warrant a greater availability of this technology. Thevalue of VTC is further enhanced by the potential for distance learning and State trainingprograms, and the potential for improved interaction between the State and its citizens andbusinesses. This conclusion is strongly reinforced by the experience of other states and by theprevious experience of Maryland itself. It is recommended that a single standards-compliant VTCsystem be deployed in all major State buildings. To provide access to VTC throughout the State,VTC centers may be placed in universities, community colleges, Maryland State Police facilities,and Department of Transportation facilities, and telecommuting centers.

2. Once this VTC network is established, the number and type of distance learningnetworks in the State should diminish. Widely available duplex video and voice capability,incorporating two or more participating locations, will satisfy the majority of distance learningrequirements. This is particularly true if video teleconference rooms are provided to

K-12 schools.

3. In the long term (5-10 years), it is recommended that the State continue to monitorthe relative cost of VTC connectivity provided by ISDN and the State data network. If costsavings can be achieved by the addition of VTC to the data network or ISDN voice networks,that path should be taken, and the dial-up access currently used eliminated. The flexibility tomake this decision at a later date should not be precluded by actions in the near term.

Wireless Services

1. The States wireless environment is currently dominated by numerous two-wayradio systems of various capabilities. Furthermore, many of these systems are in various stagesof redesign. Other systems are or will soon be in need of replacement. Even the best maintainedand most capable radio systems lack data transfer capability vital to direct access to State andFederal databases.

2. Although there are a variety of new wireless communications capabilities beingdeveloped, two-way radio is the only one projected to provide statewide coverage atcompetitive rates within the next 10 years. Personal communications systems (PCS) andsatellite-based communications systems have been proposed as alternatives to two-way radio. PCS, although a promising technology, is still in its infancy and is not projected to providestatewide coverage until approximately 2005. Satellite-based communication is also a promisingtechnology, but is substantially more expensive than two-way radio.

3. Consequently, the State should continue current efforts to secure a statewidetrunked radio system. This effort should culminate in the deployment of a system available toall State agencies by the year 2000.

4. Wireless communications should be considered an integral part of the datacommunications network. In this role, the statewide trunked radio system can be viewed asenabling mobile, remote communications to the States data network. Potential applicationsinclude the use of mobile computing; data relay; and imagery access for geologic surveys andenvironmental enforcement; remote sensing and accumulation of weather data; and tracking oftransport and road equipment, wildlife migration patterns, and other location data. By providinginterconnection to the digital network, the usefulness of the statewide trunked system willincrease dramatically.

Telecommunications Management

1. Decentralized authority to conceive and develop data networks is a significant factorin the proliferation of these networks. Telecommunications management responsibility isdivided between the Department of General Service (DGS) and the Department of Budget andFiscal Planning (DBFP). However, in practice, individual agencies implement their own datanetworks, effectively eliminating the States ability to coordinate resources and realize economiesof scale. Some States and corporations have found that centralized authority provides effectivenegotiation of requirements and coordination of resources. Recent efforts by the DGS and DBFPto clarify their respective responsibilities are positive first steps toward more coordinatedmanagement of telecommunications assets.

2. It is recommended that a process be established for the projection and negotiationof requirements. This process should include representation from all telecommunications userswithin State government, and should have broad powers to establish planned networkarchitectures and prioritize requirements.

3. The State network architecture should be reviewed regularly to determine if it stillmeets State needs in the most efficient, effective manner. A State network architecture shouldlook out 5 to 10 years to assess emerging technologies and their ability to meet State objectives. An evolutionary architecture will include strategies for technology adoption to reduce costs andimprove service. The architecture plan should be updated every 2 years by a team with broadrepresentation from across the State. The team should include input from citizens, as appropriate,and service and equipment providers to ensure a full understanding of current capabilities andpossible transition strategies.


1. It is recommended that the State data systems (primarily the statewide wireline andwireless backbones) be offered at no charge to the departments and agencies. The goal ofthis approach is to make the use of the State network less costly to departments than developingand maintaining their own networks. By making the communications systems financiallyadvantageous to use, State departments can be expected to join the system and by doing so, allowthe State to realize the available economies of scale.

2. It is recommended that participation by State agencies be voluntary. This "pull"(rather than "push") strategy relies on the "no charge" policy for use of the shared network toeventually attract the majority of users in the State as the cost and resource disadvantages ofdeveloping individual networks versus using the State network become clear.

3. The State is, in most cases, best served by leasing rather than buyingcommunications equipment and services. Leasing allows the State to more freely upgrade itsinfrastructure and track industry developments. In addition, leasing arrangements free the Statefrom the risks of equipment ownership.

4. It is recommended that Marylands Code be changed to allow the creation of anInformation Technology Fund. The purpose of this fund is to provide regular and predictablefunding for the development and maintenance of telecom-munications resources. Furthermore, itis recommended that the Code be amended to allow the accrual of reserves to the fund fromfunding sources outside the States General Fund. These potential sources include per-transactionfees on purchases, replacements, and repair of equipment through statewide contracts, and feescharge to the nonstate-government entities such as local governments, citizens, and businesses foruse of State-provided resources and capabilities such as the proposed VTC network. Fees ongovernment citizen-oriented services such as licenses and permits may also be considered.

The vision for a common, accessible, and robust telecommunications infrastructure can beachieved. The States recent endeavors to standardize network equipment and achieve costsavings through government-wide negotiations are a positive step toward the vision of more cost-effective telecommunications.

The telecommunications capabilities envisioned in this study will free agencies fromnetwork concerns and allow them to focus on their missions of service to the citizen. A commoncommunications infrastructure, including both wireline and wireless networks, will "increase theuse of information technology for economic development, improve government effectiveness andefficiency, and expand the set of services to its citizens." A thoughtful evolution to a commonlyused and cooperatively-managed network will ensure the value of current applications whileallowing continual technology evolution and avoiding technology stagnation.


The Maryland Telecommunications Strategic Plan defines strategies to move the MarylandState Government and its citizens into a leadership position in the Information Age. "The State ofMaryland is committed to the use of information technology in education, health care, economicdevelopment, and government services to improve the quality of life for each and every citizen inthe State of Maryland." This commitment to cost-effective use of information technology toimprove State services was the genesis of this network study. As a consumer of telecom-munications, Maryland has an extremely diverse set of requirements, users, and services. Thesefactors, coupled with the dramatic changes in telecom-munications technology and industry, makelong-term planning a necessity. An organized approach to developing the State'stelecommunications capabilities ensures that user requirements can be satisfied in the most cost-efficient manner possible.

In addition to meeting basic communications needs, the telecommunications networkprovides the infrastructure required to support information systems and services. A well plannedtelecommunications network simplifies the implementation of new information systems andservices. A poorly planned system makes it difficult, or even impossible, to add new applicationsand services without significant investment.

1.1 Background

The State of Maryland is reviewing its telecom-munications requirements and networks toimprove efficiency, reduce costs, and support future information system and service needs. Maryland's current telecommunications architecture is typical of many large government andcommercial organizations. Individual networks have evolved over a period of years. As newrequirements emerged, new networks and additional capacity were added, leading to theoperation of independent networks throughout the State. Although many of these networks sharecommon transmission facilities, there are few unified plans to share resources. For example, theFinancial Management Information System (FMIS) network, which links the Annapolis DataCenter to all State agencies, was built specifically for that application. This network providessignificant communications capability that neither is used by other applications nor usespreexisting capabilities.

Legacy networks support mainframe-based applications and are unable to support newerlocal area network (LAN)-based or high bandwidth applications. LANs are typically implementedon an agency-by-agency basis; similarly, LAN and wide area network (WAN) connections areaccomplished on an ad hoc basis. This results in an incohesive design throughout the currentWAN environment. Larger agencies with greater resources typically have more advancednetworks, and smaller agencies are often technologically disadvantaged. The Department ofGeneral Services (DGS) has implemented statewide contracts that have reduced the proliferationof standards and vendors employed; however, not all State organizations must abide by thesecontracts.

The State recognizes that the current situation is not ideal and can complicate thedeployment of future systems that depend on state-of-the-art communications. The State plans tomake significant changes in information and computing systems over the next several years, asindicated by Maryland's Information Technology Board's (ITB) Mission and Vision Statement. Amodern telecommunications infrastructure must support a broad array of communications,information access, and electronic transaction services to employees and citizens throughout theState, as well as provide connectivity beyond the State and to local jurisdictions.

1.2 Future Challenges

Telecommunications network planning challenges include constant technologicaladvances, changing user requirements, and industry trends that impact the future architecture. Technology and associated standards and services play a major role in network planning anddevelopment. Planning must consider current and planned availability of networks, standards, andservices to meet user requirements. Understanding the technology trends, choosing the bestavailable, and aiding compatibility and interoperability among systems and networks are parts ofthe challenge of network planning and development.

Technological advances accelerate the growth and multiplication of information servicesand applications available to the public. The number of information services has growntremendously in a relatively short time. As technology continues to improve performancecapabilities, users will use larger applications and expect less delay in processing and accessinginformation. As a result of these factors, network managers will see dramatic shifts in the amountof data and imagery traffic traversing their networks.

User requirements have evolved to encompass an integrated information environment as aresult of technical advances that have blurred the distinctions between computing andcommunications. In the past, computing and communications have been characterized as distinctfunctions with different technologies, implementations, and terminologies based on the type ofinformation being processed or exchanged. The emerging information environment processes anddigitally transfers voice, data, and images. This information environment will place an increasedemphasis on the end-to-end integration and compatibility of communications and data networks.

In addition to changes in technology and user requirements, new policy and regulatorydirections in both the Federal and State arenas will significantly influence telecommunicationsplanning. An increasing amount of legislation and Public Service Commission regulation in theState of Maryland have been introduced to stimulate competition, technological growth, andincrease the number of available services and applications. In addition, the Office of the Governorhas emphasized that public access to State information, where appropriate, and interagency accessto databases are critical elements for improving efficiencies within State government. Theconsideration of national information infrastructure (NII) goals, depicted in Exhibit I-3(E), in theITB's Vision and Mission Statement reflects an understanding of the increasing role ofinformation transfer in economic development. NII goals will continue to influence the way theState government conducts business, provides services to its citizens, and stimulates economicgrowth into the twenty-first century. The NII goals will be the driver for developing universalservice, promoting a seamless, interactive telecommunications environment, ensuring informationsecurity and privacy, and providing network reliability for all citizens.

1.3 Scope

This report evaluates Marylands current wide area telecommunications networkstructure, identifies alternative technologies and strategies, and provides a conceptual networkarchitecture to support the recommendations. The report addresses State agencies' current andfuture telecommunications requirements, and considers Maryland's commitment to support NIIgoals as well as options for improving citizen and business access to government information andservices. This report provides a strategic statewide telecommunications network plan that guidesthe State in acquiring high performance, reliable, and cost-effective network facilities and servicesto meet its needs into the twenty-first century.

As part of the data collection for this effort, many State organizations attended aconference designed to exchange views of State requirements and network design options. Thereafter, 25 State organizations were interviewed for input into this study; however, the studywas not structured to interview every State organization. The analyses that formed the basis forthis report are founded on aggregate State assets and capabilities, rather than on individual agencycapabilities. Exhibit I-4(E) provides a list of organizations interviewed.

1.4 Report Organization

The remainder of this report is organized into five sections. Section 2 describes keyassumptions and overall methodology, and defines the criteria with which current and proposednetwork architectures are evaluated. Section 3 describes Marylands current capabilities. Section4 proposes potential future network directions and the recommended network architecture, andassesses technologies that may be capable of meeting the State's current and future requirements. Section 5 discusses the transition plans for existing networks, and Section 6 describesmanagement roles. In addition, there are five appendices. Appendix A evaluates the currentnetworks ability to support State objectives and provides traffic projections. Appendix Bdiscusses potential funding options. Appendix C presents cost estimates for the proposednetworks. Appendix D provides a glossary of terms used in this report. Appendix E provides alist of acronyms.


This section describes how the analyses of the current wide area telecommunicationsnetwork was performed and how recommended solutions were developed. The recommendationsdescribe a wide area network that meets Marylands vision for reliability, performance, and costeffectiveness.

2.1 Study Methodology

The methodology centers on accumulation and analysis of information through interviews,data collection, and an interactive conference. It had two phases, the first of which centeredaround data gathering and the development of a top-level, conceptual architecture. The secondphase focused on further resolving the concepts into specific architectures and recommendedtechnologies.

This methodology was applied to a wide variety of assets collectively labeled the networkof the State of Maryland. A discussion regarding the definition of a communications network, asit applies to this study, is provided below and illustrated in Exhibit II-2(E).

2.1.1 Network Definition

This section defines, in broad terms, the concept of a communications network. Becausethe term network has come to represent a variety of concepts for transmitting information, thissection serves to clarify the use of this term in this study and provides a reference point for laterdiscussions. It also bounds the scope of this study.

A network consists of a finite set of nodes and connections joining the nodes. Atelecommunications network may be defined as a set of nodes electronically interconnected topermit the exchange of information. The definition of telecommunications is defined in theAnnotated Code of Maryland; 4-901(b): "Telecommunications means the transmission ofinformation, images, pictures, voice or data by radio, video or other electronic or impulse means." A node performs routing or switching _ deciding where to send the arriving information. A nodemay also provide user access.

This definition contrasts with that of application. In general, an application is a programor function, resident at the nodes of the network, which processes and/or displays data. Often,applications have their own network. In these circumstances, it is important to differentiate whenthe discussion relates to the network supporting the applications, and when it refers to theapplication itself.

For the purposes of this study, the State of Marylands network is defined as thetelecommunications resources provided by the State to support the functions and goals of itsgovernment. These resources support administrative functions, operations, and missions ofindividual agencies, interaction among those agencies, and interactions with citizens. Additionally, these resources may support interaction with county and city organizations tosupport the effectiveness of State agencies. These resources can be categorized by function asvoice, data, video, and wireless.

The voice networks are composed of those assets owned or leased by the State to supportthe transfer of voice-grade communications between State employees, and between thegovernment and the citizens. Voice grade is defined as a telephone analog channel with abandwidth between 300 hertz (Hz) and 3,400 Hz. In addition to voice, voice-gradecommunications include facsimile and modem technologies.

The data networks are primarily dedicated to the transfer of data and information indigitized format. Digital images that are processed by store-and-forward techniques are includedas data. Data networks may be privately owned and maintained, leased from an outside vendor,or a combination of these sources.

Data networks include wide area networks (WANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs),campus area networks (CANs), and local area networks (LANs). The term WAN is generallyused to describe those networks serving a geographically diverse user base significantly largerthan the area of a city. As their names imply, MANs and CANs are smaller in scope and generallylimited to a city, industrial, or business complex, respectively. The smallest type of network, theLAN, is generally considered to be confined to a single building or suite of offices. For thepurposes of this study, those assets that span the geography of the State and its regions areincluded in the definition of the States network. This study does not address LANs; however,where general conclusions can be drawn about the interaction between LANs across the network,the LAN interfaces to the network, and the general issues of resource and network management,these are included.

The video network is composed of those assets that support the transfer of video imagery,including the National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) standard video, compressedversions thereof, High Definition Television (HDTV), video teleconferencing (VTC), and otherforms of imagery to State entities not included in the preceding data definition. Two of theprimary video systems of the State of Maryland are the University of Marylands InteractiveVideo Network (IVN) system, and the Maryland Public Television (MPT) broadcast network. All of these video systems are included in the definition of Marylands network. Furthermore,distance learning capabilities are provided by the Maryland Distance Learning Network (MDLN)through use of the Bell Atlantic network and terminating equipment.

An increase in the demand for mobility and remote access has made the use of wirelessnetworks a significant trend over the past 10 years. Wireless technology now spans voice, video,and data applications. For the purposes of this study, the States wireless networks includeprimarily analog and data land-mobile radio (LMR) networks and cellular access to the publicswitched network (PSN). The broadcast capabilities of MPT, already included under the videonetwork, may also be included here as appropriate, particularly where those broadcast resourcescan be shared to support State wireless goals and policies.

Cellular access has recently added significant capabilities in data transfer as well as themore conventional voice services. The ability to transmit large quantities of data has the potentialto significantly expand the usefulness of wireless networks, including, for example, uses such asthe State Highway Administrations Chesapeake Highway Advisory Routing Traffic (CHART)system. The LMR systems are included in the definition of the State network following the modeldistinguishing LANs from the other, larger scale data networks. That is, the definition of theState of Maryland LMR network includes the statewide functions, interfaces, and operatingenvironments in place or required to support operations of current and potential LMR users.

2.1.2 Study Approach

In a study of this nature, the assessment of current and accurate data is critical todeveloping appropriate recommendations. These provide a foundation for projections to thefuture, allowing State network concepts and designs to meet growing and changing demands ofits users. Exhibit II-3(E) illustrates the overall study approach. Data Collection and Preliminary Analyses

The study approach included interviewing key personnel within State organizations andcollecting information on goals, objectives, and current and planned networks. Also, wherepossible, transaction data, such as billing and network management statistics on the Statescurrent systems, was collected. A database was populated with this data to form a baseline of theexisting communications infrastructure. The database, submitted as a separate deliverable,characterizes State user and network services, both present and planned, that will place capacitydemands on the communications infrastructure and that will require routing and communicationsinterface services. With this data, the study characterized the communications systemsinfrastructure, user/network services currently supported, and those planned for the future.

The required performance and operating parameters for the key components of the State'stelecommunications networks are also identified. These are used to assess the networks' ability tosupport the required set of future services. Operating parameters include the following:

o Network traffic volume, including offered traffic or communications circuits used tointerconnect the State offices for the transmission of voice, data, and video traffic

o Interconnections between State agencies on the network

o Critical services, including points of integration, hardware and software components,routing paths, facility implications, and resource requirements.

Using the data on current networks and information on future requirements, the currentnetwork was assessed for its ability to meet changing demands for bandwidth and connectivity. Aconceptual direction for the State was developed, selecting from broad categories ofimplementations (e.g., switched versus point-to-point for the data network, trunked versusconventional for the wireless network). Information regarding the future of user needs guided thedevelopment of the conceptual network.

Within these broad implementation categories, specific standards and products exist. Thisrange of standards and products allows the development and analysis of candidate networkdesigns. Statewide Conference

To verify initial conclusions regarding the overall requirements and the appropriatestrategic direction, the State hosted a conference on March 13, 1995. The purpose of thisconference was to share information gathered to date and gain a better understanding of futurecommunication requirements and high-priority initiatives. The conference also provided a forumto determine the appropriate criteria to evaluate network alternatives. A broad cross-section ofState agencies and personnel participated in the conference. Participants were encouraged todiscuss their concerns and requirements regarding voice, data, video, and wirelesscommunications. Their comments were used to verify the information gained during previousinterviews, and to point to additional data sources. Participants also provided input regarding theevaluation criteria and initial design concepts. The agenda, goals, and benefits of the conferenceare shown in Exhibit II-4(E). Determine Appropriate Network Technologies

Interviews and data collection resumed after the State conference; all information gatheredcontributed to the evaluation of candidate technologies. For example, for the data portion of thenetwork, different technologies, including Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Relay,Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), and router technology, were assessed against userrequirements to determine viable technologies capable of meeting these requirements. Thedetermination of appropriate technologies is based on technology maturity, relative cost, andsuitability for communication needs. The result of this step is a determination of technology, orcombination of technologies that are considered in developing the network alternatives. Develop Network Concept

These appropriate technologies, discussed in Section 4, set the stage for generation ofcandidate network concepts. These concepts considered changes in telecommunicationsregulations, current State practices and assets, and industry trends. The concept was determinedthrough research on telecommunications strategies of major corporations, other States'telecommunications plans and experiences, and Marylands successful network implementations. These network architectures also considered the continued value of legacy applications andrequirements of future applications. Develop and Analyze High-level Network Design

When the concept was selected, high-level network designs were developed to testfeasibility and costs. The designs included selecting the major nodes and links, and estimating thecosts of equipment and transmission facilities. Network modeling and tariff analysis tools wereused to develop the topologies. Each feasible network design was evaluated based onperformance, cost, and their support of the evaluation criteria. Based on the feasibility analysis,the network concept was refined. Develop Operation and Implementation Plans

An implementation plan specifies the broad transition strategy for evolving to the newnetwork. The factors considered in determining the timeline included the ability to meetcommunications requirements, the use of existing infrastructure, and the relative cost of operatinga new network versus maintaining separate legacy networks. Planning also considered theexpiration year of current contracts (e.g., network, equipment, and administration, operation andmaintenance [AO&M]) to maximize use of existing resources. By identifying opportunities foroptimal timing of transition to new or revised contracts, cost avoidance may be used as a sourceof funding for new projects.

A cost model was developed to project the implementation costs of the new network. TheState can use this model to update assumptions and perform sensitivity analyses on key variables(e.g., rate changes).

2.2 Assumptions

In the accumulation and analysis of data for this study, and in the preparation of thisreport, some assumptions were made regarding the State and its networks. These assumptionsare presented in Exhibits II-5(E) and II-6(E).

2.3 Network Design Characteristics

As part of this effort, an assessment determined how well the State's current networks andcapabilities could support Maryland's telecommunications objectives. Network designcharacteristics were developed to directly reflect Maryland's objectives. These characteristics areused as criteria with which current and proposed network architectures are evaluated. Thissection describes those network design characteristics. Appendix A summarizes the evaluation ofMaryland's current capabilities.

This study requires clear and understandable evaluation criteria to assess the State'scurrent network's ability to meet State objectives. The objectives were discussed with Stateagency representatives at the previously described Telecommunications Network StudyConference. Consistent with the objectives stated in the State of Maryland InformationTechnology Board (ITB) Mission and Vision Statement, and the missions and visions of theindividual agencies, the network design characteristics should:

o Position the State to take advantage of emerging communications technologies

o Allow private sector access to government information and services

o Reduce the rate disparity of network access

o Support the educational initiatives throughout the State, including distance learning,supercomputer connectivity, and Internet access

o Support the Maryland State Government Geographic Information CoordinatingCommittee (MSGIC) geographic information service (GIS) technologies

o Accommodate health care initiatives throughout the State, including high-resolutionvideo and database access

o Provide reliable and robust communications

o Minimize the risk of investing in obsolete technology.

The network design characteristics are defined below. Although they define distinct andsignificant features of every network, some are interrelated. For example, accessibility andsecurity are strongly interrelated. The characteristics are shown in Exhibit II-7(E).

Interoperability is the ability to exchange information among users, systems,applications, and networks. Interoperability is achieved through the use of common sets ofprotocols, equipment, and standards, or the use of network gateways. Interoperability assists inimproving citizen access to information and services. In addition, interoperability can enhancecoordination and information exchange between State agencies and local and Federal governments.

Security is the ability to protect services and information from interception orunauthorized access on an end-to-end basis. This information may include financial and tax data,lottery transactions, and other private and sensitive information. Network security can beimplemented in the form of passwords in the network operating system, encryption, audit trails, orusing physical security measures. Maryland uses various levels of security to protect bothtransmission of information and the unauthorized access and compromise of information sourcesthrough network gateways.

Flexibility allows for the easy and timely introduction of new and emerging technologies,services, applications, equipment, and capacity. Flexibility also allows vendor-independentsystems that use a variety of products to interconnect and interoperate. Flexibility also enablesthe introduction of the most cost-effective technology or service, and can act as a catalyst topromote competition. By promoting flexibility, the State can continue to meet expanding andevolving needs, including the efficient and effective delivery of services to its citizens, and supportincreasing traffic levels. Projections of traffic growth are presented in Appendix A.

Reliability is a measure of network dependability during use. Reliable networks canwithstand the effects of congestion and a loss of connectivity, and can support periods of high orsurge traffic. For Maryland, this ensures that networks and capabilities can support the transfer ofcritical, time-sensitive information, such as emergency service information and lotterytransactions. Furthermore, reliability ensures the State can offer dependable access and service toits citizens.

Accessibility is the convenient availability and affordability of State services andinformation to citizens and State employees. Examples of access are information kiosks and theability of agencies to access and share data with each other. Accessibility is essential to improveState services, economic development opportunities, and the information technology used by thecitizen. In network terms, accessibility relates to the number of access points, the ease andaffordability of the access, and the mechanisms for accessing services and information. Byproviding network and service access, the State can ensure that services and information areavailable to its citizens, to industry, and to local and Federal governments.

Cost-effectiveness describes receiving the greatest benefits for the funds expended. Theage and maturity of the technology and the level of competition between vendors affect the costsof communications products. For example, a network should be able to accommodate expandingagency capacity demands rather than compelling the agency to lease additional capacity, possiblyforgoing economies of scale. The State of Maryland and its agencies seek to provide efficient andeffective service to Maryland citizens using limited resources.

Accountability describes the ability to attribute costs for network services. Agenciesshould be able to easily track services and costs to assist in programmatic and budgetarydecisions. The capability to track costs accurately is a powerful tool that not only helps assigncosts appropriately, but also helps control unconstrained growth and unproductive use ofresources.


This section provides an overview of the States voice, data, video, and wirelesscommunications environment. The State has a diverse set of requirements, users, and services. These factors, coupled with the dramatic technology changes in the telecommunications industry,make long-term planning a necessity. An organized and graceful evolution of the Statestelecommunications capabilities ensures that user requirements are satisfied in a cost-effectivemanner. Voice, data, video, and wireless communications environments are discussed in thefollowing sections.

3.1 Voice Communications

Maryland's voice services take advantage of commercially available services at discountedprices. With some exceptions, many State agencies take advantage of the uniform Statecontracts, such as the State Calling Service (SCS), CENTREX, and Centigram voice mailservices, providing uniform services and features.

The SCS agreement with AT&T provides State employees long distance access throughAT&Ts software defined network (SDN) and reduces costs for long distance services. MCIprovides 800 number/toll-free inbound telephone services to the State at discounted prices. Thisservice provides citizens access to more than 35 State agencies' services and information. Citizenaccess to 800 services saves travel time and long distance charges.

Maryland has an estimated combined total of 88,000 private branch exchange (PBX) andCENTREX lines. An agreement with Bell Atlantic for services allows for the standardization ofswitching services and reduces monthly costs. In addition, PBXs will be replaced over the next10 years using a contract with GTE to install NEAX 2400 equipment. There are 60 PBXsthroughout the State, representing 15 different manufacturers and maintained through multiplemaintenance contracts. PBX and CENTREX services are described in Exhibit III-2(E).

Currently, 40 percent of the agencies have access to a voice mail system. The Departmentof General Services (DGS) has a contract in place to provide a standardized voice mail system,manufactured by Centigram, and provided by LDDS (formerly WilTel). This system allowsemployees to operate on a common platform, which reduces monthly costs and improvesproductivity. Centigram is intended to serve nonexempt agencies; however, some exemptagencies, such as the University of Maryland System (UMS) and Maryland Public Television(MPT), can also use this system. The Centigram voice mail system provides a standardizedsystem at a lower cost than other voice mail systems used throughout the State.

Intra-local access transport area (LATA) voice calls in the State are normally routed overthe public switched network (PSN). Some voice applications use the Digital Backbone Network(DBN), including access to the SCS Network. DGS bills approximately 20 percent of alltelecom-munications services used by the State government. Total DGS receipts amount toapproximately $12 million annually. The remaining services are contracted and paidindependently by agencies.

AT&T SCS, MCI 800 service, and statewide agreements give the State a set of cost-effective voice services. In addition, two plans were established to provide additional cost savingsin the Baltimore and Annapolis areas. The Baltimore Telecommunications Master Plan wasimplemented by DGS to provide cost savings for the Baltimore area. The Baltimore Master Planentailed providing voice communications for selected State agencies through remote modules. This allowed agencies located in Baltimore to appear locally attached to 301 West Preston Street. As shown in Exhibit III-3(E), the remote module connections eliminated the need for a PBX orswitch at each user location, and provided number and feature transparency, and improved trunkutilization. DGS recently upgraded to an AT&T Definity G3 PBX to meet future requirementscharacterized in the Master Plan.

The Annapolis Telecommunications Master Plan addresses connectivity for data, video,and voice resources, similar to the Blacksburg Electronic Village associated with VirginiaPolytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia. Currently, State offices in the Annapolis complexare mainly served by switches that are under a rate stability agreement with Bell Atlantic. Therate stability agreement provides fixed pricing and expires in July 1997. The Annapolis Telecom-munications Master Plan targets specific State agencies to replace their services with a centrallylocated PBX.

3.2 Data Communications

This section describes the State's data communications infrastructure and illustratescurrent network configurations and access methods. The primary networks for the State datacommunications are International Business Machine's (IBM's) System Network Architecture(SNA) for mainframe applications, and Transfer Control Protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) androuter networks, and mixed (SNA-over-TCP/IP) networks such as the Financial ManagementInformation Systems (FMIS) network.

3.2.1 SNA Networks

A variety of mainframe applications and network architectures are used for long-haul datacommunications. The primary architecture used for mainframe access is SNA, IBM'scommunications networking architecture. The Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) protocolis the actual protocol used for establishing communication between end-nodes in the SNAenvironment.

Two system platforms frequently used in the State's mainframe environment are TimeShare Operation (TSO) and Customer Information Control System (CICS). TSO provides theability to perform independent processes for two or more users on one system simultaneously. TSO is also used as a general utility to perform administrative functions. State employees accessCICS to obtain information or perform accounting and procurement functions within the FMISdatabase. FMIS is fully described in a subsequent section.

While most of the mainframe environments in the State are IBM based, the MarylandDepartment of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration/ Information Systems Center(MVA/ISC) operates in a Unisys-based environment. The MVA/ISC Unisys 1100/92(mainframe) operates in a distributed communications architecture, which supports approximately90 percent of its user community.

3.2.2 Router Networks

Although the majority of agencies accessing the mainframe are SNA-compliant, anincreasing number use TCP/IP router-based technology for wide area network (WAN) access. Routers give users increased flexibility through load balancing and dynamic routing.

TCP/IP is a combination of network and transport protocols for internetworking. Switching in Maryland's data communications environment is generally confined to UMS and theMaryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). In addition, the Maryland State GovernmentInformation Coordinating Committee (MSGIC) Interagency Geographic Information System(GIS) Data Network and Internet Access Pilot Projects will create a routed network between thefour participating agencies (Department of Natural Resources [DNR], Maryland Department ofthe Environment [MDE], State Highway Administration [SHA], and the Maryland Office ofPlanning). The MSGIC Interagency GIS Data Network and Internet Access Pilot Project havethe potential to increase data traffic between the pilot agencies as more shared image and vectorGIS data sets are developed.

MVA/ISC is migrating to an IBM 3090 mainframe to meet current and future userdemands. This transition will also move MVA/ISC into a router-based network architecture. Themainframe supports TCP/IP natively and offers the ability to interface with routers through theIBM 3172 communications controller. Exhibit III-5(E) illustrates an example configuration ofMVA/ISC's mainframe environment. MVA/ISC uses Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN) services and Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) for its local area network(LAN)-to-LAN and LAN-to-mainframe traffic, and is currently deploying Ethernet LANsthroughout its enterprise network to support the Drivers License Photo Imaging System (DLPS). LANs will also be deployed for the Document Imaging and Optical Disk System (DIODS). MVA/ISC projects that its traffic will double within the next year.

MVA/ISC and the State Highway Administration (SHA) projected at least a 50 percentincrease for inter-LAN traffic. MVA/ISC's increase will come from DLPS and DIODS systems,which will determine the line speed required to support these application systems.

There are approximately 20 different e-mail systems, including simple message transferprotocol (SMTP) over the Internet, used throughout the State of Maryland. State governmentemployees with dissimilar e-mail systems are able to communicate through AT&T's Easylinksystem. The Easylink system provides a seamless interface in most cases, at the cost ofapproximately 50 cents per message.

The State's LANs are either Ethernet or Token Ring systems. More than 85 percent ofthe LAN traffic is internal, with a few exceptions such as UMS, which uses routers to supportexternal traffic. Most agencies, such as MDE and DNR, project as much as a 15 percent increasein inter-LAN traffic within the next year.

3.2.3 Mixed Networks

FMIS is the one major example of SNA-formatted data routed over switched networks. FMIS is a router-based network that provides financial information services for all Stategovernment.

The majority of near-term inter-LAN growth will come from FMIS use. FMIS resides onCICS and is one of the driving forces to provide mainframe access for LAN users. Six modulesare planned for FMIS:

o Accounting System (RSTARS) -- currently in production

o Advanced Procurement Inventory Control System (ADPICS)

o Budget Preparation (BPREP)

o Payroll and Time Keeping

o Human Resources

o Executive Information System (EIS).

Some agencies such as ADC and MDE believe that FMIS growth would increase by asmuch as 15 percent within the next year and more as State employees become familiar with itscapabilities.

The remaining intra-agency connectivity is accomplished through point-to-point ormultidrop circuits.

Telecommunications services in the State appear cost effective in an agency-specificcontext; however, in a statewide view, these cost savings are illusory. Considerable cost savingscan be attained by providing common long haul transport and common access standards. Forexample, UMS currently has approximately 51 DS-1s supporting its router-based network, whichis independent of the digital backbone network (DBN). UMS has approximately 750 dial-up linesstatewide. As the data traffic and interagency traffic increase, the cost savings related to acommon data transport increases.

3.3 Video Communications

Video communications supports both video teleconferencing (VTC) and distance learningapplications. The VTC section addresses those systems used for primarily administrative orbusiness purposes, such as meetings. The distance learning section discusses those systems usedprimarily for academic purposes, such as college courses and training classes.

3.3.1 Video Teleconferencing

VTC has become popular due to lower equipment costs, more deployable equipment,lower infrastructure costs, the potential for reducing travel, and improved compressiontechniques. Progress has also been made in standardizing a portion of VTC functions andinterfaces, but many aspects remain proprietary.

There are three VTC systems in the States video communications environment: VideoTelecom (VTEL), PictureTel, and Compression Labs Inc. (CLI). VTEL and CLI are standardsbased and can operate with both standard and proprietary protocols. The PictureTel systems areolder, not open standards based, and are not fully interoperable with other systems. Exhibit III-6(E) illustrates the current State agency VTC systems used primarily for administrative purposes.

DGS has a statewide contract for VTC with the Frebon company, which providesinteractive compressed video system equipment and integration services. This contract ensuresthat all future VTC purchases will be compliant with International TelecommunicationsUnion_Telecommunications Sector (ITU-T) standards H.320 and H.261. H.320 is a set ofvideoconferencing standards developed by ITU-T to allow worldwide communications withdissimilar videoconferencing systems. H.261 is the video compression standard and is animportant component of H.320. H.261 determines how digital information is coded and decoded. It also determines the resolutions used for desktop and conference room video systems. TheVTEL and CLI systems comply with international standards. Presently, there are no internationalstandards for full-motion video.

The Maryland Teleplex facility at MPT in Owings Mills operates an advancedteleconferencing center providing face-to-face video, audio, and data teleconferencing to multiplelocations around the globe. The Teleplex uses compressed video to provide international andbusiness-style VTC.

The VTC center at 301 West Preston Street and 45 West Calvert Street have increasedusage to approximately 6 to 8 times per week. The VTEL at the State House is a demonstrationsystem that is also connected to the University of Maryland's Interactive Video Network (IVN),which is discussed in the distance learning section.

3.3.2 Distance Learning

Currently, several different organizations within the State employ different videocapabilities to provide diverse distance learning services. The Maryland Distance LearningNetwork (MDLN), MPT, and the UMS Interactive Video Network (IVN) are key initiatives. Johns Hopkins University, community colleges, and K-12 public schools have additional distancelearning projects. Each provides distance learning separately, is not interoperable with othervideo systems, and provides service to a limited geographic area. Exhibit III-7(E) provides asummary of each organizations distance learning capabilities.

The MDLN is a cooperative venture between Bell Atlantic and educational institutions. Bell Atlantic provides the video equipment, and the educational institutions provide theclassrooms and pay the transmission cost. The MDLN sites are connected by three DS-3s: oneDS-3 for full duplex video, and two inbound video channels. There are 11 video hubs, each hubequipped with a video matrix switch (Alcatel), central-switch controller, and scheduler. Each siteis equipped with codecs and equipment to view four locations simultaneously with full motion,two-way interactive video. Presently there are 33 locations on-line with a 3-year goal of 270 siteslocated predominately in schools.

UMS operates an interactive, compressed video digital network connecting 11 campuses,several UMS research centers, and community colleges, totaling 30 locations. Approximately 95percent of the IVN is used for academic functions. The network employs leased T-1 linestogether with several switches, and provides data rates from 56 Kbps to 768 Kbps at 30 frames-per-second two-way video. In addition, MPT can also participate in IVN through T-1 lines. UMS owns and maintains the network equipment including codecs, switches, computers, andclassroom hardware.

Several other UMS departments offer distance learning services through a variety ofmedia. The University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) College of Engineering InstructionalTelevision Full-color System (ITFS) uses a microwave distribution network to provide one-wayvideo with two-way audio service for graduate courses at sites in central Maryland. Engineeringand computer science telecourses are also provided to the National Technological University(NTU) satellite system for national distribution. The University of Maryland University College(UMUC) broadcasts courses through Prince George's and Montgomery County cable systems aswell as the UMUCs channel on the ITFS and the NTU satellite system.

In addition, several other institutions employ television for distance learning capabilities. A consortium of 17 community colleges and four public, 4-year colleges select taped telecoursesfor broadcast on the College of the Air via MPT Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) televisionchannels. Many community colleges located in counties with cable television service use aneducational access channel to broadcast live or taped courses.

Limited distance learning is also available in K-12 public schools. Several local agenciesuse existing cable networks to provide two-way, point-to-multipoint video to high schools. TheMaryland State Department of Education (MSDE) provides coordinated programming over MPTduring the day and for use in local curricula. Several small institutions use conventional one-waycable and public television broadcasts to localized regions.

In summary, the State uses an assortment of video services. The more recent VTCsystems are interoperable and can provide international videoconferencing. For distance learning,Maryland uses several systems including broadcast, compressed, and full-motion capabilities. These systems serve a variety of audiences and formats and, therefore, present interoperabilityissues for systems within and beyond the State.

3.4 Wireless Communications

Maryland currently supports a number of independent wireless systems, particularly landmobile radio (LMR) systems. In total, State agencies maintain approximately 15 different RFsystems. Typically, each agency maintains its own system to provide the coverage footprintneeded to satisfy its requirements. The largest LMR users are (1) the Department of MarylandState Police (DMSP); (2) MDOT, including as its primary user SHA; and (3) DNR.

Over the past decade, efforts have been made to begin the deployment of a trunked 800MHz radio system. The planned system would provide local channels and statewide trunkedchannels accessible by all users. In 1992, the Department of General Services submitted therequired documentation for channels in the 800 MHz frequency band. Forty-eight licenses wereapproved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in July 1994. These channels werelicensed in three regions: north, central, and south. Variable density trunking is planned for tworegions, namely southern Maryland west of the Chesapeake and south of Prince George's County,and northern Maryland from Queen Anne's and Cecil counties in the east, to Washington countyin the west. The current regulatory environment requires that the State use these frequencies byJuly 1999, or the licenses will be forfeited.

However, in parallel with the initial steps toward the statewide trunked system, a varietyof upgrades have been implemented in some of the States' other LMR systems. For example, thesystem supporting the Maryland State Police has been significantly upgraded. Twenty-threedispatch points are provided, each with its own frequency and broadcast point(s). This systemprovides total geographic coverage to the State. An additional channel is provided for statewidecoordination among law enforcement agencies and other agencies. Tactical channels aremaintained for local communications. A barrack-to-barrack high-band system providescoordination capability.

The Maryland State Police also participates in the MARNIS and PMAR systems, whichprovide inter-system connectivity between the State and local law enforcement communities inBaltimore and Washington, D.C.

SHA LMR system contains 68 low-band base stations connected via wireless DS-3 linksto a centralized operations center. These base stations cover the entire State. The increased useof night shift personnel is expected to slightly increase total cumulative voice traffic over the nextfew years; however, the peak usage will not increase. SHA foresees the need to replace thecurrent system, parts of which are over 15 years old, with a new capability within the next 2 years.

In addition to their voice LMR system, SHA is implementing a data collection anddistribution system known as Chesapeake Highway Advisory Routing Traffic (CHART). Whencompleted, this system will collect data from around the State on weather and road conditionsand, via cellular access, send the data to a central database. This data will then be processed andstatistics regarding road and weather conditions linked back out to regional centers. Eventually,data will be automatically collected from SHA vehicles, and plans and instructions linked back. Vehicle status and Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) data will also be sent back from thevehicle.

In the future, video capabilities will also be added. Two hundred video cameras areplanned, requiring significant bandwidth. SHA has recently formed a working group to exploreways to cooperatively develop the statewide system to support the goals of other organizations aswell.

The Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) maintains 25 standalone basestations, one in each of the regional emergency operations centers, plus one each in Baltimore andOcean City. This system uses two channels originally licensed to the U.S. Army. MEMA riskslosing access to these frequencies when the licenses expire in the next few years. MEMA iscurrently designing a new State emergency operations center and is conducting studies toascertain the extent of changes required for its current system to support projected operations. MEMA is authorized to use the resources of other organizations during emergencies, but mustmaintain its own system due to the requirement to operate during failures of other State systems.

The DNR maintains two separate radio systems. The Natural Resources Police maintain asystem with six sites, including Annapolis and five field offices. These sites use a combination ofhighband and lowband transmitters to provide coverage to the entire State. The State Forest andPark Services maintain a system of 16 repeater sites providing statewide coverage. Theseorganizations are considering merging these systems in the near future. This merger will requirereplacing one system with equipment compatible with the standards and protocols of the other.

Several other State organizations maintain LMR systems. Many of these systems areeither reaching the end of their operational lives or are undergoing significant redesign orretrofitting to meet user needs. Consequently, rapid action is required to ensure that these newsystems are designed with maximum efficiency and minimal redundancy.

State LMR administrators are typically at some stage of radio system replacement orredesign. This spans the spectrum from completed augmentation by the Maryland State Police tothe conceptual design stage of system procurement for MEMA. All agencies have generallyprojected minor growth in voice traffic due to minimum growth in staffing over the next 10 years. However, all agencies regard data transfer across the LMR networks as the major requirement yetto be met, and project explosive growth of remote digital transfer when that capability isprovided. Examples include arrest and warrant data for State Police personnel, weather andlocation data to remote State highway users, and a combination of these plus medical and scene-of-action imagery by MEMA.

With the exception of the plans of the Department of Transportation described above, theuse of cellular phones in the State is light, restricted primarily to use by a few upper leveldepartment managers and infrequent law enforcement uses.

3.5 Conclusion

Maryland's current telecommunications environment demonstrates a breadth ofrequirements and technologies. Some services, such as voice, take advantage of coordinatedcontracts, providing common features, interoperability, and usage-sensitive savings. Othersystems are planned independently offering limited interoperability and do not exploit the use ofstatewide resources. Maryland must continue to meet expanding end-user requirements andobjectives that include the need for agencies to share information, facilitate citizen access, andpromote economic development. To accomplish these goals, Maryland must provide coordinatedtelecom-munications services to promote interoperability;

provide statewide, cost-efficient WAN access and transport; and support graceful transition tonew technologies needed to meet both near- and far-term requirements.


While Maryland's current voice and video networks can continue to grow to accommodatethe State's expanding requirements, the data and wireless networks must be reconsidered. Theblueprint for the future must satisfy the criteria established by the defined network designcharacteristics discussed in Section 2, increase citizen access and economic growth, and providecost-effective network solutions as requirements increase.

Section 4.1 provides the overall concept for the network. Section 4.2 discussestechnology alternatives that enable the network to meet State objectives, and Section 4.3 presentsthe recommended data network design.

4.1 Network Concept

The concept for the States networks is presented in this section as follows:

o Voice

o Data

o Video

o Wireless

o Resource Sharing

o Network Management

o State Services.

4.1.1 Concept for Voice

Public switched network-based services are recommended for the continued support ofMaryland's inter- and intra-local access transport area (LATA) voice requirements. The Statealready uses Bell Atlantic and AT&T services for its intra- and inter-LATA voice traffic. Inaddition, the State uses the digital backbone network (DBN) for inter-LATA traffic incombination with AT&T's State Calling Service (SCS) to generate additional cost savings. Publicswitched voice services are very cost effective because they use large, mature networks that offereconomies of scale and competitive prices. Contracting out voice services eliminates the need fornetwork engineering, maintenance, and operation responsibilities for the State. This solution alsokeeps the issue of network ownership and technology development and deployment in thecommercial sector. The State should expand the network services to support Integrated ServicesDigital Network (ISDN) capabilities, as described in Exhibit IV-2(E). This could serve to linktogether multiple private branch exchange (PBX) and CENTREX environments throughout theState and offer expanded data and video services, and potentially greater flexibility fortelecommuting environments.

The State has begun to transition many of its local voice services to NEAX 2400 PBXsover the next 10 years. Standardizing on local voice environments allows greater interoperabilityamong PBXs, training, equipment reuse, competitive pricing (where there are multiple sources),and statewide maintenance contracts. As ISDN tariffs become more stable (and National ISDNimplementation agreements are pervasive), ISDN should become the digital voice standard for theState. It offers the potential to improve voice quality among State agencies, network voicemessage systems, and expand video teleconferencing. In general, the cost to implement ISDN atthe start (during initial PBX installation) is lower than the cost of upgrading in the future. TheState should provide ISDN access to the wide area network services (trunk-side Primary RateInterface), even if the end-user devices remain proprietary digital equipment.

Each of the decisions to implement PBXs in the local environment should continue toconsider the cost-economies of CENTREX-based services, particularly for multilocationinstallations and short life cycles. The leased line cost associated with tying together multiplelocations served by a single PBX can be very high relative to CENTREX services, which typicallydo not have charges associated with tying together multiple locations.

The life cycle of the system should also be considered in decisions regarding the localenvironment. Typically, a purchase decision may be prudent for systems projected for a 5- to 10-year life cycle. For systems with projected life cycles of fewer than 5 years, lease arrangements(including CENTREX service options) should be considered. The net present value (using thecost of money to the State as the discount factor) should be part of the financial model to evaluatelease vs. buy decisions. The financial model should include all installation costs, equipment, one-time and recurring network costs (including leased circuit costs to remote locations),environmental factors (energy and space requirements), insurance (as appropriate), andadministration, operation and maintenance (AO&M) costs over the effective projected life cycle.

The State can benefit from additional cost savings and efficiency through continued andbroadened standardization of voice and call processing throughout the State. Voicestandardization can provide volume discounts for new installations or changes, and promoteuniversal features to State personnel and citizens. Voice standards are also ideal for advancedvoice or call processing applications such as automatic call distributors (ACDs) and voice mail,which may vary by vendor for the same equipment. Although disparate voice systems may benetworked together, this solution often limits the capabilities and the features available betweensystems.

4.1.2 Concept for Data

This concept for data services allows the State to develop an architecture that enables theuse of new telecommunications services, takes advantage of the changes in telecommunicationsregulations, and exploits current technologies in the State's network. A switched networkarchitecture provides a common platform for existing systems and the flexibility to integrate newsystems and services. In addition, such a network simplifies a statewide planning process, allowsshared funding initiatives, incorporates a standardized network management process, and permitsnetwork changes to be rolled out statewide. It also can be implemented incrementally.

The Maryland backbone network must support multiple protocols and is essential toestablish a cost-effective telecommunications infrastructure. A common multiprotocol backbonepermits Maryland to minimize its transmission cost by reducing the level of redundancy requiredas a result of point-to-point connections. The multiprotocol backbone network also helps toreduce access charges because users can access a single network to meet a variety of needs.

A router-based network is recommended for State government offices accessing thebackbone network. Routers provide several benefits for internetworking environments, such as

o Interconnectivity between like and unlike devices in local and wide area network(WAN) environments

o Support for multiple protocols simultaneously

o Routing of traffic around congestion and determination of least cost routing in thenetwork

o Determination of network topology changes dynamically and rerouting as necessary.

A routed environment would allow System Network Architecture (SNA) traffic to betransmitted over a Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)-based network and offerimproved reliability and interoperability over the current State's network. Maryland's currenttelecommunications environment is primarily SNA. This configuration generally requires point-to-point or multipoint connections, which can be very costly. A router-based environment willprovide WAN access for Ethernet, Token Ring, and Novell users. A gateway/hub such asApertus Technologies Data Center Hub could be used as an interface between local or remoteusers. The Data Center Hub is a very flexible communications device and provides interfaces withvarious protocols such as Ethernet, Internet Protocol Exchange (IPX), and TCP/IP.

Exhibits IV-3(E) and IV-4(E) illustrate the proposed architecture. The establishment ofbackbone nodes allows State and local access to the routed network. The specific accessarrangements are implementation dependent. Some of the implementation factors are trafficvolume and type, protocol, and criticality. This router environment can support multiple logicalnetworks over the same physical transmission path. Citizen access points will be file server withsecure one-way links to the State network. The file server may be at one or multiple locations. Itis imperative that the public access to these data servers be controlled and strategicallyimplemented throughout the State. This can be achieved by implementing the appropriatesecurity measures and firewalls to provide this type of access. Citizen access to the file serverscan be accommodated through multiple public, educational, or private networks. This providesusers access from a variety of data networks and gives citizens access from kiosks, Internet, or viadial-up communications.

This environment could also facilitate the development of a common e-mail platform forend-users, which should be X.400 compliant. The selection of a final network design is discussedin Section 4.3.

4.1.3 Concept for Video

Over the next 10 years, the State should move toward greater video teleconferencing(VTC) availability. Additionally, the presence of VTC sites throughout the State will diminish,but not eliminate, the need for multiple isolated distance learning systems. VTC

The central concept for video is universal availability of VTC capabilities across Maryland. In the near term, this is facilitated through switched access (SCS ISDN service), and somededicated bandwidth on the State backbone network. Eventually, as Asynchronous TransferMode (ATM) technologies become more pervasive, standards mature, and costs decline, the Statenetwork could more efficiently support VTC services.

The three different VTC systems currently used by the State will be reduced to onestandard for conference-room style VTC, following the International TelecommunicationsUnion_Telecom-munications Sector (ITU-T) standards H.320 and H.261. Future desktop videoapplications, as they emerge, should also comply with statewide standards.

VTC usage is expected to increase as familiarity increases and the costs of equipment andtransmission decrease. As the benefits of VTC become more widely understood, the demand forcommonly available VTC service will increase.

Several agencies have attributed significant savings in travel time and increasedproductivity to the increased use of VTC. The establishment of VTC centers within governmentbuildings, and eventually sharing the data network, will allow further productivity gains andenhance access to State government by citizens and businesses. Other States have cited many ofthe same benefits of reduced travel costs, improved time utilization, and more efficient decisionmaking.

VTC will also become a vital component of increasing the effectiveness of the Statestelecommuting program and reducing overall travel costs by State employees. However, thesegains will not be available until the penetration of VTC capabilities within State buildings reachesa critical mass; this will ensure that both ends of the conversation have easy access to VTCequipment.

These gains will also be magnified by the ability to reduce interstate and internationaltravel. In times of reduced State funding, the availability of VTC resources that are interoperablewith other States and countries will become vital for coordinating activities with other States, theFederal government, and corporations. To reach the required critical mass, VTC centers shouldbe located at major government installations and telecommuting centers. In rural areas, the use ofuniversity facilities, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) facilities, or other Statesites should allow access to be no more than a short drive for all State employees.

The replacement of the older PictureTel systems with newer, standards-compliant systemswill allow the State to move forward in a universally standards-compliant manner.

Further penetration of VTC into the office environment will occur with the availability ofvideo-compatible desktop computing. However, the capabilities and requirements of theseapplications can not yet be precisely projected. Distance Learning

The presence of widely available VTC capability, in particular to both urban and ruralgovernment centers, will have a significant impact on the need for a variety of distance learningsystems.

Each major distance learning initiative, Maryland Public Television (MPT), the MarylandDistance Learning Network (MDLN), and the Interactive Video Network (IVN), has importantdistinctions and provides different advantages. However, the maintenance of the 11 currentsystems as described in Section 3.3 sacrifices economies of scale and purchasing power for theState.

In the next decade, an increased emphasis on educational access will drive the need fordistance learning. This is true not only for purely educational reasons, but also to allow the Stateto conduct courses on matters of public policy. For example, the Department of Health andMental Hygiene (DHMH) has a requirement to begin educating hundreds of health care providerson the proper procedures for submitting cost and procedure data as required by law; currently thisteaching requirement is being met by a traveling team of instructors. When VTC becomes widelyavailable, it may be able to accommodate a significant subset of these projects without resortingto travel or distance learning network.

However, VTC will not make distance learning programs unnecessary. Providing wideraccess to educational resources will continue to generate a demand for distance learningcapability. The use of broadcast, cable, and satellite to transport the classroom environment tothose areas where VTC is unavailable or where physical capacity is limited will still be required.

Where distance learning systems are largely similar, the joining of those networks mayprovide greater access at reduced cost. The driving criteria should be the quality of serviceprovided by the systems. Where two systems provide similar quality for similar audiences, theless costly one may be selected and expanded. For example, duplication of systems that providestatewide coverage via satellite feed and broadcast could probably be eliminated and reduced toone system with multiple feed points. Exhibit IV-6(E) describes a recent test of distance learningsystem interoperability.

The States distance learning projects will continue to expand as the emphasis onincreased access to educational resources takes hold. In contrast to the past, however, acoordinated development and management of distance learning systems will ensure thatproliferation of independent systems is minimized.

Due to absence of a statewide VTC and distance learning capability at this time, thepresence of parallel systems is probably necessary. However, as statewide data capabilities grow,interoperability is enforced, and the State's requirements management process becomes mature,the number of distance learning networks will undoubtedly decline.

Distance learning networks should be driven by the need to meet the specific requirementsof specific programs and constituencies, and, where possible, the need for interoperabilitybetween systems. Where current or proposed systems do not meet these requirements, effortshould not be spent on these systems regardless of cost. Furthermore, systems that composeindependent, noninteroperable islands should be avoided.

4.1.4 Concept for Wireless

As the demand for wireless connectivity increases, it is imperative that the State developan infrastructure for transmission of voice and data that is equally robust as the digital networkenvisioned in the preceding sections. As wireless communications become more widely acceptedand demanded, the necessity for wireless networks to interoperate with the wireline networksbecomes more apparent. For these reasons and others discussed below, it is important that theState develop a ubiquitous wireless network for its mobile users. The only technology with thecapability to provide this service is an 800 megahertz (MHz) trunked radio system. Land Mobile Radio

The most pressing requirement within the community of wireless users is the need fordigital data transfer. For example, the Department of Maryland State Police (DMSP) maintains aland mobile radio (LMR) system that meets the majority of its requirements, except for theabsence of a data relay capability to mobile users. This limitation is due primarily to theconventional analog nature of its system. Consequently, requests for data, such as the NationalCrime Information Center (NCIC) information, must be made by voice to the dispatch operator,who then places the request electronically. The NCIC data received by the dispatch operator issent to the patrol car via the same voice protocol. This procedure is cumbersome and time-consuming, and incurs unnecessary manpower steps. The Department of Natural Resources(DNR) National Resources Police (NRP) have voiced similar requirements for data transfer. TheNRP has the added concern that the voice relay of the NCIC data by the dispatch operator canoften be heard by the boats or vessels being detained, thus increasing the risk of adverse behaviorby the detainee. A digital capability will allow State employees to more rapidly, safely, andeffectively enforce the laws and meet the needs of its citizenry.

Connectivity to the proposed State T-1 backbone would allow remote users to accessFederal and State databases easily and regularly, without intervening steps. In this role, thestatewide trunked radio system can be viewed as an augmentation of the State digital backbone,breaking the constraints of fixed wireline communications. Potential applications include the useof mobile computing, data relay, and imagery access for geologic surveys and environmentalenforcement; remote sensing and accumulation of weather data; and tracking of transport androad equipment, wildlife migration patterns, and other Global Positioning System (GPS)-basedlocation retrieval. By providing access to the digital network, the usefulness of the statewidetrunked system will increase dramatically. Furthermore, the current databases online, such ashealth records and Geographic Information System (GIS) data, will become more valuable withcommonly available remote access by State employees.

Further benefits of a digital trunked radio infrastructure are shown in Exhibit IV-9(E). Overall, a government wide system will ensure that all agencies are brought up to date, andcontinued maintenance and upgrades to a common network will ensure that all agencies avoidtechnological stagnation.

In addition, the ability for as-needed communications between normally independentorganizations is an inherent capability of trunked systems. This capability would allowcoordination of State resources, for example, between law-enforcement agencies during jointoperations, and coordinated reactions of MDOT, Maryland Department of the Environment(MDE), and law enforcement during weather emergencies such as hurricane evacuations.

For the statewide trunked system to become commonly used, it must provide coverage forthe entire State. This includes the areas currently under license plus (1) the western portion of theState, not yet licensed, (2) the Eastern Shore, not yet licensed, and (3) the Chesapeake and lowerPotomac, for which the DNR has regular business and law enforcement authority, but which areareas not currently licensed. Coverage of the Chesapeake may require an additional five to eightbroadcast sites not included in current plans; however, these sites are vital for the participationthese agencies and cooperative interaction with other seafaring agencies such as the NationalCoast Guard.

It is also imperative that the system be capable of continuing the current capabilities ofmutual aid with other States. Many of the State of Marylands neighboring jurisdictions areimplementing 800 MHz trunked radio, including Delaware, eastern Pennsylvania, the District ofColumbia (Federal users), and Virginia. Assuming contiguous systems are manufactured by thesame company, the presence of neighboring 800 MHz trunked systems will actually makecontinued cooperation across these borders easier than if the current UHF and VHF systems arecontinued. In this case, the continuation of mutual aid capability is achievable throughcooperative programming of talk groups. Where the 800 MHz systems are manufactured bydifferent companies, or where conventional ultra-high frequency (UHF), very high frequency(VHF), or lowband systems are still in use, greater coordination issues exist. However,conventional voice patches between systems, commonly used between neighboring conventionalsystems, can and have been used to meet this need. Trunked 800 MHz radio systems can also beprogrammed and equipped to monitor the mutual aid frequencies and retransmit that informationin an 800 MHz channel to the appropriate users.

The ability of a radio user to be fully portable, that is, be able to travel throughout theState without changing radio equipment is mandatory for the participation of many organizations. True statewide roaming requires that the remote units be compatible with all frequencies licensedin the State and that the trunking management scheme include the ability to reach across the State. Although not a significant technical problem, it is a critical feature that must be included.

Lastly, agencies involved with health care maintain a concern that the hand-off of a userfrom one trunked radio cell to a neighboring cell may interrupt the flow of critical information,such as patient health data, from an ambulance to the hospital. In particular, this hand-off mayplace noise or stray signals in the patter (e.g., an electrocardiogram) that may cause impropermedical attention to be given. This issue may not be resolvable, in which case those agenciesrequiring transfer of real-time health data may decline to participate.

It is likely that some State agencies will require the system be operable and its robustnessand reliability demonstrated prior to signing onto the system. This is particularly true of lawenforcement and emergency medical services, for whom connectivity is an issue of safety. However, it is imperative that these agencies be included in the requirements and design processbecause they include both the largest community of wireless users (DMSP) and the communitywith the most robust requirements. This is true not only for sound technical reasons, but due tothe need to counteract the perception by some State agencies that they have not been fullyincluded in the requirements process in the past. Other Technologies

LMR and cellular telephone will remain the only two methods of cost-effectivecommunications providing statewide coverage throughout the planning period. Consequently,these access technologies will continue to vie for attention from the State wireless community. Personal Communication System (PCS) is not projected to provide statewide coverage until theend of the 10-year planning horizon.

Because a statewide 800 MHz trunked system can perform the majority of the functions ofcellular phones and can provide the additional capabilities afforded by the multicast medium, theimplementation of the statewide radio system will most likely impede the demand for cellularaccess. The presence of the radio system will present State agencies an attractive option overcellular. There were no currently planned wireless applications found for which the data ratesafforded by 800 MHz radio are insufficient. Further into the future, however, new applicationsmay come on line that require high-speed wireless access to the State WAN; in thesecircumstances, cellular phone should be considered. If the application is local, then PCS may alsobe an option, depending on its availability and the need for standardization.

4.1.5 Concept for Resource Sharing

Resource sharing is an ongoing project that allows State government to share bandwidthon the fiber network. Resource sharing is an agreement between State and private companies thatprovides access to the fiber backbone at no charge to the State. In exchange for this service,private companies are allowed Interstate Highway Rights of Way (ROW). MCI has beencontracted to install the fiber between Washington and the Baltimore corridor. The resourcesharing project is expected to be completed by mid 1995.

Some of the applications that will be used for the fiber backbone network are real-timevideo transmission, speed detectors, variable message signs, weather sensors, and the traveladvisory radio system. All of these systems will interface with the State Operations Center inHanover, MD. Additionally, other State government will use the fiber backbone network. Thebackbone network is a Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Optical Carrier level - 12 (OC-12). The OC-12 data rate handles up to 622 Mbps, which is equivalent to 336 DS-1 lines.

Another project that will use the States fiber backbone network is the NortheastCoalition. The Northeast Coalition will connect neighboring States between Maine and NorthCarolina through the Interstate 95 corridor. The purpose of the Northeast Coalition project is toprovide resource sharing among different States. It will also allow neighboring States to provideweather information and perform disaster recovery for other States. The project is expected tocome online by the end of 1997.

In general, resource sharing should be considered as Maryland's networks evolve andgrow. Resource sharing should be used when cost effective, but should be secondary toconsiderations of cost and geographic demand. The continued use of shared resources and thepotential for expansion of these types of assets are considered in the design of the network,described in Section 4.3.

4.1.6 Concept for Network Management

Network management is a set of procedures, software, equipment, and operations designed tokeep a network(s) operating near maximum efficiency. Any network strategy for the State of Marylandmust incorporate sound network management principles. The State will need to implement standardnetwork management policies to provide the level of service expected by the State users and the citizensof Maryland.

Currently, the networks in the State are managed by separate organizations. The Department ofGeneral Services (DGS), MDOT, and the University of Maryland are among the major networkmanagement organizations. Much of the network management activities occur in these organizations;however, every agency interviewed had network management activities and personnel. In addition, datacenters are responsible for the data processing activities that cross agency boundaries. Newnetworks/applications, such as the Financial Management Information System (FMIS), have amanagement plan that is not specifically linked to the other State management systems for lack of acomprehensive statewide network management model.

The functional view of network management must combine both organizational and informationperspectives. A network management solution for the State of Maryland depends on balancing keychallenges with the primary objective of network management: to keep a network operating nearmaximum efficiency.

The implementation of the switched backbone within the network should be accompanied by anetwork management capability that allows for the distributed assets to be managed on a similarlycooperative basis. This implies that both the management organizational structure and the managementsystem should be cooperative in nature. The State must implement a network management system inparallel with the roll-out of new assets.

The State must have visibility into network performance through network management tools. These tools provide detailed views of the operation of the network to allow real-time troubleshootingacross the network. It should support multiple protocols, particularly those of the SNA environment. The network management capability is particularly important during times of network transition to rapidlydiagnose system failures and avoid lengthy network downtime.

4.1.7 Networks as a State Service

It is recommended that the State data systems (including the statewide wireline andwireless backbones) be offered as a free, or heavily subsidized service by the State, specificallyDGS, to the departments and agencies. The goal of this approach is to make use of the Statenetwork less costly to departments than developing and maintaining their own networks. Bymaking the communications systems financially advantageous to use, State departments can beexpected to join the system and, by doing so, allow the State to realize the available economies ofscale. Through this approach, demand for the backbones will accrue naturally as new applicationscome on line and old applications are replaced.

For the States data networks to become widely used and realize the efficienciesassociated with high-volume use, they must be regularly and reliably available. This implies thatthey must be predictably funded by a means other than charging the State agencies anddepartments for their use or reliance on the general fund. It is recommended that funding for thenetworks be accrued through service-based charges by DGS, charges to the businesses wherethey use the network, or other fees. A full discussion of funding options is presented in AppendixB.

For wireline services, the States service should terminate at the backbone router. Agencies would be responsible for access to the router, local data routing, and computationalequipment. For the wireless network, the State should provide the backbone and repeater sites;individual agencies should be responsible for the costs of the mobile and portable units andterminal equipment such as dispatch consoles and base stations.

The State may find it advantageous to award an omnibus contract from which all agenciescan procure terminating equipment. In this manner, the combined purchasing power of thedepartments will provide reduced equipment costs. If this approach is not used, the State will findit necessary to publish the standards to which the systems are built and provide design assistanceto ensure agency-specific purchases are compatible.

It should be reinforced that it is recommended that participation by State agencies bevoluntary. This "pull" (rather than "push") strategy will eventually attract the majority of users inthe State to the networks, particularly as the cost of developing their own networks versus usingthe State network becomes clear.

Some additional issues remain for the wireless backbone service. There are some agenciesfor which the technical aspects of trunked radio may be of limited use, such as those requiringcontinuing data streams uninterrupted by the cell-switching techniques required by the small sizeof the 800 MHz repeater footprint. Some agencies may choose to participate in the statewidetrunked system while maintaining their conventional systems for other uses. For example, anagency may choose to use the trunked system for its data capability, but maintain the conventionalsystem for voice. This would provide redundancy in the operational environment and allow theuser to maintain voice and data transactions simultaneously. This dual use should be allowed untilthe end of the life-cycle of the conventional system, at which point alternative architectures,including a complete transition to the trunked system, should be investigated. However, foraccess by the radio community and service to the citizen to be maintained during theimplementation of the trunked system, it is important that no action preclude the use,maintenance, and value of present systems until their users have completed the transition.

In general, when the wireless and wireline backbones are in place with appropriate linksbetween them; and rapid, reliable, and universal data transfer is available, State agencies willparticipate as a matter of best financial, technical, and operational judgment. A graceful evolutionof the networks will be assured, maintaining the value of legacy applications.

4.2 Technology Environment

This section discusses the evolving requirements and technology alternatives that enablethe network to meet State needs and objectives.

4.2.1 Service Requirements

Service requirements are driven by a variety of factors that will facilitate the design andimplementation of the telecommunications infrastructure. Each agency has specific and oftenunique voice, data, and/or video application requirements that must be met in order to satisfy end-user needs. These application requirements are critical to the overall effectiveness of the agencysoperations, and must be met by the proposed telecommunications infrastructure. To serve thecitizens, the key requirement will be easy, low-cost access to public data. The breadth of theserequirements is highlighted by the following examples.

o The Maryland Office of Planning is involved in a pilot project that allows theinterexchange of GIS and data applications between DNR, MDE, and MDOT, whileproviding Internet access to these agencies.

o DMSP has requirements for immediate priority access and response, DMSP and theDepartment of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) for security, StateLottery for reliability, MDOT for Chesapeake Highway Advisory Routing Traffic(CHART) telemetry, and the Motor Vehicle Administration/Information SystemsCenter (MVA/ISC) for high-capacity data lines to support digital imaging filetransmission.

The software and hardware required to meet these needs are constantly evolving tosupport the changing user environment. The results of these requirements ultimately determinethe type of technology necessary to meet current and future needs. Therefore, the recommendedsolution must provide flexibility, interoperability, and facilitate communications with any systemand/or user within the State.

4.2.2 Multiprotocol Integration Techniques

The States current environment features a variety of communications protocols andstandards. Although it would be beneficial to have statewide standards, it is likely that currentequipment and legacy systems will be used for many years. As a result, a multiprotocol commonbackbone is needed. It is the most readily available method of supporting multiple protocols andproviding an interface for interoperability among users. A multiprotocol common backbonewould maintain the value of Maryland's current applications and potentially provide accessimprovements and network cost savings.

There are several strategies for multiprotocol integration, depending on the mix of traffic. For example, if the majority of traffic is SNA traffic between terminals and a mainframe, it wouldbe impractical to force the SNA traffic over a TCP/IP WAN. However, because LAN traffic hasgreater bandwidth requirements and it is anticipated that many of the future data requirements willbe LAN-based traffic rather than SNA traffic, transporting the SNA traffic over a TCP/IP WAN isthe more logical approach. This is because TCP/IP-based users (e.g., PCs and UNIXworkstations) are able to increase productivity by performing a variety of functions, such as wordprocessing, and spreadsheet calculations, and using graphical software packages.

The two most common methods for integrating SNA and LAN traffic over TCP/IP areencapsulation of the SNA traffic into a TCP/IP packet, and the conversion of the SNA traffic intoa LAN-based logical link control format. The applicability of each of these techniques depends onthe mix of traffic.

There are several other concerns when integrating SNA and LAN traffic. For example, itmay be necessary to provide mainframe access for LAN users. In addition, there are complexissues associated with the routing of SNA traffic that originates on LANs. There are a number ofschemes to deal with the routing complexities, but some of the developed technologies to handlethis situation are proprietary, which limits interoperability.

4.2.3 Transmission Technologies

There has been a proliferation of available transmission technologies within the pastseveral years. These new technologies have expanded the options available to network designers. Exhibit IV-16(E) illustrates a high-level overview of current and emerging transmissiontechnologies. It is important to consider not only the available technologies, but also thosetechnologies that will become available within the life cycle of the planned network.

Many of the new transmission technologies were developed specifically to address thetype of communications challenges facing Maryland. These challenges include rapidly growingdata requirements, increased LAN-to-LAN communications, and high-bandwidth dataapplications. Features such as high end-to-end throughput, low latency, cost-effective bandwidth-on-demand, and point-to-any-point connectivity will be needed to efficiently support futurerequirements.

Transmission techniques such as low-speed analog lines and T-1 digital backbones havebeen used to support data communications, but have significant disadvantages for high-speed,bursty data communications. The use of data-specific transmission technologies such, as FrameRelay, Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS), or Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM),enhances data transport. Frame Relay and SMDS are proven technologies.

Frame Relay is a connection-oriented service that provides faster response times andhigher transmission speeds than traditional packet-switched protocols. It is considered a fastpacket transport service that has the ability to route traffic to several destinations using statisticalmultiplexing techniques. Data rates of 56 kilobits per second (Kbps) to 1.544 Mbps can beachieved using Frame Relays permanent virtual circuits.

SMDS is a connectionless-oriented cell technology that supports speeds from 1.544 Mbpsto 45 Mbps. Because SMDS is a connectionless technology, the network determines the mostefficient way to route traffic to the destination node. This type of technology

eliminates the need to have permanent virtual connections between end nodes in the network.

ATM is a cell relay technology that uses a fixed length cell of 53 bytes instead of packetswith variable lengths. ATM offers virtual data circuits that provide speeds from 45 Mbps to 622Mbps. The fixed cells in ATM, which include routing information, allow for the consolidation ofvoice, data, and video, faster processing speeds, and bandwidth on demand.

As ATM becomes available, consideration may be given to transitioning to this technology. Many vendors and carriers will offer transition schemes. However, transition toATM should be undertaken only when standards are stable, technology is mature, and theeconomics become favorable. A Frame Relay or SMDS backbone may meet Marylands datarequirements for many years. The use of Frame Relay or SMDS eliminates the possibility ofintegrating voice and data through the same switches. However, they can share transmissionmedia. For example, tie lines may use Maryland transmission paths to allow intrastategovernment traffic between high-volume hubs. Voice transmission services are competitivelypriced, and there are many advantages to utilizing common carrier services to meet voicerequirements.

The accessibility and availability of new and emerging telecommunication services in theState of Maryland are high compared with many other States. Maryland has benefited from itsproximity to Washington, D.C., and a progressive regulatory environment. As a result, emergingservices tend to be offered sooner in Maryland than in many other States, and each majorinterexchange carrier (IEC) has multiple points of presence in the State.

The State regulatory environment in Maryland has been progressive and as a result, hashastened the introduction of new services and carriers. All local exchange services are open tocompetition. Two competitive access providers are authorized to provide nonswitched services. Applications from other competitive access providers (CAP) are pending. Metropolitan FiberSystem (MFS), one of the CAPs, is also authorized to provide switched local business services asa telephone co-carrier. The CAPs are required to file tariffs for their switched services. ASouthwestern Bell unit is seeking certification to provide competitive switched residential phoneservice over an affiliated cable TV system in Montgomery County.

Bell Atlantic has been aggressive in introducing advanced services such as Frame Relayand SMDS. Bell Atlantic was one of the first Regional Bell Operating Companies to offer trialswith these services. The full roll-out of these services began in 1991 and they are currentlyavailable throughout the State. Bell Atlantic does not offer a commercial ATM service, but isrunning tests and plans a future service offering.

Similarly, the major IECs, AT&T, MCI, and Sprint, offer both Frame Relay and SMDS toMaryland locations. Neither AT&T nor MCI offers ATM services on a widespread commercialbasis. Sprint offers ATM on a limited basis, but currently does not have ATM switchingcapability within Maryland.

4.2.4 Access Methods

Users throughout the State will access the backbone to take advantage of the features andservices offered by the network. The locations throughout the State vary significantly in terms ofthe number of users, traffic profiles, and applications. As a result, not all locations access thenetwork similarly.

Additionally, not all users will be located at established State offices. The servicessupported by the conceptual network may include telecommuting, and remote and wirelessaccess. These services would depend on the availability of access arrangements different fromthose used at State office buildings. Common access categories that should be supported by thenetwork include the following:

o Large campus/office complex

o Small office building

o Temporary field office

o Single session remote access

o Telecommuting

o Mobile and wireless access

o ISDN access

o Access via legacy system.

All network services may not be available through each of the access arrangements.

4.2.5 Evolution of Wireless Technologies

As the demand for transportable connectivity continues to increase, wirelesscommunications technologies are undergoing rapid development. Until recently, the options forcivilian wireless communications over distances greater than the size of a room have generallybeen limited to cellular telephone, LMR, and Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR). These and otheremerging technologies are shown in Exhibit IV-18(E) and described here. Particular attention ispaid to the advances and availability of these systems and their newer counterparts over the next10 years.

The first generation of wireless telephones was shaped by the decision to employ astandard known as the Advanced Mobile Phone Standard (AMPS). The enforcement of thisstandard made it possible for all phones, given access privileges, to work in all markets. Becausethis was considered mandatory for the technology to be successful, little room was left in thestandard for innovation. Although there are new developments in the size, weight, and powerconsumption of cellular phones, the basic service is very much the same as it was 15 years ago.

Rapid growth in the demands for cellular services and increased use of remote computingand data transfer have led to the development of digitally compatible cellular systems. Originally,cellular systems were designed for voice transmission only. Thus, errors during data transmissionover analog voice links occur due to breaks in transmission. As a first step to resolve thisproblem, Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) technology was developed as an alternative totransmission over analog lines.

CDPD overlays the current cellular network by permitting data to be transmitted in packetformat onto idle voice channels. With CDPD, data is sent in 128-byte packets at up to 19.2 Kbps. When using CDPD, users are charged only for the amount of data transmitted, as opposed to airtime. This makes CDPD economical for rapid data transmissions. However, long-term, data-intensive access such as on-line computing and long faxes are not economical for this type ofsystem. In addition, nationwide roaming is dependent on each carrier's roaming agreements andcapabilities.

In Maryland, CDPD is available in the Baltimore-Washington corridor and in the EasternShore. CDPD is currently not available in the western region of the State.

Since CDPD, fully digital cellular networks have been developed. Digital cellularnetworks are already providing better security, quality, and more efficient use of bandwidth forvoice services. When fully implemented, these networks are expected to deliver three to fourtimes the capacity of previous analog systems and will eventually require the use of dual-mode(digital and analog) phones. New systems will use one of several transmission protocols,including Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), and Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). Currently, only CDMA and TDMA have been incorporated into U.S. standards, and only TDMAis currently operational in this country. In Maryland, TDMA is the standard being inserted intothe networks of both Bell Atlantic Mobile and Cellular One. However, Bell Atlantic has statedthat it will be transitioning to CDMA.

LMR technologies have been available for approximately 50 years. Two-way radio is amature technology that is commonly used in applications requiring coverage of large geographicareas and the ability to multicast to numerous receivers. Recent developments in two-way radiosystems have centered on digitization and trunking -- the placement of a number of user groupson a smaller number of channels, with channel assignments being made automatically by a centralcontroller. Trunked systems have successfully proven their reliability in large urban areas and inenvironments such as aircraft carriers. Through networking of the broadcast sites, both trunkedand conventional systems have been expanded to cover larger areas such as States. LMRsystems have also been engineered to include such capabilities as remote unit monitoring andmanagement and real-time reassignment of talk-groups.

In parallel with data compatibility in cellular phones, digital radio was recently introducedto allow use of remote computing and data retrieval over LMR systems. Depending on vendorand design, trunked systems in the 800 MHz range typically operate at 2.4 to 19.2 Kbps, with themost common rate for repeated systems at 3 Kbps.

Specialized Mobile Radio was first offered in Chicago in 1977, 3 years after the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC) authorized it for dispatch users such as taxicabs and truckdrivers. SMR, which uses a single broadcast site, and Enhanced SMR (ESMR), which uses acellular-type design employing frequency reuse, are essentially commercial dispatch services. These services have become popular in urban areas, but are still largely unavailable in remoteareas. The dominant provider in the United States is Nextel Corporation. In both of SMR andESMR, digital capacity tends to be limited to 140-character messaging and 4.8 circuit-switcheddata transfer. SMR and ESMR also offer the standard two-way radio list of features, includingmulticast voice and data, and paging.

The next generation of wireless communications, generally referred to as PCS, holds thepromise of seamless integration of voice and data over a unified network. However, PCSspectrum is being auctioned, and the industry is still in its infancy. Consequently, projections offuture capabilities come with some risk. Unlike cellular phones, PCS is not encumbered by areliance on a standard for interoperability and, therefore, will be characterized by a moremeaningful differentiation between products than is currently available in the cellular phonemarket. In addition, products may be tailored for particular applications. Specialized datacollection and user interfaces may be developed for each customer group. For example, usersrequiring access to a particular database for transmission and reception of specific data types mayhave a custom wireless system designed and optimized for their needs. The resulting step will bea more seamless integration of wireless technologies into the other State data network(s). Indeed,the view of wireless as a separate, distinct system will most likely begin to blur as increasingwireless access to other networks makes wireless simply another medium, just like copper oroptical fiber, for providing access to networks and databases. Unfortunately, the greater thedifferentiation between products, the greater the difficulties of establishing and maintaininginteroperability with other users and applications.

PCS may benefit the State by its effect on the cellular phone industry. PCS is expected tobe available at substantially lower cost per user-minute than cellular, and thus drive cellular pricesdown. Furthermore, the digital capabilities of PCS are driving the cellular providers to moreaggressively implement their data-compatible networks.

The PCS auction for the two unreserved wideband portions of spectrum was recentlycompleted. The licenses for Maryland, including the Baltimore and suburban D.C. areas, werepurchased by American Personal Services (APC) and AT&T Wireless Services (formerlyMcCaw).

Winners of the PCS auctions have encountered difficulties in identifying and securing cellsites and in formulating agreements with the current occupiers of the spectrum for their removal,for which the PCS winners are financially responsible. Consequently, a consensus has developedthat fully operational PCS systems may take as long as 5 years to implement, and most likely willnot be available nationwide, particularly in rural areas, for at least 8 to 10 years.

Mobile Satellite Systems (MSS) are satellite-based two-way radio communicationssystems designed to provide mobile communications beyond the range and constraints ofterrestrial-based systems. MSS uses a variety of orbits and frequencies both below and above 1GHz. Coverage will be global. One satellite system is available today, offered by theInternational Maritime Satellite (INMARSAT) organization. Others are planned, includingofferings from American Mobile Satellite Corporation (AMSC), Motorolas Iridium, OrbitalSciences Corporation, and others. However, the INMARSAT system is currently priced at a levelwell above cellular access, and is primarily used by news organizations, cruise lines, and similarapplications. Overall, the efforts to develop these systems have been prone to delays, andfinancial viability of the industry has been questioned.

4.3 Data Network Design

The design considerations for the proposed network entailed evaluating variousalternatives that could best meet current and future requirements of the State. The networkdesign alternatives considered the following options:

o Do nothing

o Expand the FMIS Network

o Develop a high-speed switching network

o Develop a low-cost network

o Develop a standard TCP/IP based method for WAN access

o Implement TCP/IP on the IBM mainframe

o Develop an IBM-based ATM switching environment.

The "do nothing" alternative required evaluating the States current environment anddetermining its ability to meet current and future needs. For example, how effectively could thecurrent environment support these needs and provide a seamless interconnection to the NationalInformation Infrastructure (NII) for network users. Although reliable in some areas, the currentenvironment, which is predominantly SNA, is not positioned to meet this type of demand. Thecurrent SNA structure does not have the capability to route network traffic and offers limitedintelligence when compared to routers.

Expanding the FMIS network to meet State needs is another alternative. This wouldentail developing a router-based network in the State that is supported by FMIS. The FMIS user-base is increasing at a very rapid rate. To facilitate this effort, routers would be placedthroughout the State for FMIS and other network usage. This is a viable solution; however, thecurrent FMIS network is a secure environment containing sensitive user data. It does not lenditself to this type of exposure. Additionally, FMIS has been neither designed nor funded to carrythe expected traffic load of a statewide network.

Developing a high-speed switching network entailed evaluating various transporttechnologies that could enhance the current capabilities of the State. The transport technologiesconsisted of Frame Relay, SMDS, ISDN, and ATM. These technologies are drivers for meetingthe objectives of the State, which are to provide information technology in education, publicsafety, health care, economic development, and government services, and improve the quality andlife of each citizen. These switching technologies presented a viable alternative for meeting Stateobjectives by providing bandwidth on demand and increased flexibility as compared to the currentenvironment. However, the transport technologies alone will not fully meet the requirements ofthe State and provide a seamless interconnection for SNA and router-based users.

The low-cost network consisted of developing a router-based environment that couldmeet the States long-term goals. This alternative requires implementing routers at user locationsand providing access for LAN-based users. SNA-based users or legacy systems would use thecurrent access arrangements to access the DBN. Although this is a very functional approach, itdoes not lend itself to a true router-based environment. Traffic congestion may arise because ofhigh-usage routers in the network. However, the low-cost network alternative is a viablesolution, provided high-capacity routers are strategically placed to meet current and future userdemands.

Developing a standard Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) method forWAN access would allow users in any type of environment to access the TCP/IP (router-based)network. This solution would facilitate LAN-to-LAN or LAN-to-mainframe communications inthe States telecom-munications environment.

Implementing TCP/IP on the IBM mainframe would allow a seamless connection to theIBM host. This alternative would reduce the number of physical lines attached to the front-endprocessor (FEP) and allow a direct connection from the host to the router network. Additionally,data encapsulation is not required to exchange information between router-based users.

Developing an IBM-based environment that can support routing and ATM switchingwouldallowSNAuserstocoexistwiththerouter-basedenvironmentandstillhave averyefficientroutingenvironmentfor allusers. Thisalternative willalsoallowlegacysystems tooperatein amoredynamicroutingenvironmentbyusingIBMsAdvancedPeer-to-PeerNetworking(APPN+). APPN+offers amore seamlessconnection totherouternetwork. APPNis adistributednetworkingfeatureofferedbyIBMthatprovidesrouting. APPN+ is anenhancedroutingversionofAPPNandwillsupportfeatures suchasdynamicadaptiveroutingandautomaticallyrestartsessionsnondisruptively. ThissolutionwouldallowIBM-basedapplications tomeetuserdemands andprovide anoptimallyperformingroutingnetwork forIBMusers.

The selected network design provides a basis for the proof-of-concept and develops aspecification that can be used to support the acquisition and implementation of the blueprint forthe future. The design process provides a high-level overview of the network, but does notprovide implementation details. Only the key decisions such as the identification and placement ofbackbone nodes, protocol selection, and line capacities are made as part of network design.

There are two key design factors used in the development of the final recommendedsolution: maintaining low access costs to the router-based backbone and providing a phasedimplementation approach. By designing a solution with low access costs, the final design willlimit the agency-specific cost and encourage utilization of the network. A network design thatcan be implemented in phases is required to meet the State's fiscal environment.

The network design process is iterative. As an initial step, candidate designs aredeveloped. These designs are compared on the basis of the defined evaluation criteria. Networkmodeling and simulation are used to rate the candidate designs against the evaluation criteria. After the evaluation of the initial candidate designs, some are eliminated and new ones aredeveloped. This process of evaluating candidate designs continues until one candidate isdetermined to be the best. The following sections discuss the final design.

4.3.1 Selection and Placement of Backbone Nodes

The design considered 688 State and local locations. The locations' addresses, phonenumbers, SNA transactions, and approximate number of employees were used for input data.Backbone nodes were selected to minimize access distance from the State backbone nodes. TheState network traffic was determined by distributing the SNA transactions among the agencies,including the DS-0 utilized for voice, and assuming an interagency data transfer proportional tothe number of employees homed to the primary nodes. Only the interagency traffic generated bythe University of Maryland System (UMS) was used in the design. Because the majority of theUMS is Internet traffic, it was not considered for the States network. The result is a 12 by 12traffic matrix characterizing traffic in bytes per second between backbone nodes.

4.3.2 Specification of Access Arrangements

Each user location throughout the State is homed to a backbone node. The expectedtraffic growth of 15 percent compounded annually, as detailed in Appendix A, is aggregated at thebackbone nodes. The homing arrangements were selected on distance alone. In the actual accessimplementation, the expected traffic distribution must be considered. In addition, there may becost savings in a hierarchical arrangement, where a number of small agencies' traffic isconsolidated and then transported to the backbone network.

4.3.3 Final Data Network Design

Using a commercial-off-the-shelf network design tool, several topologies were designedand evaluated: least cost, link redundant, and link and node redundant network. Each topologywas evaluated with current traffic and 5-year traffic projections. The design process also variedthe traffic load to ensure a robust design. The final design, shown in Exhibit IV-23(E), was basedon the least cost design. Additional links were added to the least cost design to decrease trunkutilization between Baltimore and Glen Burnie, and Baltimore and Bel Air. An additional link wasadded from Glen Burnie to Hyattsville to increase network redundancy.

The key advantage evident in this router network design is network redundancydemonstrated by the network loops. Only LaVale can be isolated by a single network failure. Forall other nodes, the network can reroute the packets around the broken segment. The fully linkredundant network as illustrated in Exhibit IV-24(E) not only connects LaVale but has sufficientcapacity to carry the rerouted packets. The node and link redundant network depicted in ExhibitIV-25(E), guards against any link failure and any node failure. The small increase in redundancyof these networks was not judged to be worth the additional cost. However, as the networkgrows, this additional redundancy can be inserted into the network.

Specific user requirements balanced with the cost of additional links will determine thefinal network design.5.0 IMPLEMENTATION

This section provides transition plans to implement the recommended network concepts. In addition, the section highlights relevant policy and technical milestones. The transition plansare divided into three time frames: start to 2 years, 3 to 5 years, and 6 to 10 years. The timeframes provide a sequential transition to future network capabilities. The time frames may changewith aggressive funding and the State's posture regarding shared resources.

5.1. Voice Transition Plan

Voice services will continue to be the most universal form of telecommunications accessbetween the State and its citizens through the 5-year time frame. During this time, transitionplans will focus on standardizing voice capabilities across the State and exploring features toassist in providing citizen access to voice services. For the midterm, Maryland should evaluatethe efficacy of employing new technologies based on the use and need of high-bandwidthapplications. In the long-term, the State must focus on potential new service providers in theintra-local access transport area (LATA), inter-LATA, and international markets that may be ableto provide the State with a seamless network.

5.1.1 Two-Year Time Frame

In the 2-year time frame, the State of Maryland will be in the early stages of transitioningto a private branch exchange (PBX) environment through its contract with GTE. During thistime, Maryland should begin to implement an expanded program similar to the Baltimore MasterPlan to coincide with the PBX cutovers. The Baltimore Plan provided voice communications fortargeted State agencies through remote modules. This approach would optimize the use of PBXsthroughout the State by implementing remote modules, reducing the number of PBXs orremaining CENTREX switches. This process should be evaluated case-by-case based on thenumber of users supported by a switch.

Agencies should also examine the need to develop additional citizen assistance programs. These programs could be developed using interactive voice response applications. For example,citizens would call either a local or toll free telephone number and gain access to a menu-drivenservice where they could get detailed recordings on how to fill out tax forms, or record their nameand address to receive a brochure or report. These kinds of programs reduce the need to processincoming mail and the effort necessary for staff response to calls. For larger assistance programs,Maryland should deploy automatic call distribution (ACD) features to provide more rapidresponse to the citizens by distributing the call loads. Costs for interactive voice response (IVR)and ACD features are presented in Appendix C.

During this time frame, Maryland should also begin transitioning to Centigram servicesstatewide. This step will ensure common voice mail features and capabilities for State employeesand citizens.

5.1.2 Five-Year Time Frame

During the 5-year time frame, the transition to the NEAX 2400 system should beapproximately half complete. At that time, the State needs to reevaluate its voice graderequirements to determine if upgrading the PBXs to Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)is prudent. ISDN allows for inexpensive desktop video, Group 4 fax, and data connections to thenetwork. The benefits of ISDN are fully accrued only if both the origination and destinationpoints are ISDN compatible. In addition, transitioning to ISDN requires the purchase of ISDNhandsets and equipment. The costs for ISDN are presented in Appendix C.

Additionally, during this time frame, the State needs to evaluate the capabilities of newservice providers. Competitive access providers (CAPs), who once were only allowed to providetransport, are now allowed to provide switched services. MFS of Maryland is an example of thistrend. The availability of these services will depend on the Public Service Commission's and thelegislature's activities. The State should evaluate the cost effectiveness of these alternative localservices at least 1 year before the expiration of the Bell Atlantic CENTREX contracts.

5.1.3 Ten-Year Time Frame

In the 10-year time frame, Maryland will have completed the transition to a PBXenvironment. The traffic levels of traditional voice grade capabilities, such as fax, may havedeclined slightly due to the prevalence of data communications and applications such as electronicdata interchange. At this point, it is possible that the telecommunications industry profile willhave changed tremendously. Several CAPs may exist in the State, providing switched voice anddata capabilities. In addition, the traditional local exchange and interexchange carriers'subsidiaries may have full entry into each other's markets. Maryland's information technologyplanners will be challenged to evaluate a plethora of available services and providers. Voice maybe Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)-switched with data and video over the digital publicswitched network (PSN). In addition, Maryland will need to evaluate the possibility of havingone service provider of a seamless voice and data environment for both local and long distancetraffic. Again, many of these services will depend on both State and Federal regulation andlegislation.

5.2 Data Transition Plan

This section describes the transition of existing networks to a shared, switched networkinfrastructure. It considers the various systems and technologies in place and provides guidancein transport and access transition for the 2-, 5-, and 10-year time frames.

5.2.1 Two-Year Time Frame

In the 2-year time frame, the State should consider the transport and access alternativesdefined in the following paragraphs for its telecom-munications environment to obtain a moreefficient and robust network. The 0- to 2-year time frame recommendation is a low-costalternative. To develop a router environment that will minimize bottlenecks and improve theoverall network architecture, it is recommended that the 3- to 5-year time frame be considered toprovide a more efficient internetworking environment. Exhibit V-3(E) illustrates the short-termenvironment. Transport

Currently, the digital backbone network (DBN) is a very cost-effective transport vehiclefor network users and offers competitive rates over commercial carriers. The State shouldcontinue using the DBN services where feasible on the current network. However, carrier-basedservices should be evaluated and implemented where cost-effective to meet user needs. Thesetypes of services would move network ownership from the DBN to carrier networks and allow asingle point of contact for network failures or changes. Additionally, these switching technologieswould offer bandwidth-on-demand and a more efficient method for transmitting information. Access

The access method entails developing a low-cost router-based environment for networkusers. The method would require implementing routers at the user location. Networkmanagement and ownership of the routers will reside within the Department of General Services(DGS), which is similar to current arrangements. System Network Architecture (SNA)-basedusers would use a protocol converter to access the router-based network. For example, RADcommunications offers a low-cost alternative for SNA-based users to communicate over a router-based environment.

Network access in the States current environment is provided through channel banks. Because of the Network Management System (NMS) being used, a very cost-effective alternativeis to provide routing and Frame Relay capabilities over the existing network. This would requireupgrading the current multiplexers (Newbridge 3600s) to support Frame Relay and ATMcapability. This solution lends itself to the existing network architecture and would save morethan developing a new network architecture. However, in this alternative, routing is beingperformed only at the customer premises equipment (CPE) or where routers are located in thenetwork (e.g., data center). Thus, this solution is not a truly routed network and can not take fulladvantage of the benefits thereof.

5.2.2 Five-Year Time Frame

During this time frame, the State should be aggressively transitioning towards a reliablerouter-based environment that is scalable to meet future requirements of voice, data, and videoapplications for network users. Exhibit V-4(E) illustrates the proposed router environment. Transport

In addition to providing dedicated line services, the State should partition the DBNtransport facilities to provide Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)internetworking services. To accomplish this, high-performance routers must be installed at allDBN nodes. This service will allow the users with LAN internetworking requirements to utilize aconsolidated and cost-effective router-based network. In addition to LAN internetworking, theSNA traffic can be carried on the same router-base environment by using TCP/IP encapsulationand eliminating the need for end-to-end dedicated transmission facilities.

Developing a router-based network over the existing DBN is the first phase for achievinga switched environment. The DBNs coverage has continually evolved over the years to providea point of presence (POP) for all agencies throughout the State. Therefore, the State should takeadvantage of the existing POPs offered by the DBN. High performance routers with ATMcapability should be strategically placed at various locations throughout the DBN to provide end-users access to the router network.

Maintenance and support agreements should be established before migrating to the router-based network. The type of service agreement and support should be determined on an agency-by-agency basis to meet each agencys specific needs. An NMS, such as Hewlett Packards HPOpenview, should also be considered to monitor and manage major nodes within the backbonenetwork. The NMS should be strategically located throughout the State where technical expertiseand labor capacity exist to effectively monitor the network real-time. For example, implementingan NMS at the University of Maryland System (UMS) and data computer centers within the Statewould allow network managers to be informed of the network status, perform administrativefunctions, and make network routing decisions as required.

If technologies such as ATM should mature during this time period, the State shouldimplement ATM where cost effective to provide a high-speed link layer connectivity between thehigh performance routers on the DBN. Additionally, this alternative should be considered whencurrent traffic volumes reach a certain threshold, which makes it less effective to operate in thecurrent environment. Access

The proposed network is a multiprotocol solution. It is a requirement to support thecurrent SNA traffic and TCP/IP traffic. Since the Newbridge multiplexers can partition the trunksinto channels, multiple logical networks can exist on the same physical trunks. Therefore,multiple access configurations are possible depending on the user configuration. The simplestconfiguration, although not recommended, is to maintain the current point-to-point SNAconnection. The proposed network will support current users without any changes to theirpresent configuration.

The following access configurations are recommended: convert non-TCP/IP traffic at theuser location, encapsulate non-TCP/IP traffic on the backbone network, encapsulate non-TCP/IPtraffic at the data centers, or implement TCP/IP on the mainframe. The key driver in thisrecommendation is to convert/encapsulate SNA to TCP/IP as close to the mainframe as possibleto take advantage of routing. Convert Non-TCP/IP Traffic at the User Location

The users can implement communication devices at their locations to convert non-TCP/IPtraffic to TCP/IP traffic. Since the SNA traffic would not be routed, the SNA traffic would bedirectly connected to the user location from the mainframe. At the user location, the convertedSNA traffic will be routed in the LAN/MAN. There are various products available to meet thisrequirement, such as CrossComm Corporations IXLAN Remote Office Routers, and the ApertusTechnologies Data Center Hub, being used at the Annapolis Data Center. The decision will bebased on the SNA traffic load, user population, and expected depreciation of the device. Encapsulate Non-TCP/IP Traffic on the DBN

The second alternative entails converting non-TCP/IP traffic on the DBN for networkusers. This requires strategically placing devices, such as the Data Center Hub, within the DBNand performing protocol conversion at the DBN nodes, as opposed to the user location. Thissolution allows limited routing on the transport network, reduces cost by economies of scale, andreduces agency cost. This configuration allows end-user equipment to have only TCP/IPrequirements. The routers and protocol converters would reside within the central office of theservice provider. Encapsulate Non-TCP/IP Traffic at the Data Centers

The third alternative is to encapsulate non-TCP/IP traffic at the data centers with high-performance gateway/hubs. This allows TCP/IP users the ability to communicate with IBM-based applications. These devices would reduce the need for adding protocols and terminalemulation on the mainframe, while supporting as many as 2,000 simultaneous sessions. Implementing a communications hub would reduce the point-to-point line charges currentlyrequired in the States SNA environment and take full advantage of the routed network. Additionally, the communications hub could eventually replace the front end processors. Thiswould allow remote locations to operate in an Ethernet or Token Ring environment and accessthe mainframe via routers. The Annapolis Data Center is using the Apertus 5250 Data CenterHub, which has already resulted in cost savings and provides a seamless connection for theFinancial Management Information System (FMIS) and TCP/IP-based users. Exhibit V-5(E)illustrates the proposed network design when using the Apertus Data Center Hub. Implement TCP/IP on the Mainframe

The recommended alternative requires the State to implement TCP/IP software on theIBM mainframe. This will eliminate the single point of failure of the communications hub andwould provide a direct channel connection from the mainframe to the router. Data encapsulationwould not be required; router-based users would be able to access the host without any protocolconversion.

Providing TCP/IP on the mainframe allows for a robust network and minimizes thenumber of lines required to connect to the mainframe or to the backbone network. It also reducesthe added delay and overhead imposed by data encapsulation. TCP/IP on the mainframe wouldallow remote users to communicate natively to the mainframe, while eliminating the need fordedicated or multidrop lines. This design would allow SNA (legacy systems) and router-basedusers access to their specific applications. The IBM 3725 and 3172 communication controllersare illustrated in Exhibit V-6(E). The 3725 would be used to provide host communication forSNA-based users. The IBM 3172 would connect directly to a router network, which would thenprovide WAN access. Establish Connectivity to Resource Sharing

During this time frame or when feasible, the State should begin establishing connectivitybetween the backbone routers and the resource sharing fiber network. This effort requirescoordination between DGS and local carriers. Resource sharing is an arrangement between theState and private communications companies that will provide the State "free"telecommunications services and permit the companies access to interstate highway rights of way(ROW) to meet their business needs. The resource sharing network will consist of a SynchronousOptical Network (SONET) backbone. The current system is designed for Optical Carrier-12(OC) with backbone data rates of 622 Megabits per second (Mbps). The SONET backbone willencompass approximately 900 miles.

Establishing connectivity between the resource sharing SONET backbone will requireinstalling a SONET interface module and running ATM over SONET. This transition shouldoccur in phases to ensure that the network and end-user applications are functioning properlybefore going to the next migration phase.

Maintenance and support arrangements should be made prior to the migration period.

5.2.3 Ten-Year Time Frame

The State should reevaluate its transport and access methods for network services. TheState should consider developing a high-speed ATM switching environment on the backbonenetwork and in the local environment where cost effective. Exhibit V-7(E) illustrates the possibleATM environment.

During this time frame, users will have the ability to communicate directly from thedesktop to ATM switches. This capability would allow high-bandwidth applications to be used,such as video to the desktop, and sent over the network efficiently and cost effectively. High-bandwidth applications will continue to be a driving factor for developing reliable high-speednetwork.

Because of the current regulatory issues with local exchange carriers trying to enter thelong distance market, and the long distance carriers trying to penetrate the local market, it isanticipated that telecommunication services will be highly competitive due to increasedcompetition. The State should consider the economics of selecting one service provider to meetits needs for local and long distance services for all State government.

5.3 Video Transition Plan

The implementation timeline for a statewide video teleconferencing (VTC) capability isdirectly related to the timelines for data and voice described in previous sections. Thisrelationship is based on the cost savings that may be realized through the use of the State datanetwork and ISDN voice lines for video transmission.

5.3.1 Two-Year Time Frame

The fundamental driver in the short term for VTC is the continued fielding of VTCequipment throughout the State. The State has already established a vehicle for acquiring newvideo systems. The State should continue to acquire video systems that are interoperable throughthis contract. There are several systems in use now that will allow interoperability, namely theVTC centers at Maryland Public Television (MPT), Preston Street, and Calvert street offices,which will form the core video capability of a statewide VTC system. Incompatible (PictureTel)systems should be retired and replaced during this time. It should be noted that many systems arecapable of operating in several formats; selecting a common architecture will provide the ease ofuse and common video procedures necessary to ensure the widespread acceptance of VTC.

The second short-term activity is to develop telecommuting and VTC centers at keylocations in the State. Establishing dual VTC/telecommuting centers will establish a focal pointfor economic growth, decrease travel time, and provide common citizen access points. In theshort term, the VTC network will be primarily by dial-up.

It is envisioned that approximately 45 to 50 VTC installations will be implementedthroughout the State over the next 5 years, providing VTC to major State offices, telecommutingcenters, collegiate campuses, major community colleges, and at least one in each county nototherwise represented. Approximately 15 to 20 of the high priority locations should beimplemented in 1996 and 1997.

Because VTC will not be provided to most learning facilities in this time, it will continueover the next 2 years much as it exists now. However, the State should continue technical studiesto define the feasibility of interconnecting the Interactive Video Network (IVN) with theMaryland Distance Learning Network (MDLN). The feasibility study should include technical anduser requirements and the cost of merging these distance learning networks. Each systemprovides unique advantages, and the users will need to determine the distance learningrequirements for their specific situations.

5.3.2 Five-Year Time Frame

Midterm activities are focused on integration of the selected State video system into awidely available and user friendly system that allows ease of access not only by governmentemployees but also by the citizens. A key activity will be the incorporation of the VTC systemsinto the router-based data network or, if implemented, ISDN services through the PBX orCENTREX services.

During this period, the remainder of the 45 to 50 sites not implemented in the previousphase should be completed. These sites will provide access to VTC in all regions of the State, inor near all State office buildings, and in major community colleges and universities. When this iscomplete, the availability of VTC for distance learning will diminish the need for many of theexisting distance learning systems.

Should desktop video applications become more widely available and inexpensive duringthis time, the State should develop standards and establish a contract vehicle through whichindividual agencies can purchase their desktop applications and equipment. Planning for desktopvideo to be interoperable with the VTC systems will ensure the State can provide robust andwidely available video services.

5.3.3 Ten-Year Time Frame

In the far term, the activities will focus on completing incorporation of the video networkinto the ISDN and/or high-speed data network. Maintaining a common access to the backbonenetwork and planning for the necessary video capacity will be the primary challenges.

It is not feasible to predict the types of video technologies in the far term. However, aconsistent policy of maintaining common interfaces will allow the State to provide many videoapplications to the State network users.

The implementation of the VTC centers in the major State offices and educationalinstitutions should be completed by this time, and the expansion of the network into local schoolsshould be the next priority. Thereafter, at the end of the 10-year planning horizon, full duplexconnectivity between schools, community colleges, and universities will eliminate the need for themajority of the distance learning systems now in use. A few distance learning systems may remainto meet specific geographic or interstate needs that can not be met by the VTC network. However, these systems can most likely use short-term access to wireline services (cable, data, orphone) available to the public and will require little dedicated hardware.

5.4 Wireless Transition Plan

The timeline for the implementation of the land mobile radio (LMR) system recommendedin Section 4 is specified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and licensingcoordination authorities. This timeline requires that the infrastructure for the 800 megahertz(MHz) trunked system show complete development within 3 years of the date of license, and thatcomplete usage be demonstrated within 5 years.

The licenses for the central region were received by the State in July 1994. Licenses forthe Eastern Shore and the western region have not been received. In addition, coverage for theChesapeake Bay and lower Potomac is also recommended, and should be included in the nextround of frequency requests.

5.4.1 Two-Year Time Frame

According to this timeline, the trunked system for the central region of the State must beconstructed by July 1997 and show full utilization by July 1999. The licenses for the remainder ofthe State will most likely not be received in time for a single statewide procurement to becompleted in time to avoid the expiration of the license (if unused) in July 1997. Consequently, aphased approach is required.

The State has developed a phased approach based on six subregions. Initially, the centralsubregion (Baltimore to suburban D.C. ) will be implemented. Thereafter, the northern tier of theState, from Frederick County to Cecil County, will be implemented in two parts. The fourthphase will implement the southern region including St. Marys County. These four phases requireimplementation prior to July 1997 to avoid forfeiture of the current licenses.

Because this system must be implemented and in use prior to 1997, it is imperative that theState release the Request for Proposals for the system in time for construction to be completed byearly 1997 and field equipment to be in use prior to the expiration date. Thus, it is recommendedthat the State proceed immediately with the development of the Request For Proposal (RFP).

It is likely that there will be at least two primary bidders on the system, Motorola andEricsson-General Electric (EGE). Due to the cost of a statewide system, and to take fulladvantage of the capabilities of these major suppliers, it is recommended that the State considerrequesting these companies to propose options to reduce the up-front costs to the State. Theprimary option to consider is allowing the vendor to structure a lease arrangement much like thelease of circuits from telecommunications vendors. Also included in the RFPs should be themeans for management and maintenance of the system. DGS currently does not have theexpertise or labor allocations to perform maintenance functions; consequently, this should be partof the service agreements.

As an alternative to be considered, the Department of Maryland State Police (DMSP)maintains an effective and efficient maintenance operation that may be used to reduce systemmaintenance costs. The DMSP may find use of its maintenance personnel beneficial because itwould provide increased visibility into and responsibility for system reliability, one of the keyrequirements.

In parallel, the State must proceed with the application for frequencies for the EasternShore, western panhandle, and Chesapeake Bay when the next round of frequency allocationsbecomes available. This will most likely happen later this year or in 1996.

The three largest users of LMR may find immediate benefit from the availability of thetrunked radio system starting in 1997, as follows:

o DMSP: The Maryland State Police will most likely find immediate value in thesystem for automated transfer of data, including but not limited to National CrimeInformation Center (NCIC) data, to mobile units. This value may eventually includeaccess to other law-enforcement databases such as the States automated bookingsystem currently in development, and some portions of the Judicial InformationSystem (JIS).

It is unlikely that the DMSP will find immediate value in the trunked radio system forvoice use, for two reasons. First, their current analog system provides sufficientcoverage to the State, which should not be relinquished until statewide coverage ofthe trunked system is established and proven. Second, the DMSP will require voiceconnectivity simultaneous with data connectivity. This capability may not be availablein the baseline trunked system.

o Department of Natural Resources (DNR): DNR is maintains two analog systems,both of which are in need of repair and possible consolidation. Full DNRparticipation in the program will most likely be contingent on the completion ofstatewide coverage; however, DNR personnel have stated that they would also findthe data relay capabilities of the system immediately beneficial.

o Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT): MDOT may find the datatransport capability of the system very useful, in particular if the data throughputrequirements of the Chesapeake Highway Advisory Routing (CHART) system makeuse of only cellular technology prohibitively expensive. Because MDOTs newoperations center will be located in the footprint of the first phase of the trunkedsystem, its participation may start at the inception of the system for both voice anddata. However, MDOTs participation may be expected to remain light until fullstatewide connectivity is established. Until that time, its current systems will berequired to remain active to fulfill the majority of its communications needs.

In addition, the variety of smaller users such as the DPSCS will also find the capabilities ofthe system useful. In particular, if access to the backbone is offered without cost, it is likely thatthis and other small agencies, with relatively small telecommunications budgets and buying power,may make the transition immediately.

However, the transition of the departments to the 800 MHz system should be made in amanner that does not reduce the quality of service to the citizen or the safety and effectiveness ofState employees. The potential for continuing upgrades to a common network will allow theState to keep up with technological advances in wireless communications and avoid technicalstagnation.

5.4.2 Five Year Time Frame

Assuming the remainder of the States territory will receive licenses in 1996, theinfrastructure for these areas will be developed between 1997 and 1999. By 1999, full coverageshould be available for the State, and the majority of the radio users can be expected to join atthat time. These agencies include the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services(DPSCS), in particular its correctional institutions, which needs upgraded wireless support. Otheragencies such as the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) will also most likelytransition to the system when the benefits of statewide access and data relay are demonstrated.

Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services System (MIEMSS) may choose tomaintain some of their own capabilities should the issues of data interruption be unresolved. Legally, the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) is required to maintain its ownindependent system, and although they may find the trunked system useful, complete participationis probably unlikely. After the trunked system is proven, though, the necessity of this legalrequirement should be revisited.

It is not the intent of the 800 MHz system to meet the requirements of every user in theState; rather, it the 800 MHz system should be considered as a central resource to gain economiesof scale where appropriate. A graceful evolution to general use of a common system will ensurethe quality of service to the citizen.

5.4.3 Ten Year Time Frame

After implementation of the system in 1999, the remainder of the 10-year planning horizonwill constitute the operational phase of the system. Continued purchases of terminatingequipment by the various administrations will occur, and during this period the financingtechniques described in Appendix B will most likely have their largest effect on the financialstatus of the project. By receiving a percentage of the funds expended for mobile and portableequipment, the State can expect to provide a significant cash flow into the telecommunicationsfund for maintenance and upgrades to the system.


This section recommends a telecommunications management organization, as well as theroles and responsibilities to make it work.

6.1 Network Oversight

To achieve the States vision of effective, efficient delivery of government services to thecitizens of Maryland, the management approach must promote participation and coordinationamong agencies and its citizens. This section describes the key tenets of such a plan.

Today, each organization is responsible in large part for planning and implementing itsown telecommunications support for applications and operations. Many have developed,individually, a supporting infrastructure that effectively meets their needs, often in an efficientmanner to serve that individual organization. However, as requirements grow andinformation-sharing becomes necessary for seamless, coordinated government services to thecitizen, the management approach must evolve to meet this vision. Government organizationsand the citizenry are stakeholders in the common vision.

A recent policy memorandum clarifies the State information technology procurementauthority and responsibility between the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning/Office ofInformation Technology (DBFP) and the Department of General Services/Assistant Secretariatfor Telecommunications (DGS). DBFP is responsible for long-range planning and agencyinformation technology initiatives, including agency-specific LANs. DGS is responsible forcoordinating the development, procurement, management and operations of telecommunicationsequipment, systems and services, including voice processing, wide area network, and wirelesssystems and services. This memorandum is an important first step in developing an institutionalframework for telecommunications planning and management.

Efficient management allows the respective network elements to be considered inaggregate, and looks for economies and sharing opportunities to reduce costs and improveservice. For example, the States data networks may be individually efficient, but considered as agroup, not optimal in utilization and cost terms. The data network demonstrates low linkutilization, redundant links, and excess network capacity to meet the needs of each application. Inaddition, other inefficiencies are likely as many organizations will need to share informationelectronically, as they need to reduce costs and duplication, and improve service to the citizen. The need, as a result, is to view the telecommunications infrastructure as a commonly owned andused set of assets, not just to achieve economies, but also to achieve interoperability and networkperformance.

Many States have found that the most effective, efficient mechanism to deliver servicesacross the government and to the citizen is through a consolidated telecommunications authority(either through statute or executive order). Although many still have distributed managementresponsibilities, others are moving toward the single authority. Planning is often performed by an"IRM [Information Resource Management] Commission" with input from citizen consortiums. Coordinated planning is essential in leveraging limited budget to provide the best availabletechnology and services to the State.

6.1.1 Requirements Planning Process

Today, requirements for programs and initiatives are individually submitted for fundingapproval. For some time, this has led to the independent development of systems and capabilities. However, the formation of the Information Technology Board (ITB) has begun to facilitateexchange of ideas and potential resource sharing among agencies. This forum is an importantmeans to facilitate greater coordination of telecommunication requirements generated by a diverseuser community. These requirements are expected to not only become more diverse, but also togrow at a rate that would be impossible to meet on an agency-by-agency basis.

To achieve the goals of effective, efficient management and service to the citizen, it isnecessary to develop a cooperative planning mechanism among organizations to pool resourcesand jointly plan for the future. This "forum" should enable the State telecommunicationsnetworks to meet the information requirements of each individual organization, as opposed tospecific telecommunications needs. It should represent all agencies, large and small.

As shown in Exhibit VI-3(E), this planning forum should confirm and documentforecasted information requirements for State organizations, based on their IRM plans over a5-year horizon. These requirements can be updated annually as needs change and programsevolve. The requirements should be rolled up into one comprehensive document that articulatesthe information technology programs and initiatives of each organization, and the requirements tobe funded.

The requirements submission can then be reviewed by a small team led by the DBFP thatincludes DGS and at least one member at large. The purpose of this group is to reviewrequirements in the aggregate, look for synergies and opportunities for shared network resources,determine those requirements that can not be satisfied by shared network resources, and prioritizeand recommend telecommunications improvements for budget approval.

A separate, statewide telecommunications wide area networking fund should be set up tojointly finance telecommunications initiatives. Fee-for-service arrangements can be instituted, asappropriate, to recover funds expended. Appendix B discusses potential financial arrangements.

The State should also sponsor an annual conference to share information and successes of

State organizations and State telecommunications projects. The conference held in conjunctionwith this study received positive feedback for fostering interaction and learning among Stateorganizations. It would also be an opportunity to learn about best practices and innovativeapplications of technology. Vendors would be available to showcase successful networkapplications and accept feedback. This will enrich agencies understanding and planning.

The benefits of this type of planning include broad participation and consideration ofshared resource and improved service opportunities.

6.1.2 Plans and Architecture

Periodically, the State network architecture should be reviewed to determine if it stillmeets needs in the most efficient, effective manner. Incremental network expansion to meetrequirements can lead to an over-reliance on existing technologies that are often "band-aided" tokeep meeting requirements. A State network architecture should look out 5 to 10 years to assessemerging technologies for ability to meet objectives. This process is illustrated in ExhibitVI-5(E). An evolutionary architecture will include strategies for technology insertion to reducecosts or improve service. The architecture should be revised no sooner than every 2 years by ateam with broad representation and input from across the State. The team should solicit inputfrom citizens, as appropriate, and from service and equipment providers to ensure a fullunderstanding of current capabilities and possible transition strategies.

Establishing statewide policies and monitoring standards and ensuring their adoption is acontinual process. Policies will guide agencies adoption of information technology and its use. The State should routinely review emerging and mature standards and determine theirimplications for the State. Adoption of common standards across the State will ensureinteroperability and facilitate information exchange among agencies. It will also widen the field ofpotential vendors, promoting increased competition and lower costs, and limit the number ofproprietary, single-vendor environments. Standards should include digital voice (e.g., NationalIntegrated Services Digital Network [ISDN]), data (e.g., Transfer Control Protocol/InternetProtocol (TCP/IP), video (e.g., International Telecommunications Union (ITU) H.261_Px64)technologies and other end-user equipment or transport technologies that are appropriate. Apolicy and standards review team can be established that has a rotating membership, with inputfrom all State organizations as well as local governments, as appropriate, to ensure broadrepresentation. Citizens can submit inputs through open forums, electronically (e.g., via Internet),or through public correspondence and disclosures.

6.1.3 Operational Planning


Operational planning, as shown in Exhibit VI-6(E), addresses telecommunicationsimplementation and operation. It typically has a 1- to 6-month planning horizon. It usually takesthe form of a conference or meeting, hosted monthly or quarterly, to discuss near-term networkimplementation and operations. DGS should lead this process due to their role in acquisition andcontract management. Equipment and service providers and contractors are represented todiscuss current network performance and plans for the next 6 months. It also serves as a forumfor user feedback where customers can ask questions or express concerns. These forums typicallymeet more often during critical transition periods and less frequently during more steady-stateoperational periods.

6.2 Operational Roles

Responsible management is key to successful transition and operation of the Statenetwork. The roles and responsibilities of the various participants must be well delineated andarticulated to ensure cohesive, comprehensive network operation.

The State must define a service delivery point, or SDP, in which the responsibilities of thecustomer organization location end and those of the network service provider begin. For theState, this should be at the local network interface (e.g., private branch exchange [PBX] or localarea network [LAN]). The channel banks, routers, and any other equipment or services are theresponsibility of the network service provider. Decisions (and budgets) regarding local (premises-based) networks will remain with the individual organizations, so long as they adhere to statewidepolicies and standards. Decisions regarding the larger network infrastructure that ties togethervarious organizations will be the responsibility of the aforementioned planning elements.

Transition to a switched network infrastructure is continual. It includes the transition ofexisting independent networks as well as additions through network expansion and growth,periodic technology upgrades, and new network-based services. The processes that supportinstallation and transition include project management, customer interface (departments andagencies), and multiple vendor interfaces.

The network operations role includes network administration and management. Administrative functions include order-taking, tracking and billing (as appropriate). It is theprimary interface with customers concerning day-to-day operation. Network management is a setof procedures, software, equipment and operations designed to keep a network(s) operating nearmaximum efficiency.

In addition to installation and operation, acquisition and contract management are key tosuccessful management of a network. Acquisition management is a complex and rigorousprocess, requiring strict adherence to regulations and guidelines in acquiring equipment andservices. The objectives of acquisition include (1) ensuring fair and equal competition, (2)acquiring resources that satisfy user needs, and (3) obtaining the advantageous, cost-effectivesolution to meet user needs. This process includes the review of requirements, solicitation andevaluation of proposals, and recommendation awards.

Contract management ensures the acquired goods and services deliver as promised. Inaddition, this function also executes modifications, and enforces performance/cost requirementsand other contract terms.

6.2.1 Key Players

The State, like many large users, cannot readily marshal the requisite expertise to actuallyoperate a wide area network in an efficient manner. The State relies on several equipment andservice providers to provide todays network services and infrastructure. This approach shouldbe continued in the future. These providers are experts and bring a broad range of experience. Inaddition, they often support many customers, allowing greater economies of scale and offeringlower rates to the State.

As networks become more complex and multivendor in nature and multiservicearrangements become more common, governments are relying more and more on systemintegrators, who put together all the parts of a network and offer a single solution. Theintegrators typically perform all the engineering and design tasks, contract with the respectiveequipment and service providers, integrate the components and sell or lease the system or serviceto the government. Many will also operate the network, monitoring performance and performingadministrative functions, such as order-tracking and billing. The integrator should deliver monthlyand quarterly network management reports to identify traffic, efficiently adapt the network tochanging traffic patterns and loads, and determine cost trends

Some functions such as independent verification and validation (IV&V), order-tracking,and customer satisfaction monitoring, are best independently assessed, typically by a third partyexperienced in such functions. This function could be performed by a contractor or delegated toan agency that is well qualified for this role.

The governments role in acquisition and contract management has been increasing overtime. The diversity and complexity of networks mandate the use of contractors, who can affordto specialize in specific network services.

6.2.2 Management Roles and Responsibilities

The State has considerable expertise in acquisition and telecommunications contractmanagement. DGS, for example, currently oversees a variety of contracts, including voice, data,and video services. This expertise can be applied to acquire and manage contractors to providetelecommunications equipment and services, including wide area network integration. It isrecommended that DBFP and DGS continue in these roles for wide area voice, data, and videoservices (as defined by the recent policy memorandum between the organizations).

A network integrator will shoulder much of the State's burden for network design anddevelopment, implementation, and operation. The integrator can competitively procure elementsof the network and integrate them into a single service delivery to the State. As directed by theState, the integrator can also recompete network elements or services over time to obtain greatercost efficiencies. This is essential to keep the network cost effective and to take advantage ofnew pricing strategies, new services, and new service providers. Also, the integrator can providedata, video, and selected point-to-point voice services.

A single integrator will also simplify and reduce acquisition time and cost, and be easier tojustify in subsequent budget cycles. If the technical specification and administrative processes arewritten properly, an integration contract has the potential for great flexibility.

A customer management/administrator assumes many of the order-tracking andperformance monitoring responsibilities. The administrator can effectively, and objectivelymonitor the integrators performance against the contract specifications and customer satisfactionmetrics. These specifications might include the time interval from order to delivery,responsiveness to customer calls for assistance, adequacy of training (as appropriate), or othermeasures of performance/satisfaction. The administrator can also be a contractor performing asthe States agent or a State agency that may be well suited for these functions. Any organizationthat assumes these functions must have the competence to do the job and the confidence of thecustomer organizations.

The State, network integrator, and customer manager/administrator together share theresponsibilities of network management.

* * * * * *

Marylands vision for the future can only be realized through coordinated planning andinvestment. The technology and infrastructure recommendations advanced in this report offerguidance in the evolution of networks for the State. Equally important however, is establishing amanagement process that promotes cooperation and sharing of information resources.

A Vision for the Future

Edwin James, a resident of Williamsport, wakes up with the alarm at 6:15 on a cold, bleary,February Monday morning. Although his commute has gotten shorter since he joined the statestelecommuting program, the government still has not found a way to make the weather friendlier.

Ed works for the State of Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Officially his officeis at 201 West Preston Street in Baltimore, but due to the telecommuting program, wildly popularsince its inception in 1995, he goes to that location only 2 days a week. The first 3 days of eachweek he commutes away from Baltimore to one of two telecommuting buildings located nearHagerstown.

If he can get there -- when Ed rises and looks out the window, he sees 14 inches of new snow. Heshowers, shaves, and gets dressed, while his wife makes her preparations for the day. Overbreakfast, Ed and Jane hear Tyler, their third-grade daughter, tell them with glee about her plannedtravels to sunny Australia to watch Kangaroos, then see the Americas Cup trophy, and learn aboutthe Aboriginal people. Born in 1997, its Tylers eighth birthday, and shes especially excited. Shewont actually be traveling today, but through use of two-way video, she will exchange informationwith another class of third-graders in Sydney and the Australian Ministry of Cultural Affairs inMelbourne. "That must be the same video system used to recruit the Swiss pharmaceutical firm tolocate its new plant in Calvert County," mentions Jane. Ed takes a quick look at the sportsheadlines ("Baseball Commissioners to D.C. Expansion Bidders: Maybe Next Time") while gulpingdown the last of his coffee. After breakfast, Ed packs Tyler into his car to take her to school on theway to his office. Jane backs her mini-van out of the garage and sets off for her job at the CountyMedical Center.

The Maryland Department of Transportation is ready for them. Data has been collected all nighton the storm. Sensors located along the major and secondary roadways have collected data ontemperature, snow depth, and other surface conditions, and have automatically sent it back to acommand center. This information has allowed MDOT to begin plowing early and dispatchequipment to where it is most required. The road from the James driveway to the exit of theirsubdivision requires slow driving, but once they are on secondary roads, Ed and Tyler proceedalmost at normal speed.

Jane, unfortunately, has not been so lucky. She took advantage of the good road conditions -- anddrives at greater than normal speed. The Maryland State Police are waiting and pull her over. At7:33 a.m., Monday, February 21, 2005, her drivers license, with its bar-code on the back, is swipedthrough the digital radio terminal in the police cruiser, starting a series of events. Her licensenumber is sent via digital radio to the central database in Baltimore and on to the National CriminalInformation Center for a check of outstanding warrants. In 20 seconds, a reply is received inBaltimore and automatically linked back to the car. There are no outstanding warrants. OfficerDowning types in the recorded speed, and a ticket is printed by the terminal. He gives the ticket toJane, telling her to be more careful and telling her that the location, speed, and other data dealingwith the infraction have been automatically linked to the states Justice Information System. Shewill receive an automated call at the end of the day stating her court date, should she wish tocontend the ticket.

"Oh, by the way," he says, "that license expires in 2 weeks. Just go to any State kiosk, swipe itthrough like your credit card, and follow the directions on the screen. The updated license will thenbe mailed to you. Have a good day, Maam." She is on her way at 7:40. "Embarrassing, but atleast not very time consuming" she says, half out loud.

After dropping Tyler off at school, Ed arrives at the telecommuting center. He dials up his voicemail, logs onto his electronic mail, and begins planning his day. In one e-mail he reads that theweekly VTC of the department staff has been postponed by 1 hour due to the weather. Apparently,those still commuting to Baltimore are having a rougher time.

Because its Monday, the Department will be receiving the data from all health care providers ontheir activities during the previous week. Physicians with small private practices will dial up thedata center and electronically transmit the data. Larger institutions and hospitals submit data dailyover the States digital network. Some physicians still mail in their data on disk, but most arewilling to pay the nominal fee for the electronic service. The fee goes into a fund instituted by theState legislature in 1996 to ensure that the State telecommunications infrastructure is wellmaintained and serves the public well.

Ed decides to track the data collection for the program, which ensures that all children are up-to-date on their vaccines. All health care providers submit vaccination data from the previous weekusing each childs name and social security number. From this database, a doctor or schoolwishing to receive information about a childs vaccination status can send in queries, and givenproper authentication, will receive the childs immunization status by mail, fax, or on-line. Available on-line to the public is more general information regarding local services, some withoutcost, which may be used to bring each child up to date.

Meanwhile, Janes luck only gets worse. An accident up ahead has slowed traffic to a crawl. Whenshe finally comes to the accident, she sees Maryland State Police cars and Department of NaturalResources heavy equipment working on the overturned truck. The use of a common trunked radiosystem by State departments has made cooperation of this nature common, so nothing seems oddabout it to Jane. She arrives at work a little later than normal, at about 8:15. "Not bad for 14inches of snow," she thinks, "I wonder how Ed is doing." Too busy for a call, she logs onto theoffices Internet account and sends a message to her husbands account. "Made it in safely, but withsome minor delays. Ill tell you about it tonight."



Access _ The point of user entry in to a circuit or other communications facility.

Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) _ An IBM networking protocol. APPN allows usersto communicate without the intervention of a central computer. IBMs APPN+ offers additionalbenefits over APPN, such as dynamic routing and automatic session restarts.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) _ A high speed transmission technology. Usable capacityis segmented into 53-byte fixed cells, consisting of header and information fields, allocated to provideservice on demand.

Basic Rate Interface (BRI) _ An Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) service that providestwo bearer B-channels at 64 Kilobits per second (Kbps) and a D-Channel at 16 Kbps. The B-channelhas the ability to carry voice, data, and video traffic. The D-channel is used for signaling informationof incoming and outgoing calls.

Bandwidth _ The rate of traffic, usually data traffic, a communications channel or device canaccommodate.

Bridge _ A communications device that connects local area networks (LANs) with differenthardware or different protocols.

Campus Area Network (CAN) _ Local Area Networks (LANs) that are generally extended to alocal campus environment.

Central Office (CO) _ Telephone company facility where subscriber lines are connected to switchingequipment to provide local and long distance access.

CENTREX _ A business telephone service offered by the local telephone company from a centraloffice.

Channel Bank _ A device that puts slow speed voice or data information onto one high-speed linkand controls the flow of that information.

Customer Information Control System (CICS) _ An electronic system used to obtain generalinformation or perform accounting and procurement functions within the Financial ManagementInformation System (FMIS) data base.

Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) _ Terminal equipment supplied by telephone commoncarriers or a competitive supplier to provide access to a public or private network.

Data Rate _ The measurement of how quickly data is transmitted over the network. Data rate isnormally expressed in bits per second.

Data Service Unit (DSU); Channel Service Unit

(CSU) _ Electronic equipment used to access digital data channels on the network. DSU/CSUs arenormally used to access the network for data rates of 56 Kbps to 1.544 Mbps.

Digital Backbone Network (DBN) _ A transport network that allows users to communicatebetween two or more locations. DBN can refer specifically to the digital backbone of the State ofMaryland.

Digital Signal, level one (DS-1) _ A 1.544 Mbps digital signal carrier on a T-1 transmission facility.

Digital Signal, level three (DS-3) _ A DS-3 is 44,736,000 bits per second, which is equal to 28 T-1sor 672 standard voice channels.

Digital Signal, level zero (DS-0) _ A signal carrier providing 64 Kbps of available bandwidth. Twenty-four DS-0s (24x64 Kbps) are equal to one DS-1, which is a T1 or 1.544 Mbps.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) _ A branch of the Federal government establishedby the Communications Act of 1934. The FCC has the authority to regulate all interstate (but notintrastate) communications originating in the United States.

Fiber Optics _ A technology where light is used to transfer information from one location to another.

Financial Management Information System (FMIS)_A router-based environment that providesLAN-to-mainframe access for State government. There are six modules associated with FMIS: Accounting System (RSTARS), Advanced Procurement Inventory Control System (ADPICS),Budget Preparation (BPREP), Payroll and Time Keeping, Human Resources (HRM), and theExecutive Information System (EIS). The FMIS vision is to provide users access to this informationin the LAN or mainframe environment.

Fractional T-1 _ Data transmission rate between 56 Kbps and 1.544 Megabits per second (Mbps).

Frame Relay _ Frame Relay switching is a form of packet switching, but uses smaller packets andrequires less error checking than traditional forms of packet switching.

Front End Processor (FEP) _ A communication device under control of a computer (host) in acommunications network. For example, IBMs 37X5 and 3172 can both be viewed as front endprocessors to the host system.

Gateway _ Entrance and exit point of a commu-nications network. Gateways allow a commoninterface for dissimilar equipment.

Global Positioning System (GPS) _ A satellite system allowing users with receivers to determinetheir position on the earths surface with accuracy between 3 meters and 100 meters. GPS is basedon satellite ranging; the satellites act as a reference point to determine an individual's location.

High Definition Television (HDTV) _ A recent standard for enhanced television which will providemovie theater picture quality into the home. A standard television set in North America contains336,000 pixels. HDTV will require at least two million pixels.

Host Computer _ A computer that is connected to a network and provides services such ascomputation, database access, or information about special programming languages.

Instructional Television Full-color System (ITFS) _ Offered by the University of MarylandsCollege of Engineering, ITFS uses a microwave distribution network to provide one-way video withtwo-way audio service for graduate courses at sites in central Maryland.

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) _ A service that allows users to send voice, data, andvideo over the network through a single access line to the central office.

Interactive Video Network (IVN) _ The University of Marylands Interactive Video Network is adistance learning environment that employs leased lines and switches to establish video connectionsfrom 56 Kbps to 768 Kbps.

Interexchange Carrier (IEC) _ A telecommunications company authorized by the FCC to carry usertraffic between Local Access Transport Areas (LATAs). For example, AT&T, MCI, and Sprint arethe leading IEC carriers.

Land Mobile Radio (LMR) _ Land Mobile Radio allows users two-way wireless communicationsvia licensed segments of the radio spectrum.

Local Access Transport Area (LATA) _ A Local Access Transport Area is one of 161 localtelephone service areas in the United States. As a result of the Bell divestiture, switched calls withboth endpoints within the LATA (intra-LATA) are generally the responsibility of the local telephonecompany. Calls that cross the LATA (inter-LATA) boundary are passed to an interchange carrier.

Local Area Network (LAN) _ Local area networks are normally used to connect computers andother peripheral devices together within a 5-mile radius.

Local Exchange Carriers (LEC) _ Local exchange carriers provide local transmission services forusers within specified LATAs.

Maryland Distance Learning Network (MDLN) _ A joint venture between Bell Atlantic andMaryland educational institutions. Bell Atlantic provides the video equipment and the institutionsprovide the classrooms and pay for transmission cost.

Megahertz _ A unit of frequency denoting one million Hertz, or cycles per second.

Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) _ Metropolitan Area Networks are high-speed intra-city datanetworks. MANs typically extend as far as 50 kilometers, operate at speeds from 1 Mbps to 200Mbps, and provide an integrated set of services for real-time data, voice, and image transmission.

Microwave _ Electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency spectrum above 890 Megahertz andbelow 20 Gigahertz (or billion cycles per second).

Multiplexer _ Electronic equipment that allows two or more signals to pass over onecommunications line.

Multipoint _ Typically, an environment where the host is able to communicate to multiple users;usually used in the context of IBM systems.

National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) _ The standards-developing organization thatset forth the current method of television transmission used in North America. Also used to refer tothe standard itself. The North America system uses interlaced scans and 525 horizontal lines perframe at a rate of 30 frames per second.

Network _ A network provides communications capability between computers and peripherals.

Network Management System (NMS) _ A Network Management System is a system used tomonitor, control resources, and manage a data communications environment.

Node _ A node performs routing or switching and determines when and where to send theinformation.

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) _ The only internationally accepted framework of standardsfor communication between two systems made by different vendors.

Point-to-Point _ A dedicated connection between two locations.

Primary Rate Interface (PRI) _ An ISDN service providing twenty-three 64 Kbps B-channels andone 64 Kbps D-channel for network signaling.

Private Branch Exchange (PBX) _ A telephone switch usually located on the customers premisesthat provides access to the public switched network.

Protocol _ A set of rules that define the method for communication between two or more locations.

Public Switched Network (PSN) _ The commu-nications network offered by the commercial phonecompanies, including, local, interexchange, and cellular carriers.

Router _ An interface between two networks. Routers operate at the OSI network layer (level 3)and have the ability to determine least cost routing and network changes dynamically.

Satellite (Communications Satellite) _ A receiver, repeater, or regenerator, in orbit around theearth. Communications satellites are most commonly placed in geosynchronous orbit, 22,300 milesabove earth.

Software Defined Network (SDN) _ AT&Ts Software Defined Network is a virtual network thatis used in conjunction with SCS to provide least cost routing for network users.

State Calling Service (SCS) _ State Calling Service is an AT&T service which is normally used forinter-LATA traffic.

Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) _ SMDS is a switched data routing service offeredby many local telephone carriers. SMDS provides the ability to communicate up to 45 Mbps.

Switching Technology _ Technology used for connecting circuits between two or more stations.

Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) _ A data communications line protocol associated withSNA.

Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) _ A family of fiber optic transmission rates from 51.84Mbps to 13.22 Gbps; provides the flexibility needed to transfer digital signals with differentcapacities.

Systems Network Architecture (SNA) _ The Systems Network Architecture is a treecommunications structure that allows end-user terminals or systems to communicate with themainframe computer. SNA was originally developed by IBM and is usually affiliated with IBM orcompatible mainframe equipment.

T-1 _ A digital transmission link with a capacity of 1.544 Mbps.

Telecommunications _ Transmission of information, images, pictures, voice, or data by electronicimpulses.

Telnet _ Allows users to work from their personal computer as if it were a terminal attached toanother machine by a hardwire line.

Time Sharing Operation (TSO) _ Provides two or more users the ability to perform independentprocesses simultaneously.

Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) _ A set of protocols developed by theDepartment of Defense to link dissimilar computers across networks. It now serves as a basis forboth Internet communications and private data networks.

Transport _ The communications technology that allows users to exchange information over anetwork.

Video Teleconferencing (VTC) _ Two-way interactive video. This service is commonly used forestablishing meetings between geographically separated individuals to reduce travel. VTC commonlyuses video compression to carry a video signal over standard digital facility (e.g., T-1).

Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM)_ VTAM performs addressing and pathcontrol functions in an SNA environment. VTAM allows a terminal or an application tocommunicate with and transfer data to another application along a transmission medium.

Voice-grade _ A telephone analog channel with bandwidth between 300 hertz and 3,400 hertz. Voice grade communications include facsimile and modem technologies.

Wide Area Network (WAN) _ A data communications network that has no geographic boundaries.



ACD Automatic Call Distribution

ADC Annapolis Data Center

ADPICS Advanced Procurement Inventory Control System

AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System

AMSC American Mobile Satellite Corporation

AO&M Administration, Operation, and Maintenance

APC American Personal Communications

APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

AVL Automatic Vehicle Location

BPREP Budget Preparation

CalTrans California Department of Transportation

CAN Campus Area Network

CAP Competitive Access Provider

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data

CHART Chesapeake Highway Advisory Routing Traffic

CICS Customer Information Control System

CLI Compression Labs Inc.

CMARS California Multi-Agency Radio System

CPE Customer Premise Equipment

DARS Direct Access Records System

DBFP Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning

DBN Digital Backbone Network

DC District of Columbia

DGS Department of General Services

DHMH Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

DMSP Department of Maryland State Police

DNR Department of Natural Resources

DPSCS Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

DS Digital Signal

EIS Executive Information System

ESMR Enhanced SMR

FEP Front-End Processor

FMIS Financial Management Information System

FTP File Transfer Protocol

GIS Geographical Information System

GPS Global Positioning System

HDTV High Definition Television

HP Hewlett Packard

HZ Hertz

IBM International Business Machines

INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization

INTELSAT International Satellite Organization

IP Internet Protocol

IPX Internet Protocol Exchange

ISC Information Systems Center

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network

ISP Internet Service Provider

ITB Information Technology Board

ITFS Instructional Television Full-Color System

ITU-T International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunications Sector

IVN Interactive Video Network

JIS Judicial Information System

LAN Local Area Network

LATA Local Area Transport Area

LMR Land Mobile Radio

LU Logical Unit

MAN Metropolitan Area Network

MBPS Megabits per second

MD Maryland

MDE Maryland Department of the Environment

MDLN Maryland Distance Learning Network

MDOT Maryland Department of Transportation

MEMA Maryland Emergency Management Administration Agency

MFS Metropolitan Fiber System

MHZ Megahertz

MIEMSS Maryland Institue for Emergency Medical Services System

MPT Maryland Public Television

MSDE Maryland State Department of Education

MSGIC Maryland State Government Information Coordinating Committee

MSS Mobile Satellite Systems

MVA Motor Vehicle Administration

NCIC National Crime Information Center

NII National Information Infrastructure

NMS Network Management System

NRP National Resources Police

NTSC National Television Standards Committee

NTU National Technological University

OC Optical Carrier

OSI Open Systems Interconnect

PBS Public Broadcasting System

PBX Private Branch Exchange

PC Personal Computer

PCS Personal Communications System

POP Point of Presence

PSN Public Switched Network

RFP Request For Proposal

ROW Right(s) Of Way

SCS State Calling Service

SDN Software Defined Network

SHA State Highway Administration

SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service

SMR Specialized Mobile Radio

SMTP Simple Message Transfer Protocol

SNA System Network Architecture

SONET Synchronous Optical Network

TCP Transfer Control Protocol

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access

TSO Time Share Operation

UHF Ultra High Frequency

UMS University of Maryland System

UMUC University of Maryland University College

VHF Very High Frequency

VTC Video-Teleconferencing

VTEL Video Telecom

WAIS Wide Area Information Server

WAN Wide Area Network

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