[2] U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration,The NTIA Infrastructure Report: Telecommunications in an Age of Information, (GPO: Washington, 1991).
[3] Williams, F., The New Telecommunications: Infrastructure for an Information Age, (Free Press: New York, 1991).
[4] Infrastructure Report, op.cit., pp. 13-14.
[5] McGarty, T. "Alternative Network Architectures" in B. Kahin, op. cit., pp. 218-270.
[6] Carnevale, M. L. "Phone Systems Get FCC Nod to Carry TV," Wall Street Journal, July 16, 1992, p. B1.
[7] Jonshcer, Charles, "An Economic Study of the Information Technology Revolution," MIT, June 1988.
[8] See also, Noland, R.L., C.R. Puryear and D.H. Elron, "The hidden barrier to the Bell Operating Companies and their Regional Holding Companies' Competitive Strategies," in Bradley, S. and J. Hausman, ed., Future Competition in Telecommunications , (Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press, 1989).
[9] Snelling, R.K. and Kaplan, "All fiber networks a reality by 1988-9," IEEE International Conference on Communications, June, 1987, pp. 1521-1523.
[10] Reed, D. and M. Sirbu, "An Engineering Cost and Policy Analysis of Proposed Fiber Optic Telephone Networks in the Residential Subscriber Loop," in M. Elton, ed., Integrated Broadband Networks: The Policy Issues, (North Holland: New York, 1991)
[11] Reed, D., Residential Fiber Optic Networks, (Artech House: Boston, 1991).
[12] Anonymous, "AT&T breaks through to NTSC-level video over copper networks," The Cable-Telco Report, February 18, 1992, p. 1 ff.
13 Karpinski, R., "Bell Atlantic Plans Video Via Copper," Telephony, 221, 11, Nov. 4, 1991.
[14] Murphy, William R.; and Greenen, Gerald A., "HDSL is the answer for copper-based networks (high-bit-rate digital subscriber line)," Telephony, 222 p54(4) Feb 24 1992
[15] Reed, op.cit.
[16] Sparkman, J.D., presentation at the 2nd Annual Raychem Cable Television Conference, February, 1992.
[17] Doherty, R., "New Cable services beckon: phone, data put on unused spectrum, Electronic Engineering Times , p16(1) Dec 2 1991.
[18] Karpiniski, R., "US West to consider combining fiber and coax in the loop," Telephony, 223, 13, September 28, 1992.
[19] In many metropolitan areas, the distance insensitive usage charges for cellular service are comparable to intra-LATA toll charges. A small business which makes many calls throughout the LATA might find cellular service to be more economical than wireline service, besides offering the convenience of portability.
[20] Ammendment to the Commission's Rules to Establish New Personal Communications Services, FCC 92-333, Released August 14, 1992.
[21] Lazzareschi, C., "Cellular, Cable TV giants to test new wireless service," Los Angeles Times, 110, May 23, 1991, p.D1 col. 6.
[22] Kneale, D., "Cable TV firm wants to test phone service," Wall Street Journal, Jan. 11, 1991, p.B4.
[23] Lee, Yvonne, "AT&T, Go to develop 'communicators'", Infoworld, 14, 29, July 20, 1992, p. 31 ff.
[24] While shared bus LANs have no single point of failure, isolating a fault among the many bus attachment points is very time consuming. Over time, the architecture has evolved to a more traditional star, with a short bus inside a box ("hub") in the wiring closet, and a long drop to the workstation. While this reintroduces the possibility of a single point of failure taking down a large number of machines, star wiring facilitates configuration management, fault detection and repair.
[25] Schultz, Beth, "Large Users Reveal Plans for ATM Nets," Communications Week, 424, October 12, 1992, p1 ff.
[26] Decina, M. "Open Issues Regarding the Universal Application of ATM for Multiplexing and Switching in the BISDN," Proceedings of ICC91, IEEE, 1991, pp.1258-1264.
[27] Killette, K., "Justice to Judge Greene: permit interLATA SS7," Communications Week, May 22, 1989, p.16..
[28] NSFNET Network Information Center, NIC.MERIT.EDU: /nsfnet/statistics/1992/t1-9204.ports, May, 1992. (This citation format means that a file named t1-9204.ports located in the directory /nsfnet/statistics/1992 is available for anonymous file transfer from the Internet host NIC.MERIT.EDU).
[29] In the Matter of Hush-a-Phone Corporation, et.al., 20 FCC 391(1955), 238 F. 2d 266 (D. C. Cir. 1956)
[31] Establishment of Policies and Procedures for Consideration ofApplications to Provide Specialized Common Carrier Services in theDomestic Public Point to Point Microwave Radio Service, etc., 24FCC 2d 318 (1970), 29 FCC 2d 870 pp. 870-921 (1971)
[32] MCI Telecommunications v. FCC and U.S., 41 RR 2d 191 (1977) (D.C. Cir.)
[33] Fowler, M.S., A. Halprin and J.D. Schlicting, "'Back to the Future:' A Model for Telecommunications," Federal Communications Law Jour-nal, 38, 2, August 1986, pp. 145-199.
[34] Farrah, B. J. and D. M. Maxwell, Telephony, 222, 24, June 15, 1992, p. 72 ff.
[35] Telephone Company Cable Television Cross-Owndership Rules, FCC 92-327. Released August 14, 1992.
[36] Reed, D. and M. Sirbu, "Fiber Optic Network Introduction by Cable Television Companies", in Telephone Company and Cable Television Competition: Key Technical Economic, Legal, and Policy Issues, S. Brotman, ed. (Artech House: Boston, 1990).
[37] Karpinski, R., "US West to consider combining fiber and coax in the loop," Telephony, 223, 13, September 28, 1992, pp. 8-9.
[38] Utterback, James, "Patterns of Innovation," Technology Review,
[39] For a discussion of the issues, see, Hatfield Associates, New Local Exchange Technology: Preserving the Bottleneck or Providing Competitive Access, Boulder, Colorado, April 6, 1992.