Andrew Facts on File


...With a consistent, integrated user interface so you can create compound documents containing pictures, words, tables, graphs ...and more.

"Andrew" (short for the Andrew User Interface System or AUIS) is an integrated set of tools that allow you to create, use, and mail documents and applications containing typographically formatted text and embedded objects. It has three principal components:

The Andrew User Environment (AUE) is an integrated set of applications beginning with a 'generic object' editor (ez), a help system, a system monitoring tool (console), an editor-based shell interface (typescript), and support for printing multi-media documents.

The Andrew Toolkit (ATK) is a portable user-interface toolkit. It provides a dynamically-loadable, object-oriented environment wherein objects can be embedded in one-another. Thus, one could edit text that contains not only fonts and styles, but also embedded raster images, spreadsheets, drawing editors, equations, simple animations, etc. These embedded objects could themselves contain other objects, including text. ATK is an open system so programmers can create new objects that can be embedded as easily as those system-defined objects.

The Andrew Message System (AMS) provides a multi-media interface to mail and bulletin-boards. AMS supports several mail management strategies and implements many advanced features including authentication, return receipts, automatic sorting of mail, vote collection and tabulation, enclosures, audit trails of related messages, and subscription management. It also provides a variety of interfaces that support ttys and low-function personal computers in addition to the high-function workstations.


The following components are available in Andrew 6.3 and later versions. Some respond to frequently requested applications in X, such as:

Andrew applications:

Graphical, interactive editors that are both applications and insets:

Commonly used non-interactive Andrew applications:

File Format Converters:

Emmbeddable insets not usually used as applications:

Editing tools:

Source text editing tools for:

assembler, C++, C, Lisp, man pages, Modula, Modula-3, Pascal

Tools for constructing insets and applications:

Additional insets available for building applications:


Andrew7.5 is available in binary form for these platforms:

Andrew6.3 in source and binary form has been used successfully on even more platforms, including:


This network service allows you to run Andrew applications without the overhead of obtaining or compiling the Andrew software. It used to be that trying out Andrew required ftp'ing megabytes of source and performing a lengthy build... but no longer! The Andrew Remote Demo service will have you running Andrew software within 5 minutes.

You need a host machine on the Internet, and you need to be running the X11 window system. A simple "finger" command will allow you to experience Andrew applications firsthand. You'll be able to compose multimedia documents, navigate through the interactive Andrew Tour, and use the Andrew Message System to browse through CMU's three thousand bulletin boards and newsgroups.

To use the Remote Andrew Demo service, simply run the following command on your machine:


The service will give you any further instructions that may be necessary.


Sources and binaries are available online from the Andrew Consortium web page at:

They can also be accessed online via anonymous ftp from:

Other ftp sites are: (IP: and its clone sites (see pub/R6untarred/contrib/lib/auis-6.3). On the nationwide AFS file system, Andrew is available in: /afs/

Source and binary tapes are also available from the Andrew Consortium for a small fee.


The School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University has established the Andrew Consortium to maintain and enhance the Andrew User Interface System (Andrew). The Consortium offers outside organizations the opportunity to help shape the future of the system. Participate in the development of Andrew, utilize the latest advances by our technical staff, and undertake commercial exploitation with the active cooperation of the developers.

The overall efforts of the Consortium staff are directed toward:

The Consortium makes its most up-to-date release, currently Andrew 7 in C++, available only to members. The current publicly available Andrew release is 6.3, released via anonymous file transfer over the internet.

Membership in the Consortium is offered to organizations interested in exploiting Andrew technology within their operations or products. All members support the consortium as it:

We offer memberships at three levels:


You are cordially invited to join us. Please contact our Director, Fred Hansen at (412) 268-6710 if you would like to discuss the opportunities that the Consortium has to offer you.


The following materials are provided by the Andrew Consortium at
Carnegie Mellon University for internal educational use only and may not
be reproduced for sale or distribution.

Andrew in Print

_____ The Andrew User Guide US$25

This printed and bound guide, offers a comprehensive description of how
to use Andrew applications and insets. Chapters cover ez, help,
typescript, messages, console, raster, figure, table, and many other
facets of the system. (130 pages)

_____ Selected Technical Papers on Andrew US$30

This set represents a selection of some of our most handy references on the Andrew system. (250 pages)

_____ Andrew Technical Conference Proceedings US$20

The Andrew Consortium sponsors its own technical conference each year.
This volume includes the entire proceedings of the 1994 and 1995 events,
(HTML Editors, Widgets, Application Developer's View of Andrew, The Web
Browser, Compound Document Architectures) plus highlights from the 1992
and 1993 conferences. (85 pages)

_____ Programming Documentation on Andrew US$95

This package represents a complete set of programming documentation on
the Andrew system, sold in hard copy form. (1250 pages)


_____ Binary Distribution Package (7.5 in C++) US$125

This tape provides you with everything you need to get Andrew up and running on your RS/6000, Sun 4C Sparcstation, Sun Solaris, HP 720, DEC Pmax or Linux machine..

If you are ordering ANDREW ON TAPE, please specify format:
_____ 1/4" streaming tape (150 MB)
_____ 8 mm DAT tape (2.3 GB)
_____ 8 mm HP Iotamat format

US$ _______ SUBTOTAL
_______ Add US$20 per item for US express mail delivery
_______ Add US$25 per item for air mail delivery outside the US
_______ Add US$40 per item for express mail delivery outside the US

Name ___________________________________________________
Company ___________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________
Phone ______________ Fax ____________ Email _______________

Please place your order by mailing the previous section of this form with your selections marked. Include a check made payable to Carnegie Mellon University and send it to us at the address shown below.


We hope to hear from you! Please contact our assistant director, AnnMarie Zanger, with your comments or questions. The Consortium staff may be reached at:

If you find it more convenient, please contact us via one of these handy reference addresses.

You found us at

Thanks for viewing us on the Web!

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