I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. I also have a courtesy faculty appointment in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and am a member of the Information Networking Institute here at CMU. My research interests are in network protocols, operating systems, and distributed systems, particularly in the interaction between these areas. My primary research area currently is in the area of protocols for wireless and mobile networking, and I am leading the Monarch Project at CMU in this area. Related to this research, I have been active in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for many years and am one of the principal designers of the IETF Mobile IP protocol.
I am currently an Executive Committee member and the Treasurer for SIGMOBILE, the ACM Special Interest Group on Mobile Computing and Communications. I am also a member of the Editorial Board for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and am an Area Editor for the ACM/Baltzer journal Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) and for the ACM SIGMOBILE magazine Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R). I have also been a Guest Editor for issues of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), and Wireless Networks (WINET). I am currently the Finance Chair for the Sixth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2000) and the Program Vice Chair for Mobile Computing for the 2001 Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2001), and previously served as Program Chair for the Third Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'97) and as Technical Vice Chair for Mobile Systems for the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'99). I have also served as a member of the program committee for over 15 other international conferences and workshops.
Prior to 1992, when I joined the faculty at CMU, I was at Rice University. From 1989 through 1992, I was a Research Scientist and Lecturer in the Computer Science Department at Rice. Before this, I was a graduate and undergraduate student at Rice, completing my Ph.D (1990) and M.S. (1985) degrees in Computer Science and my B.A. (1982) with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences. As a graduate student at Rice, my advisor was Willy Zwaenepoel. As an undergraduate, I was a member of Lovett College, one of eight residential colleges at Rice; I was also a Faculty Associate at Lovett for two years before leaving Rice for CMU.
My research:
Much of my recent research in the area of wireless and mobile networking protocols. I am currently leading the Monarch Project at Carnegie Mellon University, developing adaptive networking protocols and protocol interfaces to allow truly seamless wireless and mobile host networking. The scope of this research includes protocol design, implementation, performance evaluation, and usage-based validation, spanning areas ranging roughly from portions of the ISO Data Link layer (layer 2) through the Presentation layer (layer 6). The goal of this work is to enable mobile hosts to communicate with each other and with stationary or wired hosts, transparently making the most efficient use of the best network connectivity available to the mobile host at any time. The Monarch Project is named in reference to the migratory behavior of the monarch butterfly, is also an acronym for "MObile Networking ARCHitectures."
![]() | being held August 6-11, 2000, in Boston, Massachusetts. |
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