Zephyr Instances

This list contains all 1006 zephyr instances seen between August 1993 and January 1994. See also the list of top 50 zephyr instances. If you're curious who's responsible for the instance explosion see this. Scott Draves keeps a list of generally accepted zephyr instances.
creator        instance
-------        --------
nix            ""
bershad        433
jrs            5:48
gusciora       65_tons_of_oil_equals_three_18_wheeler_truck_loads_so_big_shit
gusciora       6_legged_frogs
bnoble         AC
dlc            AFS-sucks-rocks
josullvn       AI_at_work
gusciora       All_is_secure
jch            BF
clamen         BF-email
landay         BF-mail
clamen         BFemail
gusciora       Bait_the_Lurker_Bait_the_Lurker
ghn            Beginnings
gusciora       Bible_Review
jch            Big
gusciora       Bill_Clinton_actually_created_several_jobs_in_Haiti
hgobioff       BladeRunner
hgobioff       Bladerunner
dlc            Blame
gusciora       Blame-George
elf            Bored
landay         C-language
mnr            C-style
hgobioff       CS815
jch            Captain,
gusciora       Clinton_snubs_British_Prime_Minister
gusciora       Clinton_to_check_in_with_control
gusciora       DINNER
gusciora       DONT_LOOK_HERE
gusciora       Dan_Quayle_was_right_Die_Murphy_Brown
jrs            Death
gusciora       Did_you_hear_me
gusciora       Die_endangered_obsolete_flying_spaz_birds
jrs            Dinner
phoebe         End
gusciora       Eric_Thayer
gusciora       Erik_Thayer
gusciora       FREE
bsy            FYI
jeanc          Friday
toad           Friday.d
gusciora       Fuck_Willy
jch            George_You_Ignorant_Slut
gusciora       Gulf_war_revenues_still_rolling_in
gusciora       Gusciora_vs_Landay
gusciora       Here_is_a_dead_bug_dear_I_love_you
gusciora       Hey_Shithead
gusciora       How_about_this_one_scumbags
anwar          I-get-free-patriot-missiles-from-the-us-coz-im-from-an-oil-rich-country
josullvn       I-get-free-uzis-from-the-us-coz-im-irish
gusciora       I.meant.to.type.their.instead.of.typing.there
gusciora       I.think.only.recently.that.choice.of.programming.language.has.a.significant.and.potentially.positive.effect.on.quality.of.code.generated.
clamen         INS
josullvn       IRA
gusciora       I_am_not_a_weenie
kosak          I_like_ducks_but_so_does_Rex
hgobioff       Ice.skating
gusciora       If_recycled_paper_really_did_consume_less_Earth_resources_than_it_would_cost_less
gusciora       Im_a_bonehead
gusciora       Judas_Republican
gusciora       Kindred
jch            LA
astro          MacTrouble
gusciora       Mario_slaps_pucks_into_the_nets
kosak          Mavis_slaps_Chuck_that's_what_he_gets
mjw            Mosaic
jch            Newsbites
hgobioff       Noteworthy
gusciora       Olivia-Newton-John
jrs            On
gusciora       One_year_ago_today
gusciora       Only_a_naive_moron_would_believe_Bill_Clinton
landay         PowerMail
sippy          Prince
hgobioff       RFC
dkindred       RMSmacs.doesn't
dennis         RS6000
dennis         Reality
jrs            Sex
stichnot       Sippy_is_a_weenie
gusciora       Sippy_is_weenie
gusciora       So_much_for_that_theory
hgobioff       Sun
hsw            TAing
gusciora       Ted_Keneddy_fucks_and_then_wrecks
jch            The
phoebe         The
jch            The
gusciora       The_Brady_Bill
gusciora       The_EC
gusciora       The_dawn_of_the_Environmental_Hegemonic_Crypto_Fascist_Super_State
gusciora       The_lingering_fallacy_of_George_Bush
gusciora       The_real_environmental_bad_guys
gusciora       The_right_never_to_be_offended
gusciora       There_is_a_more_effective_way_to_reduce_the_demand_for_paper
dn1l           Thinfs_to_do_today
gusciora       Things_to_do_today
dlc            Ttilted
ehn            WRCT
jch            WRCT.d
gusciora       WRRK
gusciora       Waste_Burner
gusciora       What_a_Wimp!
gusciora       Why_kind_of_lameo_prison_is_this
tew            Wiki
josullvn       Words-Buzzwords-and-Balderdash
anwar          Xdefaults
gusciora       Yeah.like,when.the.MIPS.assembler.automatically.assigns.a.hexidecimal.address.to.a.label.that.I.specify.possibly.with.just.the.word.label.then.that.I.think.is.good
gusciora       Yet_another_natural_resources_shortage__This_time_its_water
hgobioff       Zephyr
hgobioff       ZephyrHelp
rwd            Zeppelin
dogan          able
karl           afs
bsy            ai.talk.pitt
josullvn       airfares
clamen         alex
gusciora       all_is_secure
bdz            alpha
karl           alphen
jch            alt.cs-students.die.die.die
clamen         alum-watching
landay         amickish
hgobioff       andrew
mummert        andrew.fucks^H^H^H.weenies
hgobioff       andrwe
jeanc          announce
toad           announce.d
anwar          anwar
dlc            arafat
sippy          asp
jrrl           author-signing
landay         awk
bsy            awk.d
dlc            babylon-5
gusciora       balls
jab            baluja
toddw          bdtaylor
jl             beer
karl           benefits
jch            bf
jch            big
jab            big
bnoble         bitch-and-moan
jch            bitch-and-whine
bnoble         black-friday
landay         black.friday
landay         blah
rwh            bnoble
sippy          bobw
anwar          bogosity
jch            books
jch            books.d
bsy            breakfast.at.eat.and.barf
bsy            breakfast.at.eat.n.barf
josullvn       c-p-o-w
clamen         cable-companies-suck
ghn            cache.death
landay         caffeine
jch            caffiiiieeeeeeeeeeeene
landay         california
bdz            campus
bnoble         campus
milnes         cappucino
pstone         car
karl           car-shopping
toad           cassettes
toad           cdrom
dlc            chinese.cart
landay         clamen
landay         clamen-get-a-life-and-dont-read-comp-telecom
ghn            clarinet
josullvn       classes
clamen         cmu
jrs            cmu.cs.group.talk.graffiti.d
landay         cnn
raiff          coda
landay         coda.graffiti
rwh            coffee
phoebe         coffee.help
anwar          coins
bsy            coke
jrrl           cold
toad           cold.busses
toad           cold.power
dlc            come-on-bennet-instances-to-users-do-work-:-)
anwar          comedy
jrrl           common
amf            common-lisp
amf            common_lisp
jch            comp.risks
phoebe         consumerism
rudis          convoluted-sentences
ehn            conx
ehn            conx.gushy-aura
nix            corey's-pearls-of-wisdom
karl           corporate.america.sucks
sippy          court_tv
landay         credit
jch            cs-students
jch            csh.die.die.die
toad           culture
toad           cutup
clamen         cyberspace
ghn            d
jl57@ANDREW    dan&eric
jhutz          dan&eric@ANDREW.CMU.EDU
bdz            data_point
jch            de-baiting
landay         debate
dlc            dec-alpha
dennis         dec5
stichnot       deep-thoughts
landay         degrees
bsy            demo.robot
jch            democracy
sippy          dictioaries
landay         diner
landay         dinner
clamen         dinner-announce
nettles        dinner-movie
bsy            dinner-test
landay         dinner.announce
bdtaylor       dinner.d
jch            dinner.pedant
gusciora       dirt_is_pollution
toad           disclaimer
landay         discussion
dn1l           discussion^Buffett^Buffet
jab            dkindred
landay         dn1l
josullvn       dnntp
toad           do
kosak          do
karl           dot.dee
landay         dow
anwar          down
bsy            dr.fun
josullvn       drinks
toad           drugnet
gusciora       drugs
jch            dumb-shell-and-zwgc-using-weeny
karl           earthquake
jch            earthquake.d
landay         earthquake.gambling
landay         earthquakes
landay         earthquakes.d
jeanc          earthquakr.gambling
dlc            editors.d
karl           eek!
toad           ehn
asp            emacs
jch            emacs
clamen         emacs-forum
baird          emacs-forum.alt-pave-the-earth
karl           emacs-religion
jrrl           emacs.gah!
baird          emacs.is-like-uh-cool
baird          emacs.rules
baird          emacs.this-sucks
josullvn       embarrasment
phoebe         english
jch            english
kosak          ennui
josullvn       eriks
cline          espresso
rollins        etiquette
anwar          etymology
anwar          etymology.d
jch            ewwwwww
jrrl           exam.trauma
ghn            eyebrows
dennis         eyebrows.d
dennis         f
josullvn       f.d
ern            facilites.announce
psu            facilities
moore          facilities-announce
landay         facilities-comes-through
hde            facilities-discussion
landay         facilities-is-cool
landay         facilities-we-need-a-scanner
jch            facilities.I
brigode        facilities.announce
ghn            facilities.announce.d
jrrl           facilities.d
wbardwel       facilities.discussion
jch            facilities.discussion.d
ghn            facilities.discussion.discussion
jch            facilities.graffiti
clamen         facilities.gripe
toad           facilities.gripe.d
marius         facilitiess.discussion
landay         facts
landay         ff
toad           finding_your_hidden_luser
phoebe         flame-james
dennis         flame-on
rwd            floyd
landay         foo
jch            food
nix            food.in.the.lounge
hgobioff       football
landay         for-sale
bdtaylor       fortune.d
stichnot       frame
jab            framemaker
anwar          framemaker_sucks_but_so_does_tex
jch            fred
bdz            free
jab            free
rollins        free-food
toad           free.electronics
landay         friday
jch            friends
toad           fun
dkindred       fun-with-X
landay         fusion
as7l@ANDREW    gafloogle
landay         games
mummert        games_hearts
landay         garnet
jch            garnet.sucks
jch            gcc
karl           gdb
jch            gdb.d
dennis         general
spot           general)
jch            general.d
toad           general.mcn
jrrl           geography
jrrl           geometry
stichnot       george
tew            george.as.sysadmin
sippy          geriatrics_r_us
nix            get-ALife
landay         ghn
jab            ghn.d
phoebe         gingerbread
bsy            glop-choices
bsy            glop.choices
hgobioff       gnu-emacs
jch            gnu.emacs.sources
baird          gnus
jch            got
landay         graffiit
landay         graffiit.d
trm            graffit
landay         graffit.d
jch            graffiti
bnoble         graffiti
landay         graffiti.
gusciora       graffiti.conx.gushy-aura
landay         graffiti.d
jch            graffiti.d.d
anwar          graffiti.d.jive
phoebe         graffiti.d.subjects
anwar          graffiti.dog
bnoble         graffiti.fishing
nix            graffiti.flamebait
phoebe         graffiti.flamebait.by-the-way
asp            graffiti.flamebait.d
jch            graffiti.fortune
stichnot       graffiti.fuck.the.goddamn.zephyr.police
sippy          graffiti.george
nix            graffiti.georgebait
toad           graffiti.graffiti
phoebe         graffiti.metaphor-police
dn1l           graffiti.mosaic
jch            graffiti.mucus
jch            graffiti.netnews
bdtaylor       graffiti.obnoxious
nix            graffiti.oops
nix            graffiti.ouch
baird          graffiti.pave-the-earth
landay         graffiti.politics
landay         graffiti.politis
jimz           graffiti.screwit
phoebe         graffiti.should-be-politics
jch            graffiti.sigs
jch            graffiti.speeling
jch            graffiti.sports
dkindred       graffiti.stizostedion
anwar          graffiti.taxes
landay         graffiti.telecom
bnoble         graffiti.toads.bait
landay         graffiti.toads.bati
landay         graffiti.unix
toad           graffiti.unix-forum
landay         graffiti.weather
landay         graffiti.weather.d
jch            graffiti.why.not.us?
jch            graffiti.wondering
jch            graffiti.wondering.d
mdg            graffito
phoebe         graffitti
jl             graffitti.georgebait
bdtaylor       grafiiti
sippy          grafiti
landay         grafiti.d
hgobioff       grafitti
warlord@ATHENA grafitti.d
warlord@ATHENA graitti
nix            grannys
landay         gripe.graffiti
nix            growing-up-in-new-guinea
gusciora       guns_dont_kill_people_television_kills_people
clamen         gusciora
landay         guy-wear
jch            haggis
bnoble         halp
mwm            har
toad           hardware
anwar          has.the.nausea.hit.you.yet.last.time.I.timed.it.took.30.minutes
clamen         head
ghn            headline_news
landay         health
sippy          help
rollins        help-emacs-zephyr
dkindred       help-longshot
phoebe         help.ai
rudis          help.airport
dkindred       help.bugs
jch            help.bugs.d
jch            help.d
dennis         help.d.d
bsy            help.d.d.d
jch            help.d.graffiti
ehn            help.driving.directions
phoebe         help.emacs
phoebe         help.ftp
jch            help.graffiti
dkindred       help.hardware
rudis          help.help
psu            help.i.hate.latex
rudis          help.i.hate.macs
rudis          help.jab
rudis          help.latex
rudis          help.lemacs
psu            help.oops
hgobioff       help.printer
anwar          help.psc
dkindred       help.quick
jch            help.stupid
dennis         help.stupid
hgobioff       help.tex
bsy            help.tv
jch            help.weather
gusciora       help_I_am_a_fucking_moron
jl             help_i_am_a_fucking_moron
hgobioff       help_xfig
landay         helpw
mja            home
dkindred       home.d
landay         hot-tub
dlc            html
rich           idioms
jch            imminent
amf            in_for_a_penny
landay         info-highway
spok           instance
davide         instances
karl           insurance
toad           interface
karl           interface.religion
jrrl           interlingua
clamen         internet
jch            internet
bsy            internet
gusciora       intestines
dn1l           ius
stichnot       iwarp
josullvn       jab
josullvn       jab.d
jab            jch
jch            jir
jch            jl
landay         jobs
jrs            josullvn
landay         jot
jeanc          just.wondering
mdg            karl
gusciora       killer.bees
gusciora       killer_bees
gusciora       killer_dinosaurs
nix            kitten-stories
nix            kosak
dlc            la
kosak          landay
landay         langauges
landay         languages
lindaq         late-dinner
ehn            late_friday_anthemic_burst
bnoble         latency
stichnot       latex
mattz          latex-help
dennis         lemacs
jch            lemacs
baird          lemacs.kicks-ass
moore          lennon
clamen         lerners
bss            light-up
spot           lights
lindaq         lindaq
ghn            linguistics
dennis         lis
bdtaylor       lisp
bdtaylor       lisp-rules
rwh            looking-for-lucco
baird          lost
landay         lucid
landay         lunch
jch            lunch.d
anwar          lyrics
jch            lyrics.d
landay         mac
anwar          mac.d
dlc            macintosh.sucks
bnoble         mail
toad           mail.weirdness
anwar          marcoz
gusciora       market
toad           market.d
jrrl           martin-luther-king-day
wsr            masaic.art
ghn            math
toad           math.d
bsy            math.d.netrek
bsy            math.d.netrek.wrong.instance.d
jab            mathematica
karl           media
landay         medical
bsy            medical.d
dkindred       meteors
landay         microsoft
landay         misc
landay         mit
spok           mit.edu
cmaeda         mk3
clamen         mnr
clamen         moasic
jl             modems
karl           monday
lli            moose
landay         mosaic
gusciora       mosaic-art
toad           mosaic.EDGAR
toad           mosaic.art
landay         mosaic.art.comment
jl             mosaic.art.d
bdtaylor       mosaic.art.discussion
bsy            mosaic.art.update
bsy            mosaic.d
ghn            mosaic.d.generating
bsy            mosaic.graffiti
phoebe         mosaic.i-just-clued-in
bsy            mosaic.i-just-clued-in.d
phoebe         mosaic.justification
toad           mosaic.news
toad           mosaic.page.ideas
josullvn       mosaic.sports
landay         mosaic.sucks
stichnot       mosaic.test
jch            mosaic.test.d
landay         mosaic.test.d.d
stichnot       mosaic.zephyr
bsy            mosasic
dennis         mosiac
dennis         movie
baird          movie-list
josullvn       movie.d
jch            movie.sports.geeks
dennis         movies
hgobioff       mprice
jrrl           ms-dos
jrrl           msdos
landay         msdos-forum
jch            mucus
bdz            mummert
anwar          music
nix            my-first-instance-of-the-semester
clamen         nafta
rudis          nafta.d
anwar          need_a_beer
landay         nesbites.d
phoebe         nesbites.d2
landay         net
toad           net
landay         net-access
landay         net-power
sippy          net.bozos
clamen         net.d
phoebe         net.graffiti
wbardwel       netnews
jch            netnews-2
dkindred       netnews-2.d
karl           netnews-hosage
baird          netnews.d
jch            netrek
dennis         network
toad           network-access
jch            network.d
toad           networks
jch            neuromancer
landay         newbies
jch            newbites
jch            newbites.d
jeanc          newbites.uggh
dennis         newbytes.d
landay         newproducts
clamen         news
jch            news
jch            news
bsy            news
landay         news-bites
landay         news-bytes
baird          news-readers
landay         news-wire
josullvn       news.d
jch            newsbite
anwar          newsbite.d.bow.wow
jl             newsbited.d
toad           newsbites
gusciora       newsbites,d
nix            newsbites-of-the-weird
bsy            newsbites-of-the-weird.d
jch            newsbites.asterix
asp            newsbites.bdz
anwar          newsbites.bozo
anwar          newsbites.cynicism
toad           newsbites.d
phoebe         newsbites.d.anwar
anwar          newsbites.d.beating_a_dead_horse
anwar          newsbites.d.bow.wow
landay         newsbites.d.d
phoebe         newsbites.d.dead.horses
ghn            newsbites.d.o
anwar          newsbites.d.youre.a.dick.if.you.use.section.disclaimers.
anwar          newsbites.d.youre.a.pussy.if.you.use.section.disclaimers
rudis          newsbites.d2
ghn            newsbites.die.die.die
jch            newsbites.dumb
rudis          newsbites.e
jch            newsbites.graffiti
gusciora       newsbites.joke
ghn            newsbites.joke.d
toad           newsbites.lsd
bsy            newsbites.math
jch            newsbites.more
gusciora       newsbites.more
ghn            newsbites.o
jch            newsbites.pc
landay         newsbites.pc.stock
jab            newsbites.pc.stock.d
anwar          newsbites.petty.attacks.on.clinton
jch            newsbites.skating
jch            newsbites.supercomputers
jch            newsbites.supercomputers.d
jch            newsbites.superhighway
anwar          newsbites.tabloid
petel          newsbites.uggh
dennis         newsbytes
landay         newsbytes.d
dennis         newsbytes.ugghh
landay         newsibites.d
kosak          nix
rollins        nobody
landay         obits
phoebe         oh-my
kosak          oops
landay         os
karl           osf1-bitch
jch            ouch
jch            outside
bdz            over-achiever
phoebe         overachiever
ghn            overheard
nix            ozium
anwar          pac10.nonrivalry.cal.ucla
bdtaylor       pangloss
amf            paperless-office
toad           parking
jch            parking.d
amf            pat.rumour
dennis         pc
gusciora       pc-forum
karl           pc-hardware
bsy            peripherals
toad           perl
jch            personal
dennis         personal-decstations
jl             perupherals
karl           pgp
bnoble         phoebe
jab            phone-tip
jrrl           physics
jch            physics.d
dkindred       pictures
dkindred       pings
rudis          pittsburgh
bdz            pizza
bnoble         pkumar
toad           plants
landay         poetry
landay         poetry.d
toad           police
ghn            police.police
landay         politcs
landay         politics
anwar          politics.beavis-and-butthead
clamen         politics.d
dn1l           politics.flame
jl             politics.opinion
gusciora       politics.opinion.sports.U.S.Congress.and.why.the.hell.do.they.think.there.opinion.matters.to.the.I.O.C
landay         politis
landay         polotics
jch            pop.d
jrrl           power
jch            praise
dennis         praise
anwar          president.sheepfucker
shai           printers
jrrl           printing
anwar          psorst
jeanc          question
jl             question.d
gusciora       quiz
bsy            quotable.quotes
ghn            quotations
jeanc          quote_of_the_day
jch            quote_of_the_day.d
toad           radio
landay         radio-mosaic
phoebe         radio.d
landay         radio.graffiti
toad           radio.net
landay         radiot
bsy            random.instance
bdz            random.question
jeanc          rant
anwar          rant.cmu
landay         rdadio
kosak          recycling
jimz           religion
dn1l           religious.war
landay         revlolution
anwar          revlon-ution
tygar          rides
dlc            roads-and-ice
moore          roy.rogers
dkindred       royalty
clamen         rs6000
landay         rumour
landay         rumours
bsy            rumours...british.style?
sippy          russian
sippy          rwd
ehn            salvador.dali.gifs
bdz            satan
jch            scandal
landay         scheme
nix            scheme.mosaic-weenie
gusciora       sci.math
jl             scs
landay         scs-phd
gusciora       scumbags
landay         seante.d
landay         security
gusciora       see_I_told_you_so
ghn            senate
jch            senate.d
bsy            service-query
spot           services
spot           services-query
bsy            sharon
gusciora       shewchuk
toad           shopping
bsy            shorts
amf            shutdown
dennis         shuttle
mummert        sippy
landay         sippy-watch
bnoble         sleep.deprived.ta
landay         slip
asp            smileys.flamebait
sippy          snow
dennis         snow.d
jrrl           snow.shuttle
landay         so_much_for_that_theory
ghn            social.conscience
bnoble         socialism-is-dead
landay         software
hsw            solaris
dennis         sound
gusciora       sounds_like_Vince_Irene_et_al
jch            space
gusciora       spleens
baird          spok
landay         sporst
anwar          sport
landay         sportgs
bnoble         sports
bnoble         sports-graffiti
rudis          sports.d
jch            sports.ignorant
landay         sports.ignorant-Brit
phoebe         sports.opinion
anwar          sports.potential.woof
phoebe         sports.simpsons
anwar          sports.tabloid
jl             spot
landay         srg
bdz            star-wars
dkindred       stereograms
gusciora       stichnot
jl             student
landay         students
ghn            stupid-p
dn1l           stupid.help.question
karl           stupidity-is-its-own-reward
josullvn       sutdown.d
bsy            sword.dance
ghn            t3d
landay         talk
dennis         talk.ai.seminar
jch            talk.ai.seminar.d
landay         talk.d
petel          talk.logic.colloquium
karl           talk.ps.seminar
nix            talk.special.seminar
jch            talk.thesis.proposal
landay         talks
bdz            talks.cs
jch            talks.d
toad           talks.distinguished.d
ghn            talks.foo.bar
dennis         talks.penrose
toad           talks.penrose.d
dlc            talks.what.is.this.shit
jch            tartan
landay         taxes
landay         teaching
stichnot       teaching.d
gusciora       teast
jch            technoparallelfoodbabble
landay         telecomm
rudis          tennis
toad           tensor
dlc            terminology
dn1l           test
bsy            test-instance-with-random-gibberishasljfasldfjqwrafas
bnoble         test-punt
jch            test.weather
teruko         test_instance
gusciora       testhere
gusciora       testtest
gusciora       testtesttest
gusciora       testtesttesttest
gusciora       testtesttesttesttest
gusciora       testtesttesttesttesttesttesttest
sippy          tex
decfive        tg
gusciora       thanks_I_am_still_a_fucking_moron_though
clamen         the
jch            the
landay         the-net
mattz          the.sky.is.falling
gusciora       the_killer_bees
toad           the_net
sippy          theory
bsy            thesis.defense
nix            throbbing-gristle
rollins        tickets.penguins
clamen         time
nix            tkBind.c
toad           toad
sergei         toad@cs
bsy            top-ten.d
kosak          top.ten.things.that.make.you.realize.that.the.undergrads.are.really.back
moore          touch.d
mattz          town-hall
rwd            traceroute
bnoble         trappist-ales
nettles        travel
anwar          travel.d
jrrl           trees.xmas
dkindred       trek
clamen         tv
baird          tv.d
jch            uh
landay         uinx-forum
declan         unhinged
samg           unhinged@andrew
robhe          unhinged@andrew.cmu.edu
psu            unif-forum
phoebe         university-propaganda
landay         unix
nix            unix#forum$d
jl             unix-dinner
spot           unix-form
psu            unix-forum
clamen         unix-forum,
bnoble         unix-forum-complaint
stichnot       unix-forum-d
ghn            unix-forum-discussion
jch            unix-forum-forum
nix            unix-forum.abuse
ghn            unix-forum.abuse.counseling
phoebe         unix-forum.anal
ghn            unix-forum.d
jch            unix-forum.d.lets
clamen         unix-forum.graffiti
psu            unix-forum.net
dkindred       unix-forum.oops
landay         unix-forum.opinion
psu            unix-forum.zephyr
bnoble         unix-graffiti
josullvn       unix-help
jl             unix-info
jch            unix-soapbox
clamen         unix.announce
jch            unix.d
hgobioff       unix.form
bsy            unix.forum
nix            unix.forum-d
landay         unix.forum-or-unix-forum.d
dennis         unix.forum.d
toad           unix.forum.d.d
jch            unix.forum.flame.on
jch            unix.forum.flamewar
bsy            unix.forum.graffiti
bsy            unix.forum.netnews
sippy          unix.graffiti
hgobioff       unix.help
jrs            unix_forum
ghn            unixolics.anonymous
jch            usage
clamen         usenet
jch            usenet.d
landay         usnet
bdtaylor       vermillion
landay         video-games
landay         violance
toad           vr
dennis         wanda-june
landay         warlord
bdz            warning
jch            wean
bsy            weather-temp
landay         weather-temp.d
gusciora       weather.I.dont.subscribe
dkindred       weather.d
landay         weather.d.d
jch            weather.graffiti
anwar          weather.snow
anwar          web.wanderings
jch            weird
phoebe         whatever
bdz            whatever-instance-that-was
sippy          whine
spot           whining
rudis          whining.d
gusciora       why.did.this.take.so.long
jch            winter
landay         winter-break
landay         wired
jch            worse
tfm            worse
ehn            wrct
sippy          writing
baird          writing.d
jab            www
karl           x
landay         x-windows
karl           x11
robocomp       xavier
gusciora       xev
hgobioff       xmoasiac
davide         xmosaic
landay         xwp
gusciora       yeah_but_look_at_the_bozo_making_the_claim
sippy          you\'re
jch            your
jl             zephyr
stichnot       zephyr,police
spot           zephyr-history
bnoble         zephyr-instance
asp            zephyr-lossage
clamen         zephyr-mode
jch            zephyr-police
bdz            zephyr-police.d
rwh            zephyr-services
bnoble         zephyr.big.brother
dkindred       zephyr.el
karl           zephyr.emacs
dkindred       zephyr.out-of-sequence
bsy            zephyr.police
bsy            zephyr.police.d
josullvn       zhelp
bdtaylor       zippy.d
rudis          zlog
