Commonly used long words in zephyrgrams

These are the 1170 most commonly used words of six or more letters in zephyrgrams. The list of words that aren't in the dictionary is a bit more interesting.
     occurrences   word
     -----------  ------
        1302       anyone
        1051       should
        895        people
        745        something
        702        thanks
        669        doesn't
        632        that's
        597        really
        536        probably
        527        machine
        509        system
        503        before
        496        george
        489        andrew
        473        zephyr
        469        better
        467        because
        466        didn't
        459        someone
        453        running
        448        problem
        445        actually
        435        around
        429        things
        411        mosaic
        409        you're
        394        thought
        380        what's
        370        server
        370        though
        355        anything
        350        version
        350        landay
        346        course
        345        program
        343        office
        343        another
        328        number
        323        computer
        314        message
        307        getting
        302        minutes
        302        through
        302        trying
        291        there's
        290        believe
        283        software
        281        having
        279        question
        270        already
        269        information
        268        remember
        267        gnu-emacs
        264        without
        262        instance
        256        pretty
        255        different
        252        change
        250        between
        250        either
        249        little
        248        access
        242        always
        236        working
        231        enough
        231        called
        228        available
        228        general
        227        please
        224        problems
        223        rather
        219        address
        219        students
        217        clarinet
        217        machines
        217        support
        215        directory
        215        window
        214        university
        211        haven't
        211        lemacs
        204        anyway
        203        systems
        201        internet
        198        public
        197        messages
        196        service
        195        servers
        194        whether
        194        everyone
        193        groups
        193        they're
        192        command
        192        looking
        191        sounds
        190        network
        190        wouldn't
        181        article
        181        nothing
        179        pittsburgh
        178        source
        176        instead
        175        research
        173        telnet
        172        against
        171        control
        169        student
        169        process
        168        senate
        167        second
        167        screen
        166        talking
        166        reason
        165        include
        163        personal
        162        fucking
        161        current
        160        school
        158        interface
        158        default
        158        somewhere
        157        perhaps
        155        everything
        154        anybody
        154        possible
        153        person
        153        department
        152        project
        151        figure
        151        answer
        150        memory
        150        couple
        149        wasn't
        147        interesting
        147        reading
        147        unless
        146        whatever
        145        aren't
        145        making
        144        gusciora
        143        coming
        143        several
        143        windows
        142        supposed
        142        standard
        141        during
        139        police
        138        interested
        135        facilities
        134        subject
        133        clamen
        128        numbers
        128        connection
        128        dinner
        127        following
        127        wonder
        125        months
        124        thesis
        123        worked
        123        common
        122        tonight
        122        jonathan
        120        technology
        120        output
        120        saying
        120        apparently
        118        script
        117        started
        117        special
        115        abstract
        115        workstation
        114        understand
        114        happened
        114        display
        113        others
        113        newsgroups
        113        exactly
        112        friday
        111        newsrc
        111        environment
        111        stupid
        111        correct
        110        although
        110        assume
        110        programs
        110        american
        108        however
        107        science
        107        example
        107        weather
        107        discussion
        107        useful
        106        search
        106        except
        106        language
        106        company
        106        switch
        105        netnews
        105        client
        105        movies
        103        received
        103        clinton
        103        sports
        103        simple
        102        faster
        102        password
        102        wanted
        102        matter
        102        format
        101        single
        101        report
        101        playing
        100        return
        100        starting
        100        posted
        100        country
        100        performance
        99         president
        99         you'll
        98         important
        98         thinking
        97         currently
        97         shouldn't
        97         within
        97         morning
        97         finally
        97         couldn't
        97         almost
        96         netnews-2
        96         happens
        95         articles
        95         campus
        95         function
        94         release
        94         hungry
        93         million
        93         changed
        92         certain
        92         myself
        92         library
        91         taking
        90         happen
        90         kernel
        90         business
        90         services
        89         including
        89         security
        89         missed
        89         buffer
        88         gopher
        88         results
        87         online
        87         usually
        87         random
        86         applications
        86         latest
        85         national
        85         meeting
        85         behind
        85         options
        84         result
        84         outside
        84         seconds
        84         hardware
        84         according
        84         center
        83         finger
        83         sources
        83         future
        83         berkeley
        83         leaving
        83         you've
        82         design
        82         handle
        82         theory
        82         building
        82         friend
        82         asking
        81         document
        81         seeing
        81         looked
        81         yesterday
        80         multiple
        80         recent
        80         earlier
        79         postscript
        79         compile
        79         waiting
        79         reasonable
        79         programming
        79         entire
        79         faculty
        78         broken
        78         forget
        78         defense
        78         database
        78         garnet
        78         yourself
        77         string
        77         cannot
        77         response
        77         appropriate
        77         killed
        77         expect
        77         claims
        76         besides
        76         government
        76         longer
        76         trouble
        76         reports
        76         similar
        76         become
        76         reference
        76         difference
        75         various
        75         hasn't
        75         packets
        75         computers
        75         seminar
        75         questions
        75         account
        75         nobody
        75         college
        75         monday
        74         picture
        74         forgot
        74         particular
        74         manual
        74         official
        73         terminal
        73         inside
        73         zephyrs
        73         dnntpd
        73         provide
        73         dkindred
        73         traffic
        73         certainly
        73         appears
        73         likely
        73         automatically
        73         washington
        72         virtual
        72         create
        72         market
        72         generation
        72         bottom
        72         original
        72         california
        72         argument
        71         easier
        71         normal
        70         itself
        70         chance
        70         functions
        70         distributed
        70         expert
        70         suppose
        70         active
        70         collection
        70         somebody
        70         history
        69         complete
        69         street
        69         phoebe
        69         sometimes
        69         anywhere
        69         kerberos
        69         zwrite
        69         sending
        69         localhost
        69         parallel
        68         written
        68         on-line
        68         feature
        68         across
        68         option
        68         remote
        68         carnegie
        68         comment
        67         effect
        67         tomorrow
        67         context
        67         pictures
        67         decide
        67         reported
        67         solution
        67         policy
        67         printer
        66         member
        66         points
        66         define
        66         weekend
        66         compiler
        65         states
        65         double
        65         behavior
        65         record
        65         lounge
        65         channel
        65         bboard
        65         themselves
        65         football
        65         needed
        65         places
        64         minute
        64         announced
        64         pointer
        64         newsgroup
        64         recently
        64         easily
        64         driving
        64         together
        64         recall
        64         stichnot
        63         missing
        63         directly
        63         application
        63         notice
        63         mellon
        62         wondering
        62         binary
        62         rights
        62         living
        62         undergrad
        61         popular
        61         starts
        61         especially
        61         posting
        61         otherwise
        61         regular
        61         processes
        60         companies
        60         appear
        60         related
        60         request
        60         former
        60         choice
        60         concept
        60         device
        59         average
        59         county
        59         action
        59         compiled
        59         graduate
        58         editor
        58         changes
        58         opinion
        58         prefer
        58         unix-forum
        58         unfortunately
        58         journal
        58         confused
        58         reality
        58         writing
        58         amount
        58         depends
        58         versions
        57         letter
        57         directories
        57         knowledge
        57         statement
        57         turned
        57         update
        57         reboot
        57         obviously
        57         instances
        57         planning
        57         volume
        57         middle
        57         clearly
        57         warning
        57         keyboard
        57         defined
        57         thursday
        57         passwd
        56         documents
        56         approach
        56         development
        56         suggestions
        56         section
        56         officials
        56         serious
        56         political
        56         mention
        56         considered
        56         undergrads
        55         issues
        55         interest
        55         domain
        55         mailing
        55         percent
        55         installed
        55         variable
        54         weren't
        54         correctly
        54         status
        54         higher
        54         electronic
        54         actual
        54         apologize
        54         contact
        53         definitely
        53         giving
        53         simply
        53         international
        53         federal
        53         health
        53         tuesday
        53         moving
        53         ignore
        52         microsoft
        52         learning
        52         gotten
        52         violence
        52         supported
        52         necessary
        52         features
        52         tickets
        52         protocol
        52         bother
        52         required
        51         closed
        51         obvious
        51         architecture
        51         details
        51         discuss
        51         netnews-1
        51         industry
        51         community
        51         elections
        51         wednesday
        51         senator
        51         previous
        51         fairly
        50         allowed
        50         interactive
        50         presumably
        50         logging
        50         mentioned
        50         mostly
        50         interfaces
        50         friends
        50         separate
        50         netrek
        50         graphics
        50         election
        50         follow
        50         scheme
        50         involved
        50         credit
        50         assuming
        50         setting
        50         permission
        49         bennet
        49         willing
        49         graffiti
        49         checking
        49         button
        49         completely
        49         anymore
        49         computing
        49         kuwait
        49         connected
        49         charge
        49         committee
        49         review
        49         characters
        49         totally
        48         networks
        48         dropped
        48         maildelivery
        48         connect
        48         ticket
        48         consider
        48         e-mail
        48         clients
        48         includes
        48         hawaii
        48         location
        48         character
        48         url_fetch
        48         images
        47         organization
        47         errors
        47         typing
        47         sunday
        47         noticed
        47         algorithm
        47         physical
        47         himself
        47         classes
        47         commands
        47         announce
        47         private
        47         restart
        46         digital
        46         united
        46         conference
        46         anyways
        46         resources
        46         station
        46         basically
        46         produce
        46         logged
        46         failed
        46         announcement
        45         implementation
        45         putting
        45         eating
        45         require
        45         english
        45         monitor
        45         coffee
        45         figured
        45         requires
        45         algorithms
        45         framemaker
        45         watching
        45         moment
        45         illegal
        45         afternoon
        44         crashed
        44         somehow
        44         console
        44         suggest
        44         showing
        44         parking
        44         testing
        44         telling
        44         cboards
        44         package
        44         equivalent
        44         possibly
        44         dennis
        44         proposal
        44         travel
        44         position
        44         decided
        44         delete
        44         seriously
        44         colors
        44         header
        43         suspect
        43         happening
        43         eventually
        43         manager
        43         feeling
        43         driver
        43         strange
        43         institute
        43         returns
        43         explain
        43         boston
        43         reasons
        43         saturday
        43         america
        42         subscribe
        42         connections
        42         schedule
        42         specify
        42         showed
        42         listen
        42         operating
        42         they'll
        42         specific
        42         analysis
        42         techniques
        42         complain
        42         personally
        42         remove
        42         archie
        42         sheesh
        42         speech
        42         society
        42         ultrix
        42         target
        42         straight
        42         receive
        42         allows
        42         processing
        42         calling
        42         denied
        42         neither
        42         method
        41         expected
        41         murder
        41         xmosaic
        41         changing
        41         experience
        41         speaking
        41         broadcast
        41         attempt
        41         install
        41         killing
        41         reduce
        41         privacy
        41         present
        41         created
        41         gosmacs
        41         smaller
        41         exists
        41         indeed
        41         portable
        40         daemon
        40         steelers
        40         backup
        40         structure
        40         entries
        40         killer
        40         listening
        40         suicide
        40         packet
        40         quickly
        40         communications
        40         they've
        40         description
        40         copies
        40         forward
        40         designed
        40         generally
        39         author
        39         checked
        39         members
        39         where's
        39         distance
        39         stopped
        39         referring
        39         events
        39         pennsylvania
        39         netnews-3
        39         hacking
        39         magazine
        39         imagine
        39         levels
        39         arizona
        39         october
        39         pmax_mach
        39         released
        39         object
        39         degrees
        39         congress
        39         period
        38         bullshit
        38         languages
        38         borrow
        38         academic
        38         message-id
        38         whenever
        38         license
        38         dollars
        38         commercial
        38         specifically
        38         documentation
        38         sendmail
        38         developed
        38         signal
        38         chicago
        38         distribution
        38         losing
        38         secret
        38         michael
        38         series
        38         airport
        37         returned
        37         workstations
        37         seemed
        37         product
        37         addresses
        37         listed
        37         alphas
        37         caught
        37         global
        37         headers
        37         objects
        37         finding
        37         godiva
        37         british
        37         earthquake
        37         passed
        37         updated
        36         regarding
        36         flight
        36         bboards
        36         effort
        36         slower
        36         relevant
        36         welcome
        36         constitution
        36         lately
        36         thinks
        36         decent
        36         generate
        36         accounts
        36         amazing
        36         schools
        36         xmodmap
        36         increase
        36         quality
        36         environmental
        36         administration
        36         advanced
        35         immediately
        35         papers
        35         robotics
        35         models
        35         supports
        35         external
        35         removed
        35         implemented
        35         respond
        35         mistake
        35         contains
        35         archive
        35         players
        35         values
        35         multimedia
        35         continue
        35         definition
        35         billion
        35         mechanism
        34         typical
        34         further
        34         children
        34         annoying
        34         convert
        34         hopefully
        34         television
        34         choose
        34         particularly
        34         becomes
        34         failure
        34         included
        34         thread
        34         justice
        34         suggested
        34         difficult
        34         situation
        34         repeat
        34         operations
        34         modems
        34         generated
        34         considering
        34         excuse
        34         paging
        34         ethernet
        34         summer
        34         season
        34         prompt
        34         engineering
        34         worried
        34         zgrams
        34         nearly
        34         leading
        33         florida
        33         communication
        33         bigger
        33         limited
        33         technical
        33         recognition
        33         background
        33         anyuser
        33         newspaper
        33         screwed
        33         natural
        33         newton
        33         anonymous
        33         startup
        33         landay's
        33         therefore
        33         russian
        33         replace
        33         newsreader
        33         provided
        33         affect
        32         compression
        32         automatic
        32         selection
        32         length
        32         perfect
        32         symbol
        32         prevent
        32         supposedly
        32         agents
        32         structures
        32         basketball
        32         operator
        32         quarter
        32         liberal
        32         libraries
        32         -rwxr-xr-x
        32         creating
        32         education
        32         january
        32         esmeril
        32         attention
        32         internal
        32         decision
        32         adding
        32         remains
        32         social
        32         justin
        32         learned
        32         realize
        32         switched
        32         stewart
        31         mexico
        31         flying
        31         telephone
        31         functionality
        31         determine
        31         suggestion
        31         accept
        31         filter
        31         addition
        31         japanese
        31         brought
        31         military
        31         brother
        31         properly
        31         investigation
        31         syntax
        31         ability
        31         speaker
        31         opening
        31         processor
        30         aphrodite
        30         subscribed
        30         recommend
        30         atlanta
        30         records
        30         parents
        30         initial
        30         claimed
        30         config
        30         products
        30         expensive
        30         here's
        30         garbage
        30         picked
        30         writes
        30         eliminate
        30         methods
        30         george's
        30         letters
        30         printing
        30         december
        30         square
        30         references
        30         efficient
        30         culture
        30         bandwidth
        30         concerned
        30         played
        30         braves
        30         intended
        30         plenty
        30         today's
        30         wonderful
        30         transfer
        30         sitting
        30         finish
        30         larger
        30         figures
        30         authuser
        29         unknown
        29         monroeville
        29         relocation
        29         restarted
        29         selling
        29         demand
        29         finished
        29         increased
        29         published
        29         operation
        29         surface
        29         struct
        29         practice
        29         biggest
        29         hierarchy
        29         countries
        29         tables
        29         pointers
        29         describe
        29         ordered
        29         holding
        29         sun4_mach
        29         representation
        29         timeout
        29         hackers
        29         camera
        29         previously
        29         perform
        28         appeared
        28         training
        28         woofing
        28         direct
        28         accessible
        28         management
        28         resource
        28         agreement
        28         passing
        28         highway
        28         southern
        28         hadn't
        28         complex
        28         campaign
        28         attitude
        28         strings
        28         understanding
        28         forever
        28         western
        28         advantage
        28         semester
        28         existence
        28         prodigy
        28         delivery
        28         -rw-r--r--
        28         shuttle
        28         player
        28         independent
        28         winter
        28         caused
        28         debugging
        28         scandal
        28         effects
        28         afterwards
        28         gateway
        28         savers
        28         existing
        27         supercomputer
        27         causes
        27         arguments
        27         offices
        27         opposite
        27         tokens
        27         greater
        27         explicitly
        27         compilers
        27         boring
        27         everybody
        27         survey
        27         london
        27         chicken
        27         factor
        27         devices
        27         conservative
        27         competition
        27         airlines
        27         vector
        27         losers
        27         searching
        27         evidence
        27         degree
        27         furtherdetails
        27         stations
        27         highly
        27         paying
        27         advisor
        27         fields
        27         packages
        27         bought
        27         printed
        26         maggot
        26         canada
        26         hospital
        26         buffers
        26         kidding
        26         ballot
        26         environments
        26         mathematics
        26         forbes
        26         secretary
        26         mailcap
        26         switching
        26         forgotten
        26         ground
        26         normally
        26         direction
        26         session
        26         significant
        26         republican
        26         requests
        26         agreed
        26         restaurant
        26         containing
        26         beginning
        26         depending
        26         incorrect
        26         robert
        26         rebooting
        26         americans
        26         editors
        26         copyright
        26         prices
        26         lights
        26         duration
        26         aliases
        26         implement
        26         century
        26         financial
        26         cd-rom
        26         bylaws
        26         alternative
        26         europe
        26         activities
        26         christmas
        26         emergency
        26         select
        26         cheaper
        26         french
        26         mathematica
        26         modern
        26         they'd
        26         hostname
        26         offering
        26         insurance
        26         charged
        26         complexity
        26         gnu-others
        25         proper
        25         handling
        25         medical
        25         turning
        25         damage
        25         recognize
        25         matrix
        25         dallas
        25         equipment
        25         suddenly
        25         scores
        25         victory
        25         semantics
        25         relative
        25         bottle
        25         toronto
        25         floppy
        25         german
        25         dictionary
        25         awesome
        25         editing
        25         makefile
        25         stores
        25         slightly
        25         undefined
        25         capability
        25         upgrade
        25         bitmap
        25         nntpserver
        25         inches
        25         offered
        25         israel
        25         buying
        25         signature
        25         standards
        25         answers
        25         keeping
        25         researchers
        25         everywhere
        25         workers
        25         negative
        25         convince
        25         sharon
        25         positive
        25         revolution
        25         attack
        25         phillies
        25         specified
        25         pulled
        25         commission