(-: Smiley-users :-)

I counted any two- or three-character sequence starting with `:' or ';' and ending with `)' as a smiley. There were 901 zephyrs containing smilies (about 1 in 38), for an average of five smilies per day.

               number of zgrams       pct of
     sender   containing smileys   user's zgrams
     ------   ------------------   -------------
     jch                197            5.1%
     bsy                103            5.8%
     landay             100            2.1%
     ghn                 64           13.1%
     clamen              37            1.6%
     baird               34            7.4%
     gusciora            33            1.1%
     phoebe              30            5.3%
     karl                25            3.1%
     dn1l                25            5.9%
     sippy               18            1.7%
     dkindred            17            1.1%
     anwar               16            1.3%
     psu                 16            3.8%
     bnoble              13            2.4%
     bdz                 12            2.5%
     dlc                 11            4.3%
     bdtaylor            11            4.8%
     tammy               10           28.6%
     ern                  8            2.5%
     warlord@ATHENA       7           11.3%
     mwm                  7            7.5%
     spot                 7            1.3%
     declan               6           11.1%
     jab                  5            1.2%
     stichnot             5            0.5%
     re00@ANDREW          5           18.5%
     marcoz               5            3.2%
     jeanc                4            7.4%
     toad                 4            0.3%
     dennis               4            1.1%
     kosak                4            1.9%
     moore                4            2.6%
     ghoti                4            8.7%
     jrrl                 3            2.8%
     rudis                3            1.1%
     spok                 3            1.3%
     wbardwel             3            1.2%
     hgobioff             3            1.7%
     mjw                  3            3.1%
     raiff                3            5.7%
     davide               2            0.7%
     mnr                  2            0.8%
     koz                  2            4.9%
     arup                 2            2.0%
     dcs                  2           18.2%
     sam                  2           33.3%
     db74@ANDREW          2            7.7%
     pkumar               1            2.4%
     dogan                1           50.0%
     lindaq               1            2.8%
     rwd                  1            2.1%
     robhe                1           33.3%
     tfm                  1            4.5%
     mre                  1            5.9%
     astro                1           25.0%
     mdg                  1            3.7%
     ehn                  1            1.1%
     nettles              1            2.9%
     petel                1            4.0%
     mprice               1            1.0%
     pdinda               1            6.7%
