Commonly used long words in zephyrgrams
These are the most commonly used words of six or more letters in zephyrgrams. The list of words that aren't in the dictionary is a bit more interesting.
occurrences word
----------- ----
9301 anyone
7835 should
6097 people
6038 thanks
5764 something
5459 doesn't
5014 machine
4852 that's
4506 really
4325 probably
4251 problem
3883 server
3842 things
3771 because
3684 zephyr
3544 actually
3354 didn't
3337 better
3323 running
3243 someone
3239 system
3160 though
3143 before
3065 around
2926 you're
2869 andrew
2828 anything
2636 version
2552 thought
2519 what's
2465 trying
2448 getting
2409 netscape
2360 there's
2349 program
2257 another
2226 pretty
2185 course
2083 different
2081 mosaic
2034 question
2005 enough
1983 without
1951 number
1945 message
1928 through
1913 believe
1888 always
1882 having
1851 machines
1843 problems
1828 either
1808 already
1796 clarinet
1784 change
1771 access
1725 software
1704 computer
1692 remember
1677 directory
1672 working
1664 little
1647 office
1644 lemacs
1562 network
1549 minutes
1542 looking
1536 anyway
1533 between
1519 support
1516 they're
1504 available
1480 rather
1468 window
1463 haven't
1450 george
1447 called
1409 sounds
1381 source
1371 instead
1344 facilities
1328 address
1305 whether
1290 reason
1289 command
1289 nothing
1276 information
1274 perhaps
1265 windows
1260 whatever
1253 servers
1253 include
1251 default
1237 standard
1236 anybody
1228 current
1221 messages
1207 project
1192 memory
1187 please
1175 instance
1148 figure
1136 answer
1136 wouldn't
1121 general
1105 following
1100 process
1098 internet
1092 somewhere
1077 possible
1071 script
1067 unless
1067 everyone
1062 wasn't
1061 everything
1042 supposed
1030 service
1024 against
1023 screen
1020 article
1009 person
1002 second
1001 public
984 kernel
970 wonder
968 landay
958 telnet
951 aren't
949 xemacs
943 example
942 systems
933 interesting
928 format
915 common
915 couple
910 making
908 kerberos
908 reading
907 saying
902 release
893 worked
893 understand
887 library
880 students
879 talking
874 student
870 buffer
867 interface
865 function
852 connection
852 interested
851 search
829 useful
825 correct
824 exactly
823 display
823 started
820 almost
819 university
819 control
816 others
814 thinking
814 numbers
808 happen
797 except
795 binary
793 return
791 couldn't
791 however
791 groups
785 several
773 document
772 happens
771 although
771 during
771 changed
771 subject
770 postscript
767 language
763 stupid
763 packets
759 research
758 usually
748 months
747 collection
745 apparently
745 output
744 morning
738 vendor
737 reasonable
737 wanted
735 school
735 trouble
725 programs
720 shouldn't
716 coming
715 installed
714 matter
712 client
707 assume
701 personal
691 pittsburgh
684 simple
684 sometimes
682 myself
680 currently
671 environment
666 similar
664 dinner
661 you'll
660 broken
660 outside
655 yesterday
655 report
655 switch
646 happened
644 create
643 define
641 gnu-emacs
641 microsoft
638 cannot
633 appears
633 account
626 ultrix
621 compile
620 hardware
619 difference
617 looked
617 particular
615 certain
615 compiler
612 normal
610 reboot
608 campus
607 online
607 company
607 seeing
606 itself
603 option
603 special
602 longer
600 according
599 within
598 likely
597 single
594 market
593 tonight
591 random
591 password
589 security
589 faster
586 latest
583 string
580 dkindred
576 pmax_mach
576 suppose
575 certainly
574 received
567 discussion
567 pointer
564 friday
562 performance
562 install
561 written
560 important
560 police
557 questions
557 expect
557 american
557 missing
557 warning
557 unfortunately
556 reuter
551 you've
551 argument
550 result
549 original
547 seconds
547 services
546 starting
541 faculty
540 finger
539 writing
537 appear
536 compiled
536 business
535 depends
533 sending
530 anywhere
528 localhost
526 handle
524 easier
524 suspect
523 department
523 results
522 earlier
522 multiple
521 asking
521 failed
520 building
519 variable
519 printer
518 recently
516 various
515 otherwise
514 washington
513 options
510 forget
506 taking
502 packet
502 sources
502 solution
501 chance
499 monday
498 comment
496 changes
489 effect
488 hasn't
488 zephyrs
486 including
486 basically
483 future
481 playing
481 government
479 appropriate
478 images
477 recent
475 request
472 posted
471 response
471 definitely
466 application
466 yourself
465 rights
463 weather
463 versions
461 completely
461 manual
461 directly
459 places
458 package
458 together
458 tomorrow
457 movies
456 finally
456 articles
455 newsgroups
454 terminal
454 across
454 mostly
452 recall
452 needed
451 database
450 points
448 volume
447 missed
447 workstation
447 keyboard
446 fucking
445 correctly
445 defined
444 remote
443 experience
443 behavior
442 willing
442 somebody
442 behind
441 killed
439 imagine
437 equivalent
436 center
435 official
435 tickets
435 sports
434 reference
434 mention
434 inside
433 gotten
432 friend
431 generally
430 waiting
430 meeting
429 leaving
428 million
428 here's
427 assuming
427 policy
425 claims
423 giving
421 operator
421 confused
420 strange
420 mentioned
420 become
419 status
417 serious
417 especially
416 restart
415 consider
415 senate
413 country
413 binaries
413 clearly
411 delete
411 remove
411 sun4_413
408 feature
407 provide
405 processes
405 entire
405 clamen
405 device
403 national
402 complete
401 ignore
401 technology
397 related
397 solaris
396 allowed
396 turned
395 double
395 icmp_seq
394 libraries
393 nobody
393 automatically
392 specific
390 documentation
389 totally
389 setting
388 header
388 reports
388 science
388 prefer
387 rebooting
386 somehow
386 traffic
386 seemed
386 pictures
385 presumably
385 notice
383 moment
382 checking
382 letter
381 manager
379 record
379 picture
379 besides
379 passwd
379 putting
378 clinton
378 noticed
378 wondering
377 sendmail
377 easily
376 thursday
374 button
374 choice
374 average
372 object
372 ethernet
372 supported
371 minute
370 background
370 archive
369 details
369 license
367 obvious
367 thesis
366 simply
364 features
364 domain
364 location
363 characters
363 forgot
362 starts
361 platforms
361 president
361 reported
360 interest
360 ticket
359 amount
356 newsgroup
356 syntax
356 english
355 gusciora
355 wednesday
353 tuesday
353 regular
353 decided
352 signal
352 colors
351 theory
351 context
350 netnews
348 calling
348 shared
347 directories
347 browser
347 alphas
346 errors
346 computers
346 moving
346 returns
345 committee
344 suggestions
344 history
343 virtual
342 locally
342 mailing
340 companies
340 previous
339 character
338 config
338 period
337 programming
336 forward
336 states
336 hungry
336 created
335 federal
334 possibly
334 tokens
334 contact
334 speech
333 generate
333 illegal
333 design
332 fairly
331 necessary
331 middle
331 zwrite
328 statement
328 require
327 applications
327 clients
327 reasons
326 logged
326 decide
326 checked
325 section
325 scheme
325 resources
325 required
325 anymore
323 expected
322 berkeley
322 they've
322 charge
322 properly
322 replace
321 street
321 happening
320 borrow
320 exists
320 actual
319 figured
319 explain
319 distribution
318 copies
318 monitor
318 commercial
318 themselves
317 separate
317 protocol
315 definition
315 speaking
314 usenet
314 they'll
312 commands
311 thinks
311 functions
310 hacking
310 personally
310 update
309 college
309 console
308 private
307 testing
306 thread
306 annoying
305 convert
304 pointers
303 percent
303 bother
303 neither
303 allows
303 select
303 symbol
302 involved
302 addresses
301 threads
301 action
300 suggest
299 obviously
299 announced
298 former
297 released
296 eventually
295 america
293 global
293 connections
293 phoebe
293 credit
292 specify
291 weekend
290 papers
289 finding
289 defense
288 entries
288 closed
288 connect
287 member
287 includes
284 seriously
280 carnegie
280 complain
279 lounge
279 follow
278 platform
278 considered
278 portable
278 somewhat
277 product
277 changing
277 sun4_mach
277 struct
277 printing
276 upgrade
276 higher
276 malloc
276 projects
276 maildelivery
276 operating
276 permission
275 backup
275 opinion
275 alpha_osf1
275 scandal
274 french
274 driver
274 whenever
274 prompt
273 partition
272 active
272 scripts
272 afternoon
271 weren't
271 connected
271 attempt
271 garnet
271 particularly
271 symlink
271 beginning
270 normally
270 editor
270 popular
269 resource
269 implementation
268 filter
268 dennis
268 curious
267 friends
267 listed
267 further
267 situation
266 expensive
266 internal
266 screwed
265 california
265 members
265 documents
264 sunday
264 adding
263 xdefaults
263 graphics
262 conference
261 on-line
260 smaller
260 netbsd
259 typing
259 accept
259 quality
259 contains
259 position
258 stichnot
258 advisor
258 dropped
258 length
258 included
258 supports
258 children
258 telling
257 bottom
257 parallel
256 community
256 bigger
256 political
255 specifically
253 quickly
253 indeed
252 they'd
252 choose
251 failure
251 gopher
251 nearly
250 posting
250 summer
250 external
249 linked
247 distributed
247 zgrams
247 gateway
246 jonathan
245 requires
245 newsrc
245 series
245 surprised
245 pentium
245 losing
244 volumes
244 issues
243 watching
243 oakland
243 bought
243 showing
242 unknown
242 development
242 mellon
242 caused
241 useless
241 suggested
241 crashed
240 arguments
240 loaded
240 produce
240 physical
239 receive
239 technical
239 electronic
238 complaining
238 evidence
237 generated
237 instances
237 computing
237 administration
237 amazing
236 killing
235 whoops
234 saturday
234 football
234 mixing
233 laptop
233 played
232 interactive
231 headers
231 target
231 increase
230 classes
230 parking
230 industry
229 hostname
229 passed
228 announce
228 undergrad
228 bandwidth
227 difficult
227 listen
227 answers
227 effort
227 realize
227 extension
226 where's
226 generation
226 printed
226 schedule
225 tables
225 slightly
225 stopped
224 author
223 immediately
223 channel
223 designed
223 delivery
223 living
223 travel
222 framemaker
222 values
222 driving
221 health
221 cgi-bin
221 welcome
221 e-mail
221 debugging
220 broadcast
220 packages
220 station
220 feeling
220 paying
219 bnoble
219 dnntpd
218 alternative
217 everybody
217 alpha_osf20
216 cursor
216 relevant
215 copyright
215 latter
215 printers
215 floppy
215 international
215 player
215 hoping
215 magazine
214 causes
214 worried
214 depending
214 makefile
214 planning
214 shutdown
213 figures
212 knowledge
212 sitting
212 himself
211 setenv
211 direct
211 explicitly
211 digital
211 references
210 impression
210 printf
210 elsewhere
210 opposed
210 rebooted
209 present
209 continue
209 updated
209 coffee
209 structure
209 united
208 strong
208 returned
208 session
208 compilers
207 startup
207 slides
207 garbage
206 baseball
206 mistake
206 method
206 serial
206 loading
205 deliver
205 hadn't
204 keeping
204 necessarily
204 therefore
204 contents
204 insert
204 drivers
203 sexual
203 surely
203 selling
203 recommend
203 daemon
202 limited
202 attention
202 products
202 summary
201 denied
201 decent
201 learning
201 executable
200 proper
200 strings
199 sometime
199 instructions
199 filename
198 bboard
198 maintenance
198 description
198 compare
198 events
198 anonymous
197 crashes
197 fields
197 compiling
196 suggestion
196 backups
196 logging
196 lawyers
196 eating
195 caught
195 chinese
195 switched
195 maintain
194 archives
194 brought
194 prices
194 filesystem
194 advantage
194 considering
194 buying
193 entirely
193 slower
193 decision
193 operation
193 maintainer
193 paneer
193 hacked
192 meaning
192 family
192 automatic
192 blocks
192 architecture
192 sample
191 traceroute
191 hackers
191 individual
191 journal
191 afraid
190 supposedly
190 compared
190 charges
189 removed
189 harder
189 configuration
189 undefined
189 unable
188 authentication
188 standards
188 favorite
188 foreign
187 ability
186 modems
186 damage
186 algorithm
186 review
185 failing
185 prevent
185 successfully
185 significant
185 beyond
185 content
184 causing
184 static
184 factor
184 restarted
183 transfer
183 transmitted
183 straight
182 hopefully
182 announcement
182 subscribe
182 macros
182 listening
182 powerpc
181 specified
181 drives
181 sequence
181 relative
181 degrees
180 accounts
180 editing
180 typically
180 players
180 stanford
180 agreed
180 existing
179 socket
179 sentence
179 buffers
179 url_fetch
179 networks
179 darrell
178 letters
178 writes
178 larger
178 privacy
178 agreement
178 concerned
177 delivered
177 processing
177 plenty
177 bullshit
177 export
176 excellent
175 familiar
175 limits
175 opening
175 today's
174 finished
174 forbes
174 hanging
174 creating
174 selection
174 convince
174 records
174 responsible
174 collections
173 boston
173 screens
173 perfect
173 requests
172 claimed
172 typical
172 searching
172 excuse
172 escape
171 passing
171 native
171 mechanism
171 wonderful
170 becomes
170 season
170 signed
170 accesses
170 showed
170 practice
170 matters
170 unavailable
169 graduate
169 cheaper
169 society
169 spring
169 violence
169 rochberg
169 responding
169 secret
168 picked
168 caching
168 folder
168 insurance
168 stream
167 repeat
167 resolution
167 everywhere
167 secure
167 engine
166 accessible
166 suddenly
165 murder
165 respond
165 direction
165 graffiti
165 encryption
165 round-trip
165 concept
164 evening
164 turning
164 approach
164 female
164 potential
164 billion
163 languages
163 finish
163 determine
162 variables
162 purpose
162 communications
162 pointed
162 approximately
162 contain
161 congress
161 mailcap
161 lately
161 steelers
161 easiest
161 examples
161 learned
161 canada
160 newspaper
159 complex
159 americans
159 mthomas
159 impossible
159 protection
158 installation
158 airport
158 opinions
158 income
158 pmax_ul43a
158 symlinks
158 demand
158 followed
158 careful
158 funding
158 checks
158 countries
157 dictionary
157 filled
157 modify
157 objects
157 county
157 knowing
157 implemented
157 referring
157 london
157 guilty
156 michael
156 webster
156 reader
156 switching
156 complains
156 japanese
156 proposal
155 heading
155 attack
155 supply
155 distance
155 interfaces
154 fortran
154 paragon
153 academic
153 downtown
153 reasonably
153 sheesh
153 readable
152 stored
152 coverage
152 dynamic
152 published
152 horrible
152 hp700_ux90
152 effects
152 justice
151 newsbites
151 amendment
151 constitution
151 implement
151 offered
151 buttons
150 addition
150 tartan
150 talked
150 management
150 affect
150 forever
150 workstations
149 dilbert
149 undergrads
149 permissions
149 containing
149 manually
149 censorship
149 advertising
149 recognize
149 property
149 politics
149 compatible
148 paging
148 modified
148 advice
148 officials
148 constant
148 proposed
148 translation
148 disagree
148 expression
148 provided
148 operations
148 latex2html
148 hawaii
148 refused
148 chicago
148 whoever
147 independent
147 highly
147 midnight
147 analysis
147 indian
146 breaks
146 walking
146 symbols
146 nectar
146 bizarre
146 forgotten
145 answering
145 managed
145 measure
145 europe
145 shortly
145 squill
145 justin
144 marketing
144 hacker
144 vmunix
144 extensions
144 success
144 parent
143 german
143 matching
143 pcmcia
143 replaced
143 defaults
143 social
143 scratch
143 dosupdepot
143 france
143 survey
143 copied
143 closer
143 sizeof
142 principal
142 hypertext
142 sprite
142 spending
142 provides
142 trivial
142 frequently
142 lawyer
142 winter
142 modern
142 unsigned
141 register
141 spelling
141 equipment
141 formats
141 someone's
141 expert
141 reality
141 anyuser
141 contract
140 appeared
140 slackware
140 bennet
140 reverse
140 archie
140 organization
140 restarting
140 pointing
139 catalog
139 exception
139 statistics
139 discovered
138 andrzej
138 freedom
138 athena
138 anyways
138 assumed
138 calendar
138 stories
138 complicated
138 installing
138 cd-rom
137 overhead
137 compression
137 critical
137 explicit
137 combined
137 transarc
137 british
137 prodigy
137 jmount
137 listing
137 message-id
136 differently
136 occasionally
136 material
136 stable
136 opened
136 macintosh
136 helpful
136 debugger
136 regardless
136 located
135 deleted
135 configured
135 scroll
135 download
135 zealand
135 central
135 respect
135 master
135 genetic
135 nameserver
135 configure
135 messed
135 telephone
135 generic
135 contributed
134 minimum
134 regarding
134 bridge
134 schools
134 understanding
134 claiming
134 absolutely
134 intended
134 emergency
134 frames
133 forced
133 gnuplot
133 reduce
133 previously
133 arbitrary
133 dumped
133 expires
133 processor
133 weenies
133 userid
133 protect
133 visual
133 initial
132 parents
132 basketball
132 utility
132 column
132 comparison
132 towards
132 doherty
132 associated
132 contrib
132 pthreads
132 progress
131 pieces
131 dealing
131 clueless
131 spaces
131 answered
131 officemate
131 originally
131 stewart
131 church
131 perfectly
130 kidding
130 engineering
130 mother
130 functionality
130 depend
130 displayed
130 nicely
129 becoming
129 medium
129 relatively
129 -rw-r--r--
129 devices
128 ground
128 netnews-2
128 explanation
128 abortion
128 combination
128 handling
128 election
127 statistics----
127 handles
127 biggest
127 conversation
127 square
127 borders
126 restaurant
126 degree
126 emacs19
126 generates
126 culture
126 quarter
126 drawing
126 floating
125 holding
125 bboards
125 wedged
125 prints
125 geometry
125 developed
125 pornography
125 releases
125 algorithms
125 lights
125 telnetd
125 phrase
125 sender
125 budget
124 charged
124 porting
124 colormap
124 sparcs
124 cancel
124 television
123 minimal
123 people's
123 recommended
123 cirrus
123 ordered
123 maximum
123 mainly
123 convinced
123 solved
123 dangerous
123 shells
123 conversion
122 dropping
122 negative
122 corner
122 stores
122 supporting
122 counts
122 visible
122 region
122 offices
122 accepted
122 subscribed
121 dollars
121 differences
121 unix-forum
121 dollar
121 fixing
121 compatibility
121 mathematica
121 regexp
121 scientists
121 levels
121 xmodmap
121 reporting
121 italian
120 leaves
120 additional
120 population
120 alternatively
120 htaccess
120 speaker
120 i386_mach
120 lookup
120 mounted
120 momspider
120 signature
120 pulled
119 syslog
119 reliable
119 famous
119 boring
119 timing
119 netcom
119 percentage
119 backed
119 debate
119 senator
119 whereas
119 aliases
119 natural
118 ignored
118 architectures
118 readme
118 usable
118 saving
118 officially
118 netscape-beta
118 realized
118 customers
117 produced
117 documented
117 incoming
117 pattern
117 showers
117 kernels
117 timeout
117 described
117 allowing
117 chicken
117 patches
117 effective
116 advance
116 offering
116 issued
116 locked
116 latex2e
116 wearing
116 unlikely
116 leading
115 rimm's
115 removing
115 no-one
115 floppies
115 setuid
115 gnu-others
115 networking
115 dallas
115 paragraph
115 incorrect
115 'cause
114 supercomputer
114 protected
114 setpath
114 england
114 pathetic
114 parameter
114 xterms
114 switches
114 hearing
114 conditions
114 scheduled
114 hosage
114 responsibility
114 acceptable
114 regularly
114 awesome
113 successful
113 x11-others
113 generating
113 primary
113 apologize
113 browsers
113 updates
113 confusing
113 patent
113 extremely
112 greater
112 guessing
112 shipping
112 copying
112 germany
112 contest
112 facility
112 linking
112 hardly
112 shuttle
112 experiment
111 warnings
111 consistent
111 orders
111 kuwait
111 execute
111 installmethod
111 league
111 interpreter
111 rs_aix32
111 banana
111 purposes
111 quoted
111 minibuffer
110 sree's
110 appreciate
110 refuse
110 arguing
110 dependent
110 completion
110 restore
110 vacation
110 pressure
109 expired
109 acting
109 flight
109 describe
109 capacity
109 principle
109 letting
109 kbytes
109 reuters
109 symbolic
109 covered
109 discussed
109 volunteer
109 authenticated
109 mailbox
109 military
108 temporary
108 correction
108 hitting
108 roughly
108 ordering
108 submit
108 friendly
108 served
108 winning
108 merely
108 florida
108 extent
107 providing
107 institute
107 ispell
107 kerberized
107 gnuserv
107 thousands
107 surprise
107 express
107 remotely
107 invalid
107 passwords
107 dialog
107 indicate
107 brother
107 abstract
106 vendors
106 researchers
106 opposite
106 sufficient
106 signals
106 majority
106 pissed
106 selected
106 nuclear
105 supreme
105 breaking
105 mailer
105 semester
105 helped
105 manage
105 instruction
105 largest
105 victory
105 father
105 arrived
105 provider
105 complaints
105 impressed
105 inches
105 desktop
105 routine
105 compuserve
105 parker
104 movemail
104 benefit
104 married
104 became
104 transparent
104 pennsylvania
104 semantics
104 backbone
104 robert
104 hierarchy
104 hospital
104 education
104 netstat
103 anonymouser
103 communication
103 replacement
103 murray
103 module
103 criminal
103 creates
103 cycles
103 load-path
103 programmers
103 windoze
103 displaying
103 exchange
103 canonical
103 rewrite
103 camera
103 michigan
102 receiving
102 estimate
102 european
102 energy
102 training
102 inline
102 friendlyhost
102 settings
102 production
102 efficient
102 essentially
102 arizona
102 nevermind
101 unlimited
101 canadian
101 router
101 division
101 forwarded
101 professional
101 positive
101 impressive
101 davide
101 metamail
101 perform
101 bitmap
101 attitude
100 matches
100 produces
100 presume
100 prison
100 universe
100 secretary
100 capital
100 registered
100 despite
100 yellow
100 toward
100 weapons
100 ignoring
100 displays
100 stdout
100 programmer
100 bummer
99 optional
99 applied
99 benefits
99 competition
99 preferred
99 complaint
99 whitewater
99 irrelevant
99 repair
99 dkindred's
99 republican
99 locking
99 purify
98 stands
98 thingy
98 identify
98 studies
98 choices
98 complained
98 allegro
98 temporarily
98 modmisc
98 extended
98 requested
98 converted
98 campaign
98 maggot
97 compiles
97 shadow
97 partitions
97 powerful
97 distribute
97 cached
97 hockey
97 explains
97 searches
97 folders
97 overall
96 readers
96 replacing
96 internic
96 understood
96 newsreader
96 activity
96 island
96 leader
96 effectively
96 refers
96 translate
96 resolve
96 activities
96 forwarding
95 hundreds
95 religious
95 closing
95 lossage
95 ghostscript
95 monroeville
95 routines
95 passes
95 october
95 allocate
95 improve
95 understands
95 nature
95 introduced
95 integer
95 backspace
95 reviews
95 slowly
95 angeles
95 rename
95 fucked
94 collect
94 existence
94 linker
94 netnews-1
94 twisted
94 statements
94 edition
94 variety
94 expecting
94 unique
94 financial
94 encourage
94 widget
93 spread
93 indicates
93 pirates
93 returning
93 painful
93 scores
93 reached
93 extern
93 disconnected
93 happily
93 classic
93 possibility
93 filters
93 australia
93 plastic
93 connecting
93 segment
93 guaranteed
93 occurs
92 improved
92 invoke
92 mulberry
92 override
92 multimedia
92 convention
92 enterprise
92 disappeared
92 growing
92 fighting
92 penalty
92 eudora
92 expand
92 employees
91 remind
91 remains
91 universities
91 compressed
91 crimes
91 suggests
91 killer
91 kicked
91 condition
91 wanting
91 harassment
91 powerpoint
91 idiots
91 clever
91 liberal
91 environmental
90 purchase
90 dynamically
90 conflict
90 ancient
90 israel
90 prefix
90 dining
90 dumping
90 flying
90 explained
90 carefully
90 courses
90 approved
90 weenie
90 seminar
90 investigation
90 declared
89 doctor
89 amounts
89 viewer
89 traditional
89 mapping
89 christmas
89 bothered
89 upgraded
89 sucked
89 defines
89 obsolete
89 implies
89 movement
89 clicking
89 sockets
89 audience
88 fetching
88 overnight
88 professor
88 republicans
88 mentions
88 banned
88 allocated
88 discount
88 paranoid
88 define-key
88 parties
88 redirect
88 mexico
88 helping
88 experts
87 follows
87 anonymizer
87 guesses
87 shooting
87 advanced
87 identical
87 kitchen
87 standing
87 tested
87 bringing
87 channels
87 discuss
87 applies
87 weight
87 aphrodite
87 widely
86 barely
86 outage
86 holiday
86 authuser
86 xmosaic
86 howard
86 balance
86 verify
86 accidentally
86 rlidwka
86 informed
86 backing
86 resume
86 pushing
86 interview
86 domestic
86 mercury
86 category
86 agency
86 storage
86 -rwxr-xr-x
85 massive
85 marked
85 picking
85 incredibly
85 elevator
85 destroy
85 suggesting
85 disable
85 women's
85 sun4c_411
85 fingers
85 daemons
85 kauthd
85 ridiculous
85 lawsuit
85 philadelphia
85 landay's
85 superhighway
85 models
85 august
85 moviegenform
85 elements
85 airlines
85 edrc-ndim4
85 partly
85 highway
84 cancer
84 emulation
84 career
84 arrays
84 nowhere
84 eliminate
84 shadyside
84 dialup
84 closest
84 swapping
84 ohio-state
84 definitions
84 workers
84 gnu-comp
84 waterworks
84 increasing
84 suicide
84 priority
84 russian
83 morgan
83 someplace
83 afford
83 francisco
83 soccer
83 safety
83 replies
83 identity
83 reminds
83 director
83 brings
83 strategy
83 martin
83 attached
83 threat
83 boards
83 editors
83 controls
82 that'll
82 accurate
82 western
82 declare
82 sharing
82 winner
82 offers
82 presence
82 shopping
82 backwards
82 affected
82 guarantee
82 jordan
82 ending
82 voting
82 bloody
82 user's
82 latency
82 occurred
82 cluster
82 responses
82 anyhow
82 accessed
82 disabled
81 naturally
81 subset
81 ported
81 crashing
81 eastern
81 century
81 unlike
81 watched
81 handler
81 esmeril
81 resend
81 quoting
81 believes
81 unhappy
81 pmax_ul4
81 attempts
81 forces
81 cboard
81 planet
81 requirements
81 vaguely
81 stderr
80 challenge
80 methods
80 israeli
80 falling
80 nation
80 accused
80 george's
80 represent
80 planned
80 fprintf
80 beating
80 spanish
80 battery
80 preferences
80 uptime
80 graphical
80 olestra
80 incantation
80 built-in
80 medical
80 delayed
80 conservative
79 constantly
79 height
79 arrested
79 assumption
79 repeated
79 assumes
79 zquery
79 laptops
79 xinitrc
79 arrive
79 handled
79 netscape's
79 william
79 assembly
79 providers
79 sucking
79 arkansas
79 discussing
79 structures
79 wherever
79 carrying
79 refusing
79 heavily
78 recording
78 modules
78 cantaloupe
78 burning
78 destination
78 southern
78 extend
78 mozilla
78 speakers
78 naming
78 humans
78 foreground
78 rejected
78 graphic
78 virginia
78 december
78 nntpserver
78 disappear
78 sunsite
78 rlogin
78 deadline
78 steinberg
78 distinction
78 else's
77 consumer
77 develop
77 italic
77 lambda
77 strikes
77 counting
77 pornographic
77 stadium
77 sharon
77 oracle
77 nearest
77 authenticate
77 ghostview
77 restrictions
77 environments
77 amusing
77 smoking
77 sunmos
77 innocent
77 pstools
77 layout
77 cutting
76 january
76 solutions
76 hidden
76 legally
76 strike
76 warner
76 expire
76 downloaded
76 remain
76 frequency
76 hundred
76 recipient
76 attempting
76 wrapper
76 accessing
76 attorney
76 border
76 ruling
76 recognized
76 andrew-side
76 rarely
76 sippy's
76 estimated
76 fortune
76 conclusion
76 serving
76 kermit
75 olympics
75 andrewland
75 registration
75 behaviour
75 stolen
75 backward
75 interrupt
75 technically
75 formal
75 increased
75 cloudy
75 resolv
75 sounded
75 executed
75 believed
75 compilation
75 integrated
75 invented
75 convicted
75 postmaster
75 initialization
75 continues
75 unreasonable
75 decstation
75 phones
74 thoughts
74 queries
74 import
74 profile
74 year's
74 senior
74 district
74 fortunately
74 cookies
74 conspiracy
74 remaining
74 bindings
74 unusual
74 terrible
74 detailed
74 mirror
74 experiencing
74 marriage
74 thomas
74 intelligent
74 simpler
74 millions
74 directions
74 entered
74 enabled
74 precisely
73 publicly
73 handbook
73 profit
73 maintaining
73 compute
73 component
73 fastest
73 simpson
73 interpreted
73 functional
73 hassle
73 extreme
73 reduced
73 expansion
73 counter
73 notion
73 notified
73 agents
73 bright
73 forecast
73 committed
73 growth
73 involves
73 investment
72 cities
72 actions
72 ultimate
72 taught
72 formatting
72 weirdness
72 checkservers
72 fourth
72 figuring
72 universal
72 confusion
72 november
72 convenient
72 routing
72 notify
72 cinema
72 accident
72 vision
72 treated
72 keywords
72 reload
72 markup
72 bulletin
72 recompile
72 procedure
72 resulting
72 dumpling
72 owners
72 motion
72 whining
72 shorter
72 parameters
72 repeatedly
71 scarlatti
71 afterwards
71 comics
71 covers
71 termcap
71 consensus
71 exercise
71 revision
71 animals
71 analogy
71 inlined
71 explaining
71 caches
71 sufficiently
71 impact
71 opportunity
71 world's
71 puccini
71 practical
71 association
71 conner
71 branch
71 papaya
71 placed
71 entertainment
71 photoshop
71 september
71 garden
71 utilities
71 absolute
71 extract
71 locations
71 superior
71 commit
70 individuals
70 maintainers
70 yesterday's
70 detail
70 economic
70 ordinary
70 thousand
70 prototype
70 declan
70 ifconfig
70 significantly
70 grabbed
70 scientific
70 capability
70 corresponding
70 protocols
70 strongly
70 -print
70 toronto
70 suitable
70 krbtkfile
70 jewish
70 inconsistent
70 examine
70 describing
69 anyone's
69 electric
69 temperature
69 appeal
69 grammar
69 nslookup
69 databases
69 manuals
69 bucket
69 entering
69 detect
69 interpret
69 promise
69 bombing
69 applet
69 emulator
69 suffer
69 drinking
69 typedef
69 unexpected
69 minister
69 maintained
69 pushed
69 confirm
69 catholic
69 begins
69 colorado
69 monster
68 frequent
68 reproduce
68 economy
68 element
68 initially
68 distinguish
68 powerbook
68 acrobat
68 implementations
68 immediate
68 alright
68 banner
68 pathname
68 pixmap
68 orange
68 formula
68 partial
68 elections
68 experimental
68 preferably
68 graphs
68 christian
68 columns
68 concern
68 nearby
68 survive
68 streets
68 funded
68 workaround
68 cancelled
68 printcap
67 sysadmin
67 listings
67 restricted
67 episode
67 outgoing
67 encrypted
67 recognition
67 atlanta
67 virtually
67 highest
67 robotics
67 violation
67 requirement
67 corrupted
67 mexican
67 week's
67 accepting
67 intelligence
67 poster
67 portion
67 membership
67 custom
67 complexity
67 incomplete
67 religion
67 commercials
67 acronym
67 cleared
66 opcode
66 assigned
66 template
66 officer
66 relationship
66 seattle
66 husband
66 foreach
66 breakfast
66 cables
66 netrek
66 quicktime
66 physics
66 concert
66 offensive
66 producing
66 substitute
66 experienced
66 authors
66 chapter
66 clinton's
66 sensitive
66 subscriptions
66 corrected
66 surprising
66 monthly
66 pinging
66 thrown
66 assignment
66 chairman
66 proceedings
66 victims
66 that'd
66 vector
66 processors
66 battle
66 profiles
66 commission
66 cleaning
66 justify
66 duplicate
65 alternatives
65 chances
65 templates
65 converting
65 domains
65 overloaded
65 connector
65 someday
65 indiana
65 buildings
65 creation
65 stations
65 alternate
65 customer
65 titles
65 declaration
65 columbia
65 mountain
65 presentation
65 bitmaps
64 bookstore
64 keyboards
64 ignores
64 recover
64 beautiful
64 defend
64 cultural
64 rempel
64 forged
64 permit
64 flaming
64 builtin
64 capable
64 blueberry
64 attacks
64 efforts
64 curiosity
64 widgets
64 tricks
64 fsfmacs
64 interaction
64 chunks
64 rating
64 sleator
64 restrict
64 colour
64 expects
64 deciding
64 makefiles
64 teaching
64 newspapers
64 obtained
63 appearing
63 netregister
63 runtime
63 freeware
63 sticking
63 corporate
63 houston
63 blocked
63 origin
63 corridor
63 greatest
63 randomly
63 linear
63 developers
63 improvement
63 content-type
63 periods
63 sexually
63 foundation
63 admitted
63 simultaneously
63 refilled
63 carolina
63 playboy
63 writer
63 terminals
63 app-defaults
63 markets
63 read-only
63 damned
63 allocation
63 determined
63 logical
63 parsing
62 charging
62 predict
62 controller
62 exciting
62 corporation
62 executing
62 closely
62 established
62 silence
62 patterns
62 deserve
62 sudden
62 wasted
62 scrollbar
62 weekly
62 annual
62 pmaxen
62 viewing
62 bodies
62 filtering
62 developing
62 nights
62 authority
62 involving
62 apologies
62 remembered
62 ange-ftp
62 incredible
62 severe
62 stated
62 gnuattach
62 harvard
61 delays
61 sentinel
61 toolkit
61 proven
61 comparing
61 toolbar
61 ignorance
61 keysym
61 deleting
61 forest
61 bottle
61 replied
61 controlled
61 execution
61 homepage
61 exports
61 autoload
61 prepared
61 poorly
61 filenames
61 regexps
61 periodically
61 council
61 speeds
61 unclear
61 animation
61 danger
61 almond
61 robots
61 houses
61 krbtgt
61 sportsline
61 transfers
61 forgetting
61 beware
61 serves
61 derived
61 pretend
60 emacs18
60 carrier
60 scientist
60 generator
60 licensing
60 subscription
60 powermac
60 raised
60 bibtex
60 audiofile
60 walked
60 username
60 atlantic
60 landscape
60 zephyr-setup
60 blowing
60 campushost
60 applets
60 publicity
60 up-to-date
60 attach
60 transmission
60 undergraduate
60 whitespace
60 bloated
60 guarantees
60 scared
60 woofing
60 noticing
60 gnuclient
60 occasional
60 scanner
60 collected
60 attributes
60 fashion
60 hooked
60 bounce
60 shipped
60 writers
60 minors
59 golden
59 construction
59 assumptions
59 species
59 formatted
59 zlocate
59 strictly
59 postgres
59 scored
59 shopper
59 airline
59 glimpse
59 partially
59 detached
59 portability
59 offending
59 buffalo
59 verdict
59 predicted
59 circle
59 victim
59 exceptions
59 posters
59 alcohol
59 crappy
59 probability
59 binding
59 citation
59 wondered
59 editorial
59 embedded
59 insist
59 baiting
59 statically
59 meetings
59 obscure
59 everytime
59 evaluation
59 savings
59 indication
59 publishing
59 decisions
59 jackson
59 appropriately
59 scrolling
59 belief
59 interests
59 lrwxr-xr-x
58 liberty
58 zephyrgrams
58 preview
58 rs6000
58 losers
58 equally
58 publish
58 ratings
58 discrimination
58 regard
58 overview
58 garage
58 scrollbars
58 stereo
58 zephyr-mode
58 gunzip
58 trailing
58 preserve
58 filling
58 infinite
58 tutorial
58 cleveland
58 indexing
58 candidate
58 russia
58 organized
58 caption
58 exiting
58 officemates
57 assertion
57 cornell
57 executive
57 counted
57 executables
57 nowadays
57 compusa
57 specification
57 manner
57 decides
57 mobile
57 appearance
57 granted
57 transcript
57 racist
57 squirrel
57 galleria
57 petition
57 restored
57 monitors
57 organizations
57 pipeline
57 satellite
57 involve
57 cross-realm
57 compress
57 advertise
57 permanent
57 tangerine
57 rossini
57 whenis
57 anytime
57 bitching
56 warned
56 ensure
56 machine's
56 joseph
56 refuses
56 stillers
56 theater
56 lecture
56 real-time
56 interpretation
56 incompatible
56 motorola
56 honest
56 technologies
56 pacific
56 spirit
56 influence
56 digits
56 shareware
56 specifying
56 intellectual
56 substantial
56 urgent
56 everyone's
56 converter
56 powers
56 assistance
56 luckily
56 sqhill
56 pollution
56 font-lock
56 representation
56 preprocessor
56 upgrading
56 connectivity
56 kansas
56 mumble
56 tradition
56 mprice
56 settle
56 dow-jones
56 satisfy
56 skills
56 businesses
55 netnews-4
55 transactions
55 disgusting
55 suffix
55 parity
55 increases
55 feedback
55 radical
55 qualified
55 detroit
55 postal
55 managers
55 smarter
55 industrial
55 suffering
55 concerns
55 senators
55 weapon
55 disconnect
55 equation
55 incident
55 zephyr-filters
55 cheese
55 meanwhile
55 sooner
55 separately
55 firing
55 downloading
55 enforcement
55 offense
55 recommendations
55 transport
55 transition
54 arithmetic
54 princeton
54 launch
54 compete
54 automated
54 catching
54 novell
54 rephrase
54 precise
54 annoyed
54 existed
54 brothers
54 attend
54 exclusive
54 relocation
54 confession
54 porter
54 hillary
54 chimera
54 memories
54 nonsense
54 mental
54 surfing
54 voyager
54 consistently
54 aspects
54 lislook
54 mathematics
54 thrashing
54 filing
54 godiva
54 signatures
54 volunteers
54 oldfiles
54 notices
54 desire
54 mailed
54 morewood
54 positions
54 dkindred++
54 append
53 philosophy
53 crontab
53 violent
53 carried
53 nation's
53 animal
53 oregon
53 erotica
53 optimization
53 consistency
53 strict
53 libg++
53 misread
53 suspended
53 poking
53 descriptions
53 winners
53 motivation
53 licensed
53 sister
53 policies
53 asshole
53 command-line
53 throughput
53 resident
53 advisory
53 rotate
53 comfortable
53 implied
53 stripes
53 should've
53 delivering
53 quebec
53 moscow
53 symptom
53 montreal
53 reputation
53 wonders
53 awhile
53 loader
53 enable
53 potato
53 discussions
53 ireland
52 fellow
52 admission
52 electronics
52 suspicious
52 attribute
52 courts
52 factors
52 behave
52 february
52 possibilities
52 reserved
52 reaction
52 democracy
52 chosen
52 directed
52 creator
52 pascal
52 implicit
52 sections
52 truncated
52 horizontal
52 similarly
52 advantages
52 elevators
52 potentially
52 messing
52 seeking
52 maryland
52 hopeless
52 tricky
52 screwing
52 facilitized
52 responded
52 mistaken
52 richard
52 gcc-lib
52 revolution
52 repository
52 primarily
52 fundamental
52 agrees
52 remarks
52 sleeping
52 deaths
52 ethics
52 norway
52 governor
52 describes
52 breast
52 highlight
52 frozen
52 magnitude
52 critique
52 recursive
52 footnote
52 assembler
52 presented
51 savers
51 censor
51 lowekamp
51 soldiers
51 operators
51 updating
51 distinguished
51 unread
51 parkway
51 apropos
51 lifetime
51 flights
51 exposed
51 sanity
51 symptoms
51 freeze
51 happier
51 watermelon
51 netnews-3
51 forcing
51 exported
51 headed
51 communicate
51 zephyrgram
51 departments
51 continued
51 invited
51 wedding
51 fraction
51 earthquake
51 syscall
51 stopping
51 spelled
51 commented
51 constitutional
51 segmentation
51 closes
51 prototypes
51 reply-to
51 pleasant
51 tracking
50 nightmare
50 construct
50 engines
50 chocolate
50 circumstances
50 situations
50 pulling
50 northwest
50 implying
50 foster
50 conventions
50 completed
50 authorities
50 legislation
50 trivia
50 troubles
50 mehrabian
50 publication
50 browsing
50 reporter
50 desired
50 resolved
50 doctors
50 caffeine
50 desperate
50 mistakes
50 terribly
50 propose
50 clause
50 belong
50 sentences
50 monitoring
50 followup
50 satisfied
50 hiding
50 concrete
50 daughter
50 nutscape
50 cmucsh
50 passwds
50 intuitive
50 perspective
50 chemical
50 cambridge
50 clamen's
50 accepts
50 components
50 reporters
50 surface
50 foobar
50 collector
50 subtle
49 cc-mode
49 holidays
49 tuition
49 optimal
49 citizens
49 citizen
49 indent
49 educational
49 -restart
49 capabilities
49 sticky
49 newton
49 texinfo
49 streams
49 spoken
49 apparent
49 commerce
49 olympic
49 unrelated
49 rental
49 championship
49 sessions
49 catherine
49 structs
49 alpha's
49 numeric
49 transportation
49 gosmacs
49 intermediate
49 menubar
49 tobacco
49 worldwide
49 load-library
49 hardwick
49 pentiums
49 morris
49 healthy
49 translations
49 dedicated
49 bullet
49 reconnect
49 varargs
49 broadcasting
49 safely
48 reception
48 requiring
48 charlie's
48 distributing
48 keyword
48 joking
48 designer
48 pixels
48 meters
48 cartoon
48 cooking
48 apollo
48 scanning
48 exporting
48 symphony
48 inform
48 subjects
48 microsoft's
48 protest
48 locate
48 confirmed
48 availability
48 courtesy
48 worthwhile
48 clipper
48 bullets
48 filesystems
48 combine
48 blocking
48 awfully
48 whereis
48 darrell's
48 unsetenv
48 redundant
47 forgive
47 braves
47 greatly
47 theorem
47 nextstep
47 insane
47 crypto
47 meaningless
47 would've
47 vanilla
47 everyday
47 pregnant
47 spinning
47 subway
47 conduct
47 pending
47 altavista
47 encountered
47 megabytes
47 freezing
47 divide
47 bennet's
47 scribe
47 collecting
47 represents
47 excited
47 singapore
47 assert
47 xpaint
47 materials
47 passport
47 physically
47 officers
47 historical
47 festival
47 toilet
47 obtain
47 assocs
47 preference
47 kicking
47 mounting
47 referred
47 investigating
47 driven
47 floors
47 ambiguous
47 surgery
47 agenda
46 widespread
46 supplies
46 institution
46 restaurants
46 crayon
46 whales
46 failures
46 exposure
46 throwing
46 floats
46 valley
46 retrieve
46 obnoxious
46 spokesman
46 segments
46 laserjet
46 oklahoma
46 announcements
46 rumors
46 technique
46 currency
46 andrej
46 mission
46 registers
46 skating
46 apartment
46 worrying
46 inserted
46 telecommunications
46 mighty
46 christ
46 tempted
46 appreciated
46 doable
46 stripped
46 neighborhood
46 ps2epsi
46 reagan
46 engineers
46 newline
46 briefly
46 payment
46 leaders
46 gambling
46 routers
46 fvwmrc
46 grabbing
46 elected
46 lovely
46 testimony
46 selecting
46 partner
46 properties
46 buffering
46 feeding
46 screaming
46 techniques
46 reliably
46 carnival
46 hotlist
46 jumping
46 terminated
45 cleaner
45 researcher
45 manufacturers
45 doubles
45 cooler
45 destroyed
45 suprised
45 tonight's
45 indexed
45 achieve
45 kennedy
45 criteria
45 supercomputing
45 biased
45 liability
45 dozens
45 ourselves
45 consulting
45 bottleneck
45 beauty
45 ignorant
45 busted
45 consortium
45 conferences
45 gather
45 offhand
45 decade
45 hotjava
45 expressed
45 concat
45 rcvstore
45 promised
45 newest
45 prolly
45 top-level
45 approx
45 representing
45 timeouts
45 administrators
45 veggie
45 realms
45 criticism
45 person's
45 grades
45 regions
45 fishing
45 indicated
45 racial
45 silicon
45 brains
45 indices
45 manpage
45 wasting
45 headlines
45 subscribing
45 guessed
45 publically
45 clusters
45 drwxr-xr-x
45 purely
45 spreadsheet
45 mailboxes
44 unlimit
44 literature
44 patched
44 honestly
44 purchased
44 texinputs
44 telerama
44 promising
44 prince
44 furthermore
44 aspect
44 literally
44 singing
44 parens
44 enforce
44 addressed
44 visiting
44 nameservers
44 wisconsin
44 operate
44 conclusions
44 northern
44 downhill
44 kerrigan
44 halfway
44 mountd
44 differ
44 encouraging
44 nested
44 equations
44 infrastructure
44 builds
44 entertaining
44 prolog
44 letterman
44 museum
44 consumers
44 constraints
44 silent
44 licenses
44 enscript
44 long-term
44 superbowl
44 resize
44 greenfield
44 islands
44 suspected
44 emacs-19
44 invoked
44 defining
44 rainbow
44 upgrades
44 grounds
44 obscene
44 participate
44 so-called
44 vicemon
44 refresh
44 density
44 sorting
44 denmark
44 cyberspace
44 violated
44 samples
44 freely
44 smiley
43 amazed
43 contained
43 adjust
43 massachusetts
43 worktime
43 needing
43 restriction
43 essential
43 evaluate
43 insult
43 establish
43 accounting
43 reserve
43 translator
43 processed
43 bagels
43 rolling
43 masses
43 betting
43 topics
43 legitimate
43 confuse
43 continuing
43 village
43 mystery
43 assistant
43 rational
43 documentstyle
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43 oriented
43 africa
43 actively
43 chiron
43 swimming
43 archaeopteryx
43 edupage
43 continuous
43 vicinity
43 retail
43 turing
43 administrator
43 ppmtogif
43 rebuild
43 photos
43 utterly
43 regulations
43 raining
43 quantity
43 plants
43 schedules
43 muslim
43 semantic
43 disappointed
43 visited
43 srvtab
43 mh_profile
43 labels
43 avoided
43 practically
43 seperate
43 dreams
43 cyberporn
43 disaster
43 planes
43 attempted
43 vertical
43 caps_lock
43 pauses
43 finals
43 preventing
43 plausible
43 referenced
43 recycling
43 mechanisms
43 appletalk
43 illinois
43 customization
43 nelson
43 expertise
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43 decode
42 polite
42 slipped
42 blacks
42 stress
42 stealing
42 scanned
42 underlying
42 documentfonts
42 takers
42 affects
42 absence
42 cellular
42 uncompress
42 josullvn
42 catalogs
42 johnson
42 atleast
42 heaven
42 lowest
42 experiments
42 32-bit
42 searched
42 scoring
42 mpeg_play
42 primitive
42 keystrokes
42 conflicts
42 silently
42 concepts
42 instant
42 zstart
42 alleged
42 treatment
42 employee
42 guidelines
42 non-cmu
42 credits
42 monochrome
42 buried
42 syracuse
42 matrix
42 secondary
42 reveal
42 cherry
42 'course
42 nations
42 denver
42 --nostringval--
42 versus
42 wisdom
42 odessa
42 dialing
42 numerical
42 consumption
42 wagner
42 capture
42 estimates
42 trusted
42 corrupt
41 unsupported
41 laserwriter
41 defunct
41 vanderbilt
41 governments
41 resort
41 competitive
41 avoiding
41 scaled
41 beehive
41 breath
41 gender
41 asleep
41 recipients
41 multitasking
41 substantially
41 announcing
41 ballot
41 coincidence
41 string-match
41 captain
41 australian
41 fallen
41 exclude
41 covering
41 stamps
41 tunnel
41 discover
41 coupons
41 matlab
41 teacher
41 threatening
41 www-cgi
41 revealed
41 patience
41 measured
41 all_mach
41 namespace
41 lesbian
41 teachers
41 extensive
41 high-end
41 proved
41 schemes
41 viewers
41 represented
41 atmosphere
41 charles
41 witness
41 narrow
41 binhex
40 quantum
40 daytime
40 aliased
40 subsequent
40 indians
40 netherlands
40 integral
40 minority
40 biking
40 justification
40 mactcp
40 whatsoever
40 trigger
40 mcvert
40 partners
40 overtime
40 vegetarian
40 harding
40 freaking
40 unfortunate
40 instantly
40 logins
40 doesnt
40 navigator
40 riding
40 reversed
40 addressing
40 compromise
40 relations
40 touched
40 cleaned
40 flavor
40 madmex
40 converts
40 supercomputers
40 handed
40 styles
40 waited
40 strangely
40 clarify
40 intend
40 attractive
40 pocket
40 mummert
40 bounds
40 implements
40 priest
40 difficulty
40 arrives
40 wbardwel
40 cameras
40 candidates
40 bounced
40 valuable
40 purchases
40 notification
40 artificial
40 gethostbyname
40 slide1
40 incorrectly
40 silver
40 disease
40 democratic
40 prepare
40 qualify
40 pounds
40 microwave
40 unreachable
40 deliberately
40 recovery
40 local-pkgs
40 adapter
40 zombie
40 meaningful
40 pleased
40 encoding
40 stupidity
40 postings
40 integration
40 casaba
40 verbatim
40 classical
40 spectrum
40 datasize
39 pickup
39 theirs
39 harris
39 parser
39 broadcasts
39 proves
39 alphen
39 announces
39 workshop
39 donuts
39 kbd_mode
39 opposition
39 sequences
39 allegedly
39 integers
39 mandatory
39 responds
39 crowded
39 enforced
39 comparable
39 lesson
39 adequate
39 uniform
39 truncate
39 scenario
39 quicker
39 younger
39 privileges
39 slight
39 inclined
39 sophisticated
39 condoms
39 cmu-default
39 storing
39 interval
39 scripting
39 alumni
39 daniel
39 revenue
39 proprietary
39 flames
39 libx11
39 copyrighted
39 atomic
39 predictable
39 identified
39 democrats
39 succeed
39 upcoming
39 tenure
39 showcase
39 theoretical
39 backtrace
39 fileserver
39 categories
39 varies
39 replicated
39 bibliography
39 escort
39 horror
39 optimize
39 bothering
39 gateways
39 indirect
39 magazines
39 reflect
39 x8-2607
39 bleeding
39 tomato
39 printout
39 longest
39 unaligned
39 throughout
39 unnecessary
39 night's
38 virgin
38 gathering
38 footnotes
38 freebsd
38 certificate
38 jslttery
38 robust
38 circuit
38 principles
38 size_t
38 flexible
38 burned
38 headline
38 translated
38 farmers
38 t-shirt
38 unsubscribe
38 specifies
38 pressing
38 commentary
38 curses
38 advisors
38 definately
38 sandwich
38 charts
38 entity
38 marius
38 expiration
38 dislike
38 access_log
38 margin
38 threats
38 highlighting
38 competitors
38 banning
38 modification
38 formed
38 introduce
38 metric
38 staying
38 malfunctioning
38 showpage
38 batman
38 borland
38 largely
38 prosecution
38 excerpts
38 print-4
38 amazingly
38 succeeded
38 experiences
38 patient
38 behalf
38 sunos4
38 throws
38 threatened
38 allegheny
38 trading
38 localfaq
38 printenv
38 avenue
38 brain-dead
38 hunting
38 spot's
38 expedition
38 jumped
38 stomach
38 evidently
38 periodic
38 abused
38 bundled
38 introduction
38 consists
38 prepnet
38 herself
38 sticks
38 right-wing
38 greyscale
38 disney
38 efficiency
38 somesuch
38 delivers
38 site-lisp
37 mentioning
37 thinkpad
37 approval
37 simulation
37 sluggish
37 junior
37 agencies
37 bureau
37 damages
37 multiply
37 barney
37 recompiled
37 ironic
37 bounding
37 replication
37 welfare
37 sheets
37 observed
37 beaten
37 approve
37 double-sided
37 performed
37 duplex
37 whichever
37 rising
37 paragraphs
37 voters
37 publisher
37 lottery
37 fingerd
37 swapon
37 austin
37 descriptors
37 isearch
37 supplied
37 alignment
37 signing
37 boundaries
37 stacksize
37 awarded
37 return-path
37 branches
37 politicians
37 macslip
37 finite
37 payroll
37 makers
37 explosion
37 brakes
37 nightly
37 entities
37 representative
37 jersey
37 vatican
37 wrapped
37 southwest
37 cflags
37 shitty
37 cleanly
37 siegel
37 manufacturer
37 fetches
37 deficit
37 adonis
37 administrative
37 exited
37 clicked
37 belongs
36 implementing
36 newyork
36 sphinx
36 transaction
36 reboots
36 add-hook
36 horribly
36 transparency
36 phoebe's
36 mathematical
36 culprit
36 balanced
36 shutting
36 disclaimer
36 consideration
36 offline
36 residents
36 whomever
36 identifier
36 envelope
36 vendor-os
36 likewise
36 evolution
36 miller
36 receives
36 judgement
36 speaks
36 hustler
36 lyrics
36 scaling
36 toggle
36 enhanced
36 queues
36 spamming
36 appeals
36 ultimately
36 clothes
36 editting
36 wrestling
36 reservations
36 incentive
36 developer
36 intent
36 tastes
36 maildrop
36 reasoning
36 mapped
36 obscenity
36 controversy
36 meltdown
36 apple's
36 pricing
36 crystal
36 tracks
36 elegant
36 misunderstood
36 triangle
36 launchzhm
36 pointless
36 pardon
36 unitedmedia
36 destruction
36 bridges
36 zephyring
36 murphy
36 siamese
36 previews
36 apache
36 generations
36 openwin
36 electrical
36 investigate
36 distinct
36 choosing
35 decline
35 mailers
35 invest
35 atwood
35 caller
35 informative
35 invent
35 outlet
35 submission
35 nervous
35 entrance
35 marking
35 pressed
35 controlling
35 frankly
35 maintains
35 revenge
35 prediction
35 confessions
35 stdlib
35 info-tools
35 inappropriate
35 unsolicited
35 profits
35 01-documentation
35 plural
35 athletes
35 nintendo
35 sensible
35 distributions
35 submitted
35 integrate
35 must've
35 removes
35 unused
35 closet
35 courier
35 burger
35 offended
35 regulation
35 contracts
35 trucks
35 electricity
35 invisible
35 james'
35 hamburg
35 controversial
35 indicating
35 structured
35 benchmarks
35 consequences
35 advertised
35 clothing
35 defending
35 convincing
35 judging
35 ethical
35 expands
35 aborted
35 interviewed
35 separated
35 constants
35 simplest
35 kahului
35 limitation
35 releasing
35 statistical
35 company's
35 hideous
35 replaces
35 permanently
35 archived
35 screws
35 descriptor
35 economics
35 expose
35 locate-library
35 liquid
35 prayer
34 johnny
34 canadians
34 affair
34 bastards
34 inferior
34 suffered
34 interact
34 prompted
34 strength
34 gripes
34 affairs
34 numerous
34 habits
34 theoretically
34 hierarchies
34 writable
34 corruption
34 scattered
34 babies
34 managing
34 polling
34 inherited
34 sucker
34 hearings
34 touching
34 suckage
34 minnesota
34 bottles
34 settled
34 dammit
34 reintegration
34 helvetica
34 immigration
34 tournament
34 mysterious
34 politically
34 hyphen
34 engineer
34 bookmark
34 interestingly
34 aliens
34 contribute
34 proxies
34 incremental
34 arrest
34 modifier
34 earned
34 stocks
34 splitting
34 finder
34 edited
34 modulo
34 hammer
34 comprehensive
34 hollywood
34 recommendation
34 abstraction
34 basement
34 wysiwyg
34 contrast
34 persons
34 deadly
34 clinic
34 kahului-wailuku
34 marketplace
34 brazil
34 legend
34 improvements
34 applying
34 vehicle
34 damaged
34 stronger
34 fetched
34 mhpccsrv
34 subdirectories
34 subsidies
34 spacing
34 syscalls
34 convenience
34 commonly
34 decades
34 globally
34 promote
34 prevents
34 productive
34 cheating
34 automagically
34 customize
34 manpath
34 callbacks
33 cacheinfo
33 expanded
33 survival
33 wordperfect
33 concluded
33 consult
33 attacked
33 unreadable
33 anwar's
33 ms-dos
33 toad's
33 objections
33 joining
33 brilliant
33 counsel
33 sarcasm
33 recorded
33 straightforward
33 objective
33 -ttymode
33 booting
33 assault
33 creative
33 viewed
33 definitive
33 hypothesis
33 pleasure
33 gatekeeper
33 cynical
33 booted
33 rehash
33 conversations
33 inherently
33 anchor
33 relation
33 aluminum
33 fiction
33 collective
33 help+hardware
33 remembering
33 funeral
33 lacking
33 xavier
33 orientation
33 faults
33 www-proxy
33 notation
33 limitations
33 memmove
33 jerusalem
33 publications
33 logout
33 gallery
33 intention
33 batches
33 patents
33 intel's
33 threading
33 imagination
33 tourist
33 shorts
33 internally
33 scumbag
33 episodes
33 porsche
33 importantly
33 headache
33 sparcstation
33 trained
33 coupon
33 beijing
33 zephyred
33 directive
33 productivity
33 dispute
33 neighbors
33 -piron
33 ownership
33 carpet
33 psychotic
33 explorer
33 rapidly
33 suffice
33 backgrounds
33 sweden
33 heuristic
33 measures
33 pasting
33 tommorrow
33 screen's
33 psroff
33 accomplish
33 fascinating
33 permitted
33 behaves
33 lrwxrwxrwx
32 theatres
32 columbus
32 tongue
32 andrew-land
32 shrink
32 i386_nbsd1
32 reportedly
32 weekends
32 depressed
32 boundingbox
32 punishment
32 non-mach
32 remembers
32 triggered
32 newsreaders
32 harmful
32 plugged
32 excerpt
32 loadable
32 fridge
32 racing
32 replying
32 warrant
32 utimes
32 speculation
32 doubled
32 donate
32 incidentally
32 trashed
32 worthless
32 offset
32 detected
32 excess
32 theatre
32 remark
32 outcome
32 variant
32 bastard
32 deeper
32 shower
32 scream
32 iconify
32 watcher
32 targets
32 provost
32 homework
32 rookie
32 recompiling
32 rotation
32 error_log
32 criminals
32 declarations
32 compose
32 netware
32 vending
32 ceiling
32 acquire
32 aligned
32 glitch
32 purple
32 laying
32 stayed
32 shudder
32 infinity
32 laboratory
32 sarcastic
32 solving
32 dancing
32 coding
32 labeled
32 gettimeofday
32 renamed
32 protections
32 netpbm
32 studio
32 philly
32 internals
32 checker
32 g++-include
32 indexes
32 confidence
32 professors
32 determining
32 arriving
32 grateful
31 frustrating
31 pristine
31 well-known
31 simultaneous
31 numbered
31 delivermail
31 waterloo
31 recreate
31 exhibit
31 volatile
31 wiring
31 queued
31 pathfinder
31 clobbered
31 reattach
31 sydney
31 publishers
31 flamed
31 overkill
31 raiders
31 commenting
31 arrival
31 reject
31 webmaster
31 calculation
31 lawsuits
31 quayle
31 timezone
31 boycott
31 microprocessor
31 defendant
31 graduated
31 decimal
31 university's
31 hardcopy
31 observation
31 families
31 whoami
31 conducted
31 bathroom
31 pronounced
31 strips
31 penalties
31 configurations
31 bicycle
31 continuously
31 libfoo
31 incorporate
31 overflow
31 quantities
31 boundary
31 benchmark
31 thereby
31 snapshot
31 dealers
31 deeply
31 violations
31 coalition
31 wordnet
31 sponsor
31 liable
31 soviet
31 xfontsel
31 threaded
31 sharon's
31 correspond
31 turnpike
31 wander
31 foolish
31 formally
31 profiling
31 redmond
31 communist
31 preferable
31 overload
31 america's
31 gravity
31 continental
31 congressional
31 injuries
31 recursively
31 excessive
31 printouts
31 ld_library_path
31 exceed
31 clones
31 interactively
31 violate
31 manipulate
31 violating
31 firewall
31 mail_listxx
31 bobbitt
31 freshman
31 mnemonic
31 non-existent
31 cboards
31 bitter
31 non-profit
31 dartmouth
31 organize
31 contrary
31 regional
31 cs-side
31 implications
31 non-standard
31 struck
30 dealer
30 conflicting
30 stallman
30 receiver
30 geagle
30 connects
30 possession
30 losses
30 integrity
30 deserves
30 madison
30 mosaic's
30 stinking
30 clarification
30 airborne
30 liberals
30 infosystems
30 advocate
30 admittedly
30 bylaws
30 networked
30 caltech
30 moriarty
30 portland
30 relief
30 imagemap
30 placement
30 server's
30 renewcommand
30 removal
30 shivers
30 emulate
30 presidential
30 awards
30 raising
30 stacks
30 high-speed
30 parked
30 severely
30 fingering
30 verified
30 outdated
30 individually
30 keycode
30 perception
30 casino
30 accurately
30 wwwsrv
30 libwww
30 classified
30 edu-jmount
30 ongoing
30 substring
30 barnes
30 parsedate
30 decrease
30 touchdown
30 protecting
30 pronounce
30 swapped
30 global-map
30 expense
30 aircraft
30 trojan
30 lemacs-19
30 formerly
30 inserting
30 chokes
30 competing
30 integra
30 conditioning
30 c-mode
30 t-shirts
30 civilized
30 britain
30 gratuitous
30 definite
30 crunch
30 dmaltz
30 expressions
30 customizations
30 debuggers
30 nnspeech
30 picnic
30 affecting
30 demonstrated
30 encyclopedia
30 discourage
30 admissions
30 fac-server
30 affiliation
30 dialogue
30 cheapest
30 initializing
30 twenty
30 carries
30 moderated
30 motivated
30 renaming
30 outstanding
30 confirmation
30 majordomo
30 autosave
30 shoulda
30 xf86config
30 memcpy
30 venture
30 inconvenience
30 violates
30 zrcvalert
29 academia
29 applicable
29 politician
29 telnetting
29 jargon
29 frustration
29 prosecute
29 datacomm
29 playhouse
29 highlighted
29 innocence
29 spinner
29 scheduling
29 browse
29 matched
29 colored
29 callback
29 characteristics
29 abortions
29 republic
29 callers
29 unplug
29 motherboard
29 flushed
29 discriminate
29 __stdc__
29 officemate's
29 non-zero
29 encouraged
29 arrange
29 pagingfile
29 wireless
29 verbose
29 isolated
29 altogether
29 korean
29 computation
29 autoconf
29 shocked
29 portions
29 intersection
29 bothers
29 goodbye
29 sausage
29 justified
29 facing
29 off-line
29 occasion
29 hostmanager
29 designers
29 discounts
29 opponents
29 sample-setups
29 cracked
29 cigarettes
29 mbytes
29 lclmail
29 oldest
29 cetera
29 albeit
29 potatoes
29 initialize
29 realloc
29 adults
29 suspects
29 hostnames
29 garcia
29 thanksgiving
29 xfree86
29 advised
29 executives
29 testify
29 short-term
29 nettles
29 zillion
29 promises
29 acronyms
29 expectations
29 resist
29 pentagon
29 unusable
29 soldier
29 syndrome
29 chronicle
29 popularity
29 bouncing
29 planets
29 futures
29 compliant
29 skiing
29 permits
29 hot-url
29 suspend
29 factory
29 giants
29 lurking
29 fulton
29 imported
28 strcpy
28 uncomfortable
28 extras
28 punting
28 lastbackup
28 implicitly
28 artists
28 triple
28 illusion
28 mcdonalds
28 contacts
28 inquiry
28 rivers
28 log-zephyr
28 desert
28 when's
28 centerline
28 terminator
28 stairs
28 contacted
28 substance
28 assets
28 grepping
28 arup's
28 leftover
28 chipset
28 scanners
28 chains
28 font-lock-mode
28 arbitrarily
28 momentarily
28 statistic
28 overwritten
28 run-time
28 baltimore
28 list--
28 treats
28 bosnia
28 recycled
28 indicator
28 approaching
28 restarts
28 inaccessible
28 perceived
28 reintegrate
28 informal
28 pointsize
28 carriers
28 popping
28 exponential
28 overheard
28 spiffy
28 crabapple
28 reminded
28 stating
28 marketting
28 harmless
28 sirens
28 procedures
28 flakey
28 breakpoint
28 newsbytes
28 powermacs
28 sunbow
28 compound
28 intense
28 ballon
28 smooth
28 disturbing
28 popper
28 redefined
28 admits
28 yamato
28 psychological
28 transmit
28 redirection
28 amongst
28 furniture
28 concerning
28 sarajevo
28 debug-on-error
28 alabama
28 ideally
28 64-bit
28 cooling
28 shotgun
28 ranked
28 deletes
28 frustrated
28 arrows
28 giftopnm
28 sorted
28 equality
28 marcoz
28 compaq
28 driver's
28 maczephyr
28 meta_l
28 mailto
28 unixware
28 calculations
28 judges
28 unixen
28 anchors
28 grants
28 advocating
28 estate
28 loveline
28 cookie
28 unauthorized
28 worthy
28 rescue
28 jupiter
28 modifying
28 all-star
28 approximation
28 associate
28 butler
28 sysname
28 investigators
28 recollection
27 injured
27 prosecutor
27 tracing
27 commodity
27 yearly
27 entitled
27 launched
27 reinit
27 viruses
27 -rw-r-----
27 unified
27 georgia
27 believing
27 spokeswoman
27 alaska
27 screwy
27 achieved
27 optimized
27 prospective
27 proportion
27 president's
27 champion
27 consent
27 guests
27 purchasing
27 viable
27 compares
27 gourmet
27 xxxxxx
27 tester
27 ancestors
27 census
27 vancouver
27 crisis
27 centre
27 reread
27 assist
27 arafat
27 invitation
27 detector
27 aspnes
27 vouchers
27 tracked
27 rumour
27 slocal
27 fundamentally
27 readily
27 purdue
27 flawed
27 georgetown
27 kindred
27 mediocre
27 enjoyed
27 hallway
27 wheels
27 resolver
27 perverse
27 tetris
27 newswatcher
27 chemicals
27 transferred
27 tendency
27 suppress
27 mtools
27 briefs
27 forbidden
27 appealing
27 directives
27 backend
27 morons
27 getcwd
27 reachable
27 beavis
27 centers
27 expanding
27 piping
27 minipage
27 twelve
27 gingrich
27 cooperative
27 denying
27 populated
27 helsinki
27 dangling
27 woman's
27 establishment
27 combinations
27 encoded
27 representatives
27 precision
27 russell
27 settlement
27 inodes
27 sexist
27 hashing
27 emacs-version
27 preparing
27 belgium
27 xserverrc
27 certificates
27 joined
27 singer
27 specialized
27 relies
27 couples
27 equipped
27 nevertheless
27 insecure
27 subscribers
27 scholarship
27 hardcoded
27 vacuum
27 cycling
27 fm2html
27 overwrite
27 objection
27 comedy
27 dissertation
27 mirrors
27 latex209
27 schindler's
27 intentional
27 privilege
27 unfair
27 unconstitutional
27 24-bit
27 delaying
27 microkernel
27 considerably
27 withdraw
27 inefficient
27 worlds
26 capitalist
26 teenage
26 spreading
26 felony
26 mothers
26 hourly
26 journals
26 mytest
26 gracias
26 accent
26 'print
26 crossing
26 daylight
26 compressing
26 musical
26 comming
26 programmable
26 routinely
26 interfere
26 prominent
26 surprisingly
26 howcome
26 alliance
26 humidity
26 harper
26 salsman
26 feminist
26 canter
26 illegally
26 seismo
26 accelerator
26 multicast
26 handlers
26 santorum
26 stichnoth
26 underground
26 clears
26 peculiar
26 desirable
26 civilization
26 fajita
26 backslash
26 621-wrct
26 nirvana
26 palace
26 treaty
26 invoking
26 poison
26 beleive
26 salary
26 constructs
26 configurable
26 terminology
26 inability
26 saddam
26 speedy
26 xgraph
26 tourney
26 terrorist
26 tibetan
26 eliminated
26 environ
26 gosling
26 low-level
26 surrounding
26 pfitem
26 figlet
26 karl's
26 intentionally
26 consume
26 legislature
26 methinks
26 recipe
26 thereof
26 velocity
26 locale
26 killdeer
26 proposals
26 ranlib
26 summarize
26 -geometry
26 differentiate
26 newlines
26 insists
26 wilson
26 heating
26 assign
26 gained
26 rujith
26 stanfurd
26 confident
26 analysts
26 importing
26 sprintf
26 braindead
26 slitex
26 single-user
26 hoffman
26 separator
26 16-bit
26 reminder
26 demands
26 mileage
26 workable
26 hgobioff
26 parentheses
26 hypothetical
26 warren
26 demanded
26 selective
26 condom
26 palette
26 endian
26 restrictive
26 favored
26 single-sided
26 banking
26 actors
26 performing
26 frightening
26 visigoth
26 operand
26 'burgh
26 injury
26 copetas
26 females
26 invite
26 outages
26 argued
26 retired
26 xkeysymdb
26 unofficial
26 negotiations
26 toshiba
26 underwear
26 moments
26 emotional
26 trademark
26 vehicles
26 italics
26 competent
26 hearts
26 livescript
26 newsletter
26 telecom
26 notably
26 systypes
26 mainstream
25 sacrifice
25 libertarian
25 ridiculously
25 determines
25 striking
25 clearing
25 godwin
25 succeeds
25 combat
25 differs
25 nightline
25 imminent
25 reservation
25 gloves
25 overseas
25 underneath
25 importance
25 wife's
25 batteries
25 calculate
25 academy
25 haunted-house
25 slippery
25 girlfriend
25 edgewood
25 latitude
25 greenpeace
25 bracket
25 relevent
25 dragging
25 territory
25 discipline
25 brackets
25 throat
25 uuencode
25 dependencies
25 promoting
25 misses
25 accidents
25 smallest
25 interrupts
25 masters
25 boxing
25 demanding
25 waters
25 render
25 forwards
25 facilities'
25 ps2eps
25 prosecutors
25 reform
25 amused
25 turkey
25 wealth
25 surveillance
25 misunderstanding
25 pursuit
25 espnet
25 andrzej++
25 simpsons
25 goodness
25 emacsen
25 crossed
25 redisplay
25 specint
25 dishes
25 phoenix
25 noises
25 variants
25 limiting
25 refund
25 skipping
25 kentucky
25 duplicating
25 plotting
25 slowing
25 cincinnati
25 altmann
25 timestamp
25 chiodo's
25 webcrawler
25 volunteered
25 likelihood
25 netmask
25 cvsroot
25 dithering
25 compat
25 bashing
25 graduation
25 faulty
25 philosophical
25 activists
25 conventional
25 incantations
25 outright
25 customized
25 switzerland
25 heritage
25 warranty
25 cancels
25 detach
25 athlete
25 thescelo
25 namely
25 trailer
25 freaks
25 sciences
25 optimizations
25 penguins
25 hebrew
25 reaching
25 bitnet
25 flushing
25 thermostat
25 lasted
25 attributefont
25 downstairs
25 firearms
25 frontdoor
25 o'reilly
25 hosing
25 datatype
25 unlink
25 scoping
25 demonstration
25 bellcore
25 kosher
25 guards
25 opportunities
25 html-mode
25 gethostbyaddr
25 nicotine
25 encounter
25 grovel
25 merging
25 nailed
25 prohibited
25 judgment
25 voluntary
25 lightning
25 canned
25 digest
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