Amway/Alticor/Quixtar Sucks!
Welcome to Amway/Alticor/Quixtar Sucks! Note to Amway/Quixtar
cultists: I am not a bitter, failed Amway distributor; I'm a senior faculty
member at a private university. I've never had any interest in
multi-level marketing. My interest in Amway comes from the company's
attempts to suppress the free speech rights of its critics. See below.
Again, welcome! Here's what I can offer you today:
My Father's
Dream, a new examination of the Amway scam by Erik German, available
on Kindle from
- Former double dimaond Randy
Haugen wrote some highly critical
things about Quixtar in 2007, and now he wants it all to go away.
He's using DMCA
takedown notices to try to remove this document from the web. But
this document is both newsworthy and of no commercial value, placing
it well within the bounds of the "fair use" exemption in US copyright
- Quixtar sues 21 anonymous
bloggers and YouTubers! This subpoena alleges that
anonymous Quixtar critics are actually agents of TEAM (see next story)
acting to injure Quixtar's business. I've looked at a few of the
items listed in the subpoena and find this theory ridiculous and the
lawsuit frivolous. One of the videos listed in the subpoena is an
innocuous little thing called Quixtar - Tell me
sweet little lies. But the scumbag lawyers at Brinks Hofer Gilson
& Lione (home of the Amweasel) never miss an opportunity to
threaten a Quixtar critic. A pox on all of them. One of the other
videos listed in the subpoena is How to Live "The
High Life" with the NEW Amway, a hilarious spoof of "showing the
plan" that is well worth your time.
- Quixtar and Team in
mudslinging contest: No honor among thieves? Team, an AMO (Amway
Motivational Organization), released a blast at Quixtar which
was later yanked from their web site due to a temporary restraining
order, and announced they were terminating their relationship with the
company. Team also filed a hilarious class action lawsuit calling
Quixtar an "illegal recruitment pyramid" with products that are
"hopelessly overpriced". Quixtar responded with an announcement
that they had booted Team for unethical business practices that
made the oganization "a disgrace to every person who's ever tried to
build a ... business the right way." In my view, both sides are
unethical scum, and the real reason for the breakup of their 13 year
business relationship is greed, not moral indignation.
- Old news for Team
(formerly Team of Destiny
[dead link]) recruits: yes, Team (of Destiny) is (was) Quixtar, which
is Amway done on the web. Team founder Orrin Woodward used to publicly acknowledge this, but now he
only discloses his Quixtar subservience on his personal web site, where his
collected "wisdom" is shielded from unworthy eyes by password
protection. Scott Larsen has laid out the evidence that Quixtar
lines of sponsorship are pyramid schemes, and has a lot more to
say about them. Lawdawg has a nice account of the Team
of Destiny SLAPP suit filed against Larsen in retaliation. Here
is the text of the amended complaint,
which TEAM is reportedly now trying to suppress because it includes
all the Larsen material they were suing over! More info about Team
(of Destiny) here,
and also here.
And yes, your upline does make money off the tools and seminar tickets
you buy: here is how much. And
here's a personal story of a former
Team IBO, republished with permission.
- Dateline exposes Quixtar fraud. Show aired May 7, 2004. Read
the transcript and
learn the truth. Or watch the video. Quixtar's response is a predictable
attempt at spin countrol.
- Former Diamond Don Lorencz blows
the whistle on the Amway/Quixtar scam.
- Eric Scheibeler's explosive
Amway expose, "Merchants of Deception", is now available online at,
and I have a local mirror here.
Amway tries to silence
Scheibeler, alleging defamation and demanding arbitration.
Missouri court find's Amway's arbitrarion
agreement "uncnoscionable".
- Amway's Ed Postma calls the tools business (books, tapes, and
motivational meetings) an illegal pyramid scheme. This recently
leaked 1983 internal memo analyzes the Britt
and Yager lines of sponsorship (Britt Worldwide, and Worldwide
Dreambuilders) and finds much to criticize. (PDF of original document)
- Report of Professor G. Robert
Blakey, Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School, in which he
compares Amway/Quixtar to the mafia! Amway really doesn't want
anyone to read this. One of their attorneys has demanded that I take the document
down, citing this 1998 protective
order. But I told him the
order doesn't apply to me. See more
details of Amway's unhappiness at Eric Janssen's Quixtar Blog site.
- Quixtar's unfair arbitration
scheme is rigged against the Independent Business Owner. Amweasel
Timothy Q. Delaney frets that this document will be exploited by
"Quixtar-hating Internet zealots." Awwww.
- ProAlliance is also
Quixtar. See the proof here
(to register for your own ProAlliance web site you must supply your
Quixtar number). Free guest access code here.
- For beginners: a quick summary of Amway
from The Skeptic's Dictionary.
- Amway: the Untold Story, by Sidney Schwartz.
This is my local mirror of the web site that Amway was furiously
trying to suppress. Amway's thuggish tactics are what brought me into
this fight. Just doing my part to defend free speech on the
- You can set up your own "Amway: the Untold Story" mirror site by
downloading these two zip files:, and If you are
running on a Unix machine, you must unzip them with "gunzip -L" to
force all-lowercase file names, and then rename face.gif to Face.gif
and nobull.gif to Nobull.gif.
- Amway/Quixtar's
Little White Lies, a truly marvelous page by Scott Larsen. This
is my favorite anti-Amway page because it exposes the lies so clearly.
Amway's legal goons have also been harassing Larsen. Here's his list
of Amway
Business Myths: a must read! And here's another
portal to Scott Larsen's page.
- Joe Land sues Internet critic!
The owner of AllianceNet solutions sued Scott Larsen. Find out what he won.
- The other ``Heavy Hitters'': people who have put together
important anti-Amway web sites and in some cases suffered serious
harassment as a result. Ashley Wilkes'
web site (now virtually gutted after years of fighting and $10,000
in legal bills) talks about the abuses of the AMOs. And Ruth Carter's MLM Survivor site
also has a wealth of information. And this site mirrors lots of great
Amway material. There is also lots of good material at John Hoagland's site. And
here's a newcomer with lots of good material: Eric Janssen's Quixtar Blog.
- Forbes
Magazine denounces Quixtar (Amway-on-the-web) as a "get rich quick
- Sherwood Ensey's The
Amway Files details his injury by a defective Amway product, and
Amway's hardball tactics in dealing with him, including a refusal to
give data about the product to the Poison Control Center! If you have
a tube of Amway Metal Cleaner in your house, don't even
touch it until you've read Sherwood's story.
- Cult expert Steve Hassan tells you why Amway
Motivational Organizations seem like cults. And here is excellent
information on cult-like aspects of
Amway from John Hoagland.
- The
Things They Will Say details the indoctrination techniques used by
Dreambuilders, one of the large Amway motivational organizations
(franchises) with cult-like aspects. Also see this List of Lies
told by Amway and its distributors; the second part is here.
- Amway for Scientologists,
a "hat pack" written by Bernie Greene. Scientologists who are Amway
distributors can use the Scientology cult's "tech" to lure people into
their Amway pyramid. See how many Scientology buzzwords you can
- Hate mail from Amway cultists.
- Amway was preventing people from
selling their old tapes on eBay, according to ex-Amway distributor
Jeff Bunnell. See their eBay info page.
So much for being an "independent" business owner. You can just
eat those tapes, sucker.
- John Hoagland's Anti-MLM and
Anti-Amway Webring was destroyed by Amway legal harassment. Read
the obituary.
- Amway customers and distributors: your money can help support
right-wing creationist wackos! Visit
the Van Andel
Creation Research Center, funded by a grant from the Jay and Betty
Van Andel Foundation. Jay Van Andel (deceased 12/7/2004) and Rich
DeVos were the two founders of Amway.
God Was His Upline!
The Last Supper according to Amway: Jesus Christ shows The Plan to the
original 12 IBOs, four of whom eventually went Diamond.
Remember: if you leave Amway, you will always be a broke loser...
and Jesus won't love you anymore.
More Amway humor: Russia acquires Amway
distributorship, reproduced from The Onion.
3/29/00 News Flash: one of Amway's legal whores, Timothy
Q. Delaney, sent me a threatening
letter in regard to my AUS mirror. It's not a bad job, really,
considering that Amway has no legal grounds and can only blow smoke.
But it did not intimidate me in the slightest. Sorry, Timmy. The
mirror is not coming down.
For more info on Timmy Delaney's legal antics, see Jim Lippard's
"Amway subpoenaed me" page at
4/26/00 News Flash: Timmy's at it again!!! Here is the second letter from Amway's dopey
lawyer, Timothy Q. Delaney, with a new set of bogus allegations,
this time based on the Lanham Act and trademark infringement. The
Scientologists tried this same tactic a few years ago against some of
their Internet critics. It got them nowhere; the ACLU stepped in and
told them to get lost. Now read my reply to Timmy to see how well he did.
5/9/2000 News Flash: Here is the third
letter from Timmy Delaney, Amway's tenacious Internet
attack-weasel. Now he accuses me of engaging in "name-calling and
vulgarity". Awwwwwww: poor Timmy's feelings got hurt! Putting his
whining aside, you should notice that he's dropped his stupid Lanham
Act claims now that he sees I'm not going to fall for that old trick.
He's gone back to spinning conspiracy theories involving P&G and
Sidney Schwartz. Here's my commentary on Timmy's third try.
Down boy!
5/15/2000 Meat of
the Loom was another famous case of a big corporation subjecting a
little guy to repeated bogus trademark infringement threats. The
little guy got annoyed and sued. The corporation backed off. See
also this essay
on Federal Dilution Trademark Law in the United States, which points
out the law's explicit provision for non-commerical uses of another
party's trademark, for purposes such as parody, satire, or editorial
9/20/2001 A judge has dismissed
Amway's conspiracy claim against Procter & Gamble. A few days
later, Amway settled with Sidney Schwartz.
Legal disclaimer : Amway is a registered trademark of the
amoral thugs at Amway Corporation, whose corporate web site is
Dave Touretzky
Last modified: Fri Apr 22 18:48:47 EDT 2011