Gavino Idda, a member of Scientology's Sea Organization and its
infamous Office of
Special Affairs, is waging war against free speech on the Internet
-- when that speech concerns Scientology.
As detailed on Tory
Christman's web site, Idda has been involved in numerous plots to
shut down discussion on the alt.religion.scientology news group,
- Flooding the newsgroup with massive amounts of gibberish in order
to drown out discussion.
- Flooding the newsgroup with massive amounts of pro-Scientology boilerplate,
much of it taken from the "What is Scientology?" book.
- Forging the names of Scientology critics to offensive racist posts that were
then cross-posted to other newsgroups.
- Flooding the newsgroup with off-topic anti-psychiatry posts.
- Doing all of the above from accounts opened under stolen names and
addresses, with fake phone numbers.
- Posting libelous personal attacks on Scientology critics.
The second photo at left appeared in Impact, a Scientology
publication, in 1991.
Idda has aged some 15 years since these photos were taken.
I think he looks a bit like the freaky filmmaker John Waters.
If the resemblance has persisted, he might look like this today.
 | A more recent photo
of Gavino Idda, walking in a group of Sea Org members. He appears to
have lost the mustache. This was taken around 2004, outside of OSA
headquarters at the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and Ivar Avenue in Los
Angeles. |
 | Gavino also bears a
resemblance to the actor Martin Ferrero, shown at left, who played
"Izzy Moreno", the prototypical "'Panama Pimp" on Miami Vice. (Hat
tip: Zinjifar) |