Article: 1670646 of alt.religion.scientology Date: 6 Jan 2004 19:08:19 -0000 Message-ID: From: Anonymous-Remailer@See.Comment.Header (Cerridwen) Subject: Re: Repost to Include Narconon Information --2003 Annual Report of the Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology References: <3NAO7P6B37990.6198842593@anonymous.poster> <> Comments: This message probably did not originate at the above address. It was automatically remailed by one or more anonymous remailers. Please use to report abuse X-Remailer-Contact: Anonymous Mailer X-Spam-Processed:, Tue, 06 Jan 2004 13:08:20 -0600 (not processed: message from valid local sender) X-Return-Path: X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: Mail-To-News-Contact: Organization: Lines: 444 Path:!!!!!!!!ISPRIME!!!!sewer-output!mail2news Xref: alt.religion.scientology:1670646 On 6 Jan 2004, (Tigger) wrote: >>HANDLING THE SCOURGE OF DRUGS >>SSDD :) > >Would you please, pretty please, repost this with this "same stuff" >included. Some politicians and media in my state are so dumb about >Scientology. I'd like to send a copy of this post to them before the >next Okie Jackass attends the annual anniversary of NarCONon >Arrowhead. > >Tigger Here you go. REPOSTED TO INCLUDE SECTION ON NARCONON-- Handling the Scourge of Drugs (scroll half way down) International Association of Scientologists Annual report 2002-2003 This is a 17 page glossy brochure and as expected, it includes NO financial information. This is basically a rehash of the same of crap that they have been reporting at their events and in their magazines. I am only going to post short blurbs of information as most of the data in this "Annual Report" has already been reported on. IAS PURPOSE: To unite, advance, support and protect the Scientology religion and Scientologists in all parts of the world so as to acheive the aims of Scientology as originated by L. Ron Hubbard. INTRODUCTION: "People the world over are looking for answers. Those answers are now being provided at an order of magnitude not previously seen in history thanks to lAS-funded projects. Since its formation nineteen years ago, the IAS has provided grants which have resulted in LRH technology being delivered to troubled areas around the globe. In this era of the Wake-up Call, the urgency of our purpose, TO UNITE, ADVANCE, SUPPORT AND PROTECT THE SCIENTOLOGY RELIGION AND SCIENTOLOGISTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD SO AS TO ACHIEVE THE AIMS OF SCIENTOLOGY AS ORIGINATED BY L. RON HUBBARD, has never been clearer. It is time to not only arrest societal decline but to reverse it entirely. This past year has seen the opening of three monumental footholds in society: the Applied Scholastics Spanish Lake Campus, new headquarters for The Way to Happiness Foundation International and the Church of Scientology International European Office for Public Affairs and Human Rights. They join Narconon Arrowhead as the next flagship facilities from which LRH tech can emanate to free the world from immorality, illiteracy, drug abuse and injustice. Your support of the IAS Planetary Salvage Crusade makes these vital steps forward possible. What you see in this annual report is the result of your contributions and participation. We are making it, we will make it, because we ARE the IAS." BRINGING LITERACY TO THE WORLD WITH LRH STUDY TECH Under the banner of the IAS Planetary Salvage Crusade, the IAS and US IAS Members' Trust have funded many programs to bring LRH study technology to the world at a grass-roots level which have salvaged lives from the inner cities to the plains of Africa. Grants have helped establish and operate the World Literacy Crusade, the Hollywood Education and Literacy Project (H.E.L.P.), Education Alive in South Africa and Applied Scholastics projects in Zimbabwe, Ghana, The Gambia and Sudan. However, with the establishment of the Applied Scholastics International Training Campus at Spanish Lake, a foothold has been established from which the tech can move out into the world at the order of magnitude required to salvage a planet. BRINGING ABOUT A NEW ERA OF MORALITY AND PEACE WORLDWIDE The IAS has long provided grants to fund the widespread distribution of The Way to Happiness" in troubled areas of the world, from the Middle East to South Africa, from Zimbabwe to Guyana. But with the opening of the new headquarters for The Way to Happiness Foundation International in Glendale, California, for the first time facilities exist to get this booklet into use on the scale needed to spread it to every corner of the world. These facilities were funded in full by grants from the US IAS Members' Trust. This past year, the distribution of 900,000 copies of The Way to Happiness to Israelis and Palestinians was funded by a grant from the IAS. The impact the booklet has had on the region was made clear by the Deputy Secretary of Education for the Palestinian Authority who said of the distribution, "Your humanitarian efforts in improving life are well known to many all over the world. Now they have also become well known to many Palestinians. While we still have so far yet to go, it is making a big difference. For the first time in my life, I saw many Israeli Jews, young and old, men and women, who risked their own lives to support, help and protect Palestinians. "I am sure that The Way to Happiness can play the role of rehabilitating both peoples. That is why I am very proud that the Ministry's Committee on Improving Education has directed all school counselors to teach the Palestinian children using The Way to Happiness. I promise my support in bringing this wonderful booklet to every man, woman and child in every land." IAS Grants To Criminon In Israel In Israel, IAS grants to Criminon funded a pilot program in a women's prison which was so successful that it has now expanded to two other prisons. As one person on the program, a third time offender, wrote, "I had never believed that a person's character could be changed. I have finally realized that if there is a will and suitable tools, I can change patterns which have stuck to me throughout life and were a part of me, and change the course of life." LAUNCHING A NEW ERA FOR EUROPEAN HUMAN RIGHTS This year saw the opening of the Church of Scientology International European Office for Public Affairs and Human Rights, the IAS-sponsored foothold from which LRH solutions can be presented to the leaders of Europe. It is located in the heart of Brussels, right around the comer from both the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers of the European Union. The grand opening in September 2003 was attended by hundreds of leaders and dignitaries representing groups, institutions and nations from Scandinavia to Africa. Speakers at the opening acknowledged the Church for its work in Europe. One was Mr. Bob van den Bos, a Member of the European Parliament and its Human Rights Rapporteur who said, "Scientology is engaged in a number of activities that contribute to the protection of human rights and to the alleviation of the fate of the most vulnerable. What strikes me most as Human Rights Rapporteur of the European Parliament is the awareness-raising campaign on what human rights are as well as practical assistance. Such initiatives are a valuable contribution reaching those who are in need of support and protection." The programs of which he spoke have been funded by grants from the IAS, and members can take pride in knowing that their support is changing the face of Europe. Mr. Janssen van Raay, Chairman of the European Parliament's Law Committee, Member of the Council of Europe (Retired) and guest speaker at the opening of the Church of Scientology International European Office For Public Affairs and Human Rights said the following: "Scientologists are peace-loving people. But they fight for what they believe in. And because of their tenacity, their victories have meant that the people of Europe today enjoy more freedoms. Thus, after more than 100 positive court decisions upholding freedom of religion in a variety of European nations, I can truly say that the freedom of belief is alive in Europe in great part thanks to the Scientologists. I appreciate the opportunity to speak today, but more than that, I extend my deepest gratitude to the Church and its members for all they have done for the people of Europe." LETTING THE WORLD KNOW "SOMETHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT" The IAS-sponsored Volunteer Minister Cavalcade for 2003 was launched with seven teams, seven trucks and seven Volunteer Minister pavilions to bring help directly into city squares of Europe. In city after city, civic leaders, elected officials and government representatives cut the ribbons opening the Cavalcade pavilions, welcoming the Volunteer Ministers with full support and high praise for their activities. Officials opening the Milano Cavalcade declared: "The city appreciates the work of the Volunteer Ministers. We know we are lucky to have a Church of Scientology in Milano!" In the UK alone, the Volunteer Ministers helped more than 18,000 people. In Germany, the Cavalcade crossed the nation with 1,200 VMs in action. The Italian Cavalcade traveled more than 3,500 miles from Pordenone to Rome, from Nuoro to Milano. In Torino, more than 300 VMs participated in the Cavalcade and brought close to 5,000 people to the VM pavilion where daily miracles were produced. People from all walks of life came for help and they found it. They toured the displays, "saw a thought" at the E-Meter* demonstration, attended lectures and were able to be trained on LRH tech right in the Cavalcade pavilion. The 2003 IAS-sponsored Volunteer Minister Cavalcade visited 21 countries and 61 cities, traveled over 20,000 miles and helped, one-on-one, more than 180,000 people! CLEANING UP THE FIELD OF MENTAL HEALTH --CCHR Two years ago, the new CCHR International headquarters, a facility funded by grants from the US IAS Members' Trust, opened in Los Angeles. Located in the lobby is the "Psychiatry Kills" exhibit which enlightens all who see it on the history of psychiatry and its criminal and abusive practices. When the traveling exhibit opened in Miami at the annual convention of America's top civil rights group, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, more than 750 delegates visited it. After seeing psychiatry's history of racist orientation and exploitation of minorities, the delegates passed a unanimous resolution condemning coercive psychiatric drugging of children. The display of the exhibit at a retreat for healthcare professionals in Virginia resulted in those practitioners sponsoring CCHR activities in nearby Washington, DC. In New Hampshire, the exhibition was staged right in front of the State capital. Exhibits also traveled to Italy, Germany and Mexico. In one of Italy's largest universities, more than 1,000 people visited the exhibit in a single day. The opening of the exhibit in Mexico was in the lobby of the Mexican House of Representatives in Mexico City. Officials there called for action to protect Mexican children from psychiatric drugs. In the coming year, the "Psychiatry Exposed" traveling exhibits will travel to 100 cities in 15 nations, bringing the truth about psychiatry directly to many more people. HANDLING THE SCOURGE OF DRUGS The first foothold to handle society's ruins to be funded by the US IAS Members' Trust was Narconon Arrowhead, launched on the threshold of the 2001 Wake-up Call. It addresses the planetary epidemic of drug abuse and is the engine to spread LRH's drug rehabilitation technology everywhere. Narconon Arrowhead is not only the largest Narconon residential drug rehabilitation facility in the world, but is the training ground where students can learn to deliver the tech and take it outwards. As the result of its establishment, the goal of widespread distribution of the tech is now being realized as graduates of the Narconon program and others looking for workable solutions to the drug problem open new Narconon centers across the planet. One Narconon graduate, having conquered his own drug problem, trained at Arrowhead and then founded Narconon Stone Hawk, a 60,000 square foot facility located on 10 acres of land in Michigan. In Argentina, another team opened a Narconon facility outside of Buenos Aires. In Canada, Narconon Quebec has expanded from a drug education group to a full rehabilitation center. And the recently opened Narconon San Diego is already operating at capacity. Pakistan's Anti-Narcotics Force is now training for their first Narconon center and the Philippines Drug Enforcement Agency has requested and started receiving training for their police officers and drug rehab professionals. And in Shanghai, Narconon representatives have arrived to train 53 drug education teachers for the opening of the first Narconon center in China. Others already in the drug rehabilitation field are also turning to Narconon for a program that gets results. An Idaho couple who had run a treatment center were tired of the failed programs they had seen and used. In Narconon they found the answer and after training at Arrowhead they re-opened their center this year under a different banner: the new Narconon Idaho. The Narconon network now operates in 37 nations, comprised of rehabilitation centers, drug education groups and First Step Programs. A new rehabilitation facility opens approximately every eight weeks. But the ultimate story can only be told in lives saved. In the last year, those emerging drug-free from Narconon centers worldwide has been five times any previous year. IAS-Funded Anti-Drug Booklets Distributed to Millions. Europe is plagued by drugs and surveys across the continent show a vast majority of Europeans consider drugs to be the biggest scourge in society. Drugs block spiritual advance and release, and for this reason the IAS has provided grants to the Church of Scientology for the European anti-drug program. Since the beginning of 2001, millions have been reached by the message "Say No to Drugs." Key to this has been the series of booklets on the dangers of cocaine, ecstasy, heroin and marijuana, and to help parents communicate to their children about drugs. Since this program began, thousands of posters, radio messages and billboards, more than seven million booklets and nearly forty million Say No to Drugs fliers have taken the message to people across Europe. Each week, requests for the booklets pour in from schools, store owners, parents, police, government officials, youth offices and clubs, corporations and doctors. They acknowledge the effectiveness of the booklets and wish to use them and pass them on to others to help get them to stop taking drugs - or prevent them from starting. The booklets are literally saving lives. For example in France, a mother called asking for help with her 11 year old son who was smoking marijuana. She was sent a copy of the Parental Guide booklet and when she later called back it was to say that she had used the data in it and that her son had stopped smoking marijuana and was now doing well in school. Then, in Birmingham, a man who had been on heroin for ten years came into the Church after having received one of the booklets, did the Purification Rundown and is now progressing up The Bridge. There are countless other life-saving stories - all a result of this very effective anti-drug program. SAFEGUARDING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM International pressure has continued to build to get Germany to follow its constitution and protect the religious freedom and human rights of its citizens. In the past year, the United States annual Human Rights report and the U.S. Trade Representative again cited Germany for religious discrimination and human rights offenses. U.S. delegations have visited Germany while letters of criticism have been sent from the White House. For decades, the Church has persisted in demanding justice on the legal front in Germany and major breakthroughs were made this year. After a case was won in the Federal Labor Court, the court additionally nullified a prior negative ruling and declared that Church staff are "seeking idealistic purposes and spiritual perfection through the teachings of Scientology". The German Federal Tax Court forced the government to recognize the tax-exempt status of Scientology Missions International, IHELP and the Church of Scientology International and to return all taxes that had been wrongly collected since 1994. The Church also took actions that corrected another long running injustice, one which not coincidentally began in 1984, the same year the IAS was founded and reflective of the oppression at that time. In that year, tax officials arrived at the Munich Church with orders to seize all financial records. From there, they concocted massive arbitrary tax bills, going all the way back to 1971. They made hostile, generalized claims and resisted the Church's efforts to clear up the lies. Now, after nearly two decades and as many years of IAS support, the battle to right that injustice has been won. When the original tax official responsible for the 1984 assault was confronted by the judge, he finally admitted that the figures had been manufactured to create the worst possible scenario for the Church. The judge gave the Bavarian Tax Office a simple ultimatum and, after 19 years, the tax office has not only withdrawn all charges, they are paying the Church's court fees and returning all of the taxes that were illegally collected. The Berlin government was also forced to make its files on the Church available for viewing after the Church took the Ministers of Labor, Justice and Commerce to court. Not only was the right to see the files won, the judge validated the Church for its pioneering work benefiting all Germans and ordered the government to pay the Church's costs. Another case, against Berlin's notorious Office for the Protection of the Constitution (OPC) was won when they didn't even attempt to fight back. With that came an end to any OPC surveillance and harassment of Scientologists in the state of Berlin. In France, a suit was won by Scientologists regarding access to their intelligence police files. The landmark decision by the Conseil d'Etat, France's highest court, was precedent-setting and makes it easier for French citizens to gain access to files than ever before. And in the United Kingdom, Celebrity Centre London which had applied for exemption from property taxes from the City of Westminster, was formally recognized for its work and benefit to British society and became the first Church of Scientology in the UK to be exempted from property taxes as a charitable organization. Across the world, in Taiwan, the Church of Scientology was recognized as a national level religious corporation. This came just ten weeks after the IAS-sponsored "What Is Scientology?" exhibit traveled through Taiwan on its tour through Australia, Taiwan and Japan at the beginning of the year. IAS HONOR STATUSES The new IAS honor status of Gold Meritorious, announced at the 19th Anniversary event, was created to acknowledge members for a level of support that in and of itself translates into help for millions. The first presentations were made to Sally Jensen, Craig Jensen, Meir Ezra, Ron Pollack, Emmanuel Soenen and Eawrence and Margaret Eeong who have all made donations in excess of $1,000,000. Each was presented with a crystal and gold award signifying their achievement, and received a gold pin which carries the image of the IAS torch and is inset with six diamonds and an emerald. This last year saw a record number of members becoming Silver Meritorious: Tom Cruise, Floyd Austin, Jim and Kathy Bennett, Bruce and Sue Moore, the Villarreal Family and Bryan and June Zwan. At the IAS 19th Anniversary Patron Dinner, presentations of a newly designed Silver Meritorious award and Silver Meritorious pins were made, both shown above. The Silver Meritorious pins are made of white gold and are inset with four diamonds and a sapphire. Silver Meritorious members play a key role in the IAS Planetary Salvage Crusade and they are acknowledged for their exceptional support. -- Cerridwen "Critical thinking demands we question the unproven, not that we meekly accept it." Diane Richardson For Stats on Scn go to: For News on Scientology go to: Email: cerridwen [at] nym [dot] alias [dot] net Remove the spaces and the brackets and replace the contents of the brackets with the symbols.