Jaeyun's Homepage
Photina Jaeyun Jang
Computer Science Dept, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
Office: Wean Hall #5117, phone: (412) 268-3046, Informedia Lab: WeanH#5316, tel: 268-7003
email: jaeyun@cs.cmu.edu, url: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jaeyun, fax: (412) 268-5576
Hi~ , Photina is my catholic firstname, and Jaeyun Jang is my Korean name.
This is me:
and here are my plushy friends:
. . .
I'll continue making this page as soon as I get more time for it, yup? Stay tuned...
Name: Photina Jaeyun Jang
Citizenship: Rep. of Korea (ROK), Visa status: F1
Address: CS dept, CMU, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Email: jaeyun@cs.cmu.edu, URL: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jaeyun
Phone: (412) 268-3046, Fax: (412) 268-5576
My research interests center around computer graphics/vision for medical imaging and speech recognition.
In general, I like to develop machine learning algorithms for information processing of multimedia contents such as images/video, speech/audio and text.
1996-1998 M.S. in Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
major: Language & Information Technology (Multimedia, Speech Recognition).
1992-1996 B.S. in Computer Science,
Yonsei University, Seoul Korea.
1992-1996 B.A. in German Linguistics & Literature, Yonsei University, Seoul Korea.
1994-1995 Reciprocal Undergraduate Student at
U.C. Berkeley, USA (sent from Yonsei Univ.)
Jun'98-present 1) Automatic image synthesis, Mosaicing with image registration, 3D video reconstruction,
2) Multimedia Audio Speech, Acoustic Modeling (
Informedia project),
Research Assistant, Computer Science Dept, Carnegie Mellon University.
Sep'96-May'98 Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation (
Diplomat project),
Research Assistant, LTI, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
Jan'96-Aug'96 Design & Implementation of a LFG based C++ Parser,
Graduate Research Assistant, Seoul National University.
Sep'95-Jan'96 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Yonsei University.
1992-1996 Korean Government Licensed Translator & Interpreter for bidirectional Korean and German.
Ph.J.Jang, A.G.Hauptmann, "Learning How to Recognize Speech By Watching Television", IEEE Intelligent Systems 1999. (in press)
Ph.J.Jang, A.G.Hauptmann, "Improving Acoustic Models with Captioned Multimedia Speech", accepted to ICMCS'99 (IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems), Florence, Italy.
Ph.J.Jang, A.G.Hauptmann, "Selection for Acoustic Coverage from Unlimited Speech", accepted to Eurospeech'99, Budapest, Hungary.
D.Bansal, Ph.J.Jang, "Error Correction Using Confidence Annotation in Automatic Speech Recognition", accepted to Eurospeech'99, Budapest, Hungary.
Ph.J.Jang, A.G.Hauptmann, "Hierarchical Cluster Language Modeling for Rescoring N-Best Hypotheses during Speech Decoding", Proceedings of ICSLP'98 (International Conference on Speech and Language Processing), Sydney Australia.
Ph.J.Jang "Clustering and Segmentation with Statistical Rule Extraction for Learning Hierarchical Structures from Text", Master's Thesis (M.Sc.) 1998, Language Technology Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
Ph.J.Jang, "Knowledge-based Artificial Neural Networks for Automatic Grammar Induction and Computational Natural Language Learning", Proceedings of ICCS'97
S.Braesel, Ph.J.Jang, "Blickwechsel", Yonsei University Press 1996.
1996 Sommerstipendium awarded by
DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) German Academic Exchange Service.
1996 Yonsei University Graduation with "Magnum cum Laude".
1992,93,94 Yonsei University Recognition for Spring'92,94 and Fall'92,93.
1992 Entered Yonsei University with honors of "Summa cum Laude" and Yonsei Scholarship.
Programming Languages:
C, C++, Java,
Perl, (
Lisp, Prolog, Pascal, Html,
scripting languages).
Natural Languages: Korean, German, English, (Chinese reading and writing, moderate French).
Operating Systems: UNIX/LINUX, Windows 9x/NT, MS-DOS, (OS/2, Mac System6,7).
Dr. Alexander G. Hauptmann: alex@cs.cmu.edu, Computer Science Dept, Carnegie Mellon University, (412) 268-1448.
Dr. Howard Wactlar: hdw@cs.cmu.edu, Computer Science Dept, Carnegie Mellon University, (412) 268-2571.
Dr. Mosur Ravishankar: rkm@cs.cmu.edu, Computer Science Dept, Carnegie Mellon University, (412) 268-3344.
Dr. Eric Thayer: eht@cs.cmu.edu, Computer Science Dept, Carnegie Mellon University, (412) 268-1331.
First Violin at Yonsei University Orchestra (was-a-be)
Having fun with programming in computer 3D graphics and animation.
Going to concerts and symphonies.
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra,
Boston SO.
Traveling, reading German literature, playing squash, swimming,
I'm also a cute plush doll lover~ :)
sleeping z z Z ..
Computer Science Dept.
School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University.
Photina Jaeyun Jang
last updated June 1, 1999