If you don't like your picture on the face board, you're welcome to submit a new face. You should provide a 288x384 full-color image of your face (just your face). TIFF is the preferred file format.
Here are some quick tips to keep in mind when preparing an image of your face:
Currently, there is no automated, or even semi-automated, method to submit your new face photo. What you need to do is send me e-mail at garland@cs.cmu.edu with a pointer to your image. I'll collect it and put it on the face board.
The best way to get a photo of your face is to take a picture with a good camera and get your pictures developed onto PhotoCD. At some point, we will probably have a departmental camera to use for this purpose.
Your other option is to scan a photo. In case you didn't know, there are a couple of scanners available in the Terminal Room (WeH 3509). I suggest scanning your photo at fairly high resolution (300-400 dpi) and then cropping it down to the correct size (288x384 pixels). Photoshop will do this for you quite nicely, and is installed on the machines driving the scanners.