Supercomputing and Parallel Computing Research Groups
Note: I've moved on to another job, and I can no
longer afford the time to keep this site updated. I recommend IEEE's ParaScope as a good alternative.
Academic research groups working in the field of
supercomputing and parallel computing.
- An object-Based Concurrent Language. Model of concurrency based on parallel active objects.
- Adl
- Data parallel functional programming languages for distributed memory architectures.
- Adsmith
- Object-Based DSM Environment on PVM.
- Alewife
- Large-scale multiprocessor with shared memory and message passing.
- Active-Message Driven Computing. Computational model and system based on computation at abstract locations, and built on active messages.
- AM
- Active Messages. Simple primitives exposing full hardware performance to higher communication layers.
- Parallel Architectures group. Portable parallel programming environment, parallel 3D terrain analysis and visualization.
- APE/Quadrics
- High performance simulations of lattice gauge theories and QCD.
- AppLeS
- Application Level Scheduling. Scheduling agents for resource control on production heterogeneous systems.
- Automap
- Task parallel coordination language for dynamic applications.
- Avalanche
- Multiprocessor with distributed shared memory and message passing.
- Aztec
- Iterative sparse linear solver for unstructured sparse matrics.
- Bulk Synchronous Parallel model research group.
- C4
- Canonical Classes for Concurrency Control. C++ classes for parallel programming.
- Computer Aided Migration of Applications System. Tools to parallelize existing dusty deck programs.
- Center for Applied Parallel Processing. Scalable algorithms for solving Grand Challenge problems.
- Parallel object stores, I/O, languages and compiler techniques, visualisation, text retrieval, linear algebra, MPI.
- CarlOS
- A software multiprocessor with distributed shared memory.
- Cashmere
- Coherence algorithms for shared memory architectures.
- CC++
- Parallel programming language based on C++.
- Chant
- A talking threads package -- lightweight threads communicating between processors.
- Efficient multiprocessor libraries for irregular scientific problems (CHAOS++) and parallel I/O (Jovian).
- Chaos
- Multicomputer interconnection network routing hardware, simulator, and analysis.
- Cid
- Parallel extension of C that provides a programming model of MIMD threads plus shared objects.
- Cilk
- Efficient execution of multithreaded computations.
- Code
- Visual parallel programming system.
- Converse / PPL
- Converse is a portable runtime system supporting interoperable parallel languges, including the Charm++ object-oriented language.
- C Region Library. All-software distributed shared memory system.
- Concurrent Systems Architecture Group. Fine-grained massively-parallel computer systems (Concert System).
- Concurrent VLSI Architecture. Fine-grained concurrent computing mechanisms.
- Coherent Virtual Machine. Multi-protocol, multi-threaded, fault-tolerant, software distributed memory system.
- D System
- Tools for machine-independent parallel programming (Fortran D).
- Dynamic Distributed Data. Parallel programming model based on dynamic graph-like datastructures.
- Data Diffusion Machine. Scalable cache-only virtual shared memory architecture.
- Direct Interconnection of Computing Elements. COMA for commercial servers.
- Distributed InterProcess Communication. Parallel processing primitives for Linux, including distributed shared memory.
- Dome
- Distributed Object Migration Environment. Programming using distributed objects on a heterogeneous network.
- Efficient collective communication for message passing applications.
- Excalibur
- Compiling array-oriented languages onto parallel machines.
- Threads-based tools for monitoring and steering of parallel applications.
- Filaments
- Fine-grain parallelism on shared- and distributed-memory machines.
- Multiprocessor with shared-memory and message-passing protocols.
- FM
- Fortran M. Task-parallel extensions to Fortran; integration of task and data parallelism.
- Fork95
- C-based parallel programming language, targetted at SB-PRAM.
- Fx
- Parallelizing Fortran compilers and applications.
- GA
- Global Arrays. Shared-memory programming interface for distributed-memory computers.
- Granular Lucid. Programming system for constructing parallel and distributed applications.
- Relative debugging for parallel and supercomputing applications.
- HPC++
- A standard model for parallel programming using C++.
- High Performance Fortran Forum. Data-parallel and data distribution extensions to Fortran.
- Illinois Aggressive COMA. Tightly-coupled multiprocessor with flat cache-only memory architecture.
- iCC
- Interprocessor Collective Communication Library. Fast collective communication library for the Intel Paragon.
- Innovative Computing Labs. Netlib, BLAS, HeNCE, LAPACK, MPI, PVM, etc.
- Illinios Microarchitecture Project utilizing Advanced Compiler Technology. Superscalar optimizing compiler.
- Impala
- (IMplicitly PArallel LAnguage Application Suite). Collection of applications in Id and pH.
- iWarp
- Distributed memory parallel machine and applications.
- KOAN/Fortran-S
- Shared virtual memory system and Fortran interface.
- Local Area Multicomputer. Message-passing programming environment for heterogeneous networks.
- Linda
- Coordination languages and tools for parallel and distributed computation, adaptive parallelism (Piranha).
- Locust
- Distributed shared virtual memory system on network of workstations.
- Makbilan
- Custom parallel computer (Makbilan), shared memory parallel C (Parc), and runtime system (Maxi).
- Mentat
- Object-oriented architecture-independent parallel processing system.
- Mermaid
- Performance evaluation of MIMD platforms.
- Mirage
- Distributed shared memory system on network of workstations.
- Modula-2*
- High-level explicitly parallel imperative programming language.
- A set of BSD/OS enhancements that transform a PC cluster into a scalable super-multicomputer.
- MPC++
- Massively Parallel, Message Passing, Meta-level Processing C++ designed to exploit multithreading and message-driven execution on RWC-1 MPP .
- mpC
- A parallel superset of C for programming distributed memory machines.
- Multipol
- Library of distributed data structures for solving irregular problems.
- Nexus
- Multithreaded runtime system providing communication and resource support for higher-level applications.
- Nimrod
- A workstation hunter for large parametric modelling experiments.
- Network Of Workstations. Using a network of workstations to act as a distributed supercomputer.
- NUMAchine
- Modular, cost-effective and scalable shared-memory multiprocessor.
- NuMesh
- Massively parallel interconnect with highly modular packaging.
- Omega
- Frameworks, algorithms and software for analyzing and transforming scientific programs.
- Orca
- Parallel programming language for distributed systems, based on shared data-object model.
- OOF90
- High performance object-oriented programming in Fortran 90.
- P3L
- Skeleton-based parallel programming language with template-based implementation.
- Pablo
- The interaction of architecture, system software, and applications on massively parallel computer systems.
- Parallel Applications Development Environment. Graphical application development environment for heterogeneous networked computers.
- Custom hardware for fast collective communication in PC cluster.
- Para++
- Portable C++ bindings for message passing libraries.
- Paradigm
- PARAllelizing compiler for DIstributed-memory General-purpose Multicomputers.
- (PARAllel Digital ImaGe Modelling). Parallel spatial modelling and applied parallel computing.
- Paradyn
- Performance measurement tools for large-scale parallel/distributed programs.
- ESPRIT project to develop parallel solvers for sparse systems of linear equations.
- Parastation
- Fast interconnection network and software for off-the-shelf workstation clusters.
- Parallel Architecture Research Laboratory. Performance analysis of parallel and distributed architectures. NMSU TraceBase trace archive.
- Parallel And Scalable Software for I/O. Support for I/O intensive out-of-core loosely synchronous problems.
- pC++/Sage++
- Portable parallel C++ for high performance computers.
- Parallel Computing, Image Processing and Applications. Biologically-motivated approaches to pattern recognition.
- Software tools, computational science applications, visualization, algorithms, languages, theory.
- Parallel Computer Vision. Real-time stereo computer vision (ALVINN), parallel object recognition.
- Parallel Data Laboratory. Parallel file systems, aggressive prefetching in file systems, and RAID.
- Parallel Execution And Communication Environment. Object-oriented OS and runtime library for massively parallel architectures.
- Penny
- Parallel implementation of AKL.
- Portable, Extensible, Toolkit for Scientific Computation. Parallel software for the numerical solution of PDEs.
- Programming Environments and Tools. Message passing, parallel I/O, checkpointing, and run-time tools and monitoring.
- pH
- A parallel, eagerly-evaluated version of Haskell.
- Parallel Performance Project. Application and performance modelling for high-performance computers.
- ProperCAD
- Parallel VLSI CAD applications based on an object-oriented parallel library.
- Prospero
- Prospero Resource Manager: parallel application manager for workstation clusters.
- Proteus
- Prototyping language and environment for high-level parallel programs.
- Parallel algebraic reductions on array expressions based on psi calculus.
- Ptools
- Parallel Tools Consortium at Oregon State University. Working groups on Message Queue Manager, Lightweight Corefile Browser, and Portable Timing Routines.
- Parallel Tools Team at NAS. Investigating and developing useful parallel tools.
- Parallel Virtual Machine. Programming a heterogeneous network of machines as a single distributed memory parallel machine.
- Quake
- Supercomputer simulation of large basin motion during strong earthquakes.
- Quarks
- Portable distributed shared memory system.
- A hardware emulator for the rapid prototyping of multiprocessor systems.
- The HARTS architecture and other research on interconnection networks.
- Distributed shared memory system and associated parallel language (Jade).
- Building a massively parallel uniform-memory-access shared-memory multiprocessor.
- Super Compilers and Advanced Languages. Nested data parallel languages (NESL), efficient parallel algorithms.
- Scientific Computation Group. LPARX coarse grain data parallel programming abstractions, load balancing, adaptive numerical methods.
- Scalable Concurrent Programming Laboratory. Multi-level compilers, programming irregular problems.
- Scalable, High-Performance, Really Inexpensive Multi-Processor.
- Simple COMA
- Hybrid hardware/software Cache-Only Memory Architecture implementation.
- Portable high-performance functional language.
- Split-C
- Parallel extension to C with global address space for distributed-memory multiprocessors.
- SR
- Synchronizing Resources. Concurrent programming language.
- Research into compiler techniques for parallel languages.
- Synergy
- Parallel programming using passive object flow.
- Telegraphos
- High-speed communication for workstation clusters.
- TreadMarks
- Global shared address space on networks of workstations.
- uC++
- Light-weight concurrency in C++.
- UC
- A set-based data-parallel programming language.
- Ultracomputer
- Parallel computer architecture and software design.
- ViC
- Virtual Memory C*.
- V
- Nested data-parallel extension of C.
- Wisconsin Wind Tunnel. The interface between parallel hardware and parallel languages.
- Xputer
- Reconfigurable hardware accelerators and their compilers.
- Portable data-parallel array language for scientific and engineering computation.
Other places to look
If you're trying to track down a group and can't find it using any of these
lists, try HotBot or
Alta Vista
Jonathan Hardwick.
Generated on 24 July 97.