This error isn't detected in the original 15 test traces we gave you, so we are providing you with another test trace (trace16.txt) to help you verify your code. The trace runs two little test programs called myint.c and mystop.c that send SIGINT and SIGTSTP signals to themselves. Your shell will need to pass this test to be considered correct.
Here's how to run the new test:
1. Copy all 6 files from
to your working directory for Lab 5,
overwriting the existing Makefile, README, and
tshref.out files, and creating new myint.c,
mystop.c, and trace16.txt files.
2. In your working directory for L5, type "make" to compile the new files.
3. Use "make test16" and "make rtest16" to compare your shell with the
reference shell. Make any necessary fixes to your tsh.c
file and resubmit your program if necessary.