Intel Computer Systems Cluster (the "fish machines")

You will be doing your 15-213 lab assignments on a cluster of Nocona Xeon servers, donated by Intel, called the "fish machines". Intel engineers traditionally use the names of North American rivers as internal names for their processor projects. So it seems fitting that we, as denizens of the Intel cluster, name our machines after fish of North America. The fish machines run Linux, are rack-mounted in the Wean Hall 3rd floor machine room, and are administered by the CS facilities group. They reboot every day at 7am.

Here is the current fish machine status.

Fish machines available to students:

Fish machines available to teaching staff only:
bluefish.ics.cs bonito.ics.cs cobia.ics.cs (Autolab server)

Quick Start Login

Suppose your user name is bovik. Login to an Andrew Linux or Unix machine and go to your Andrew home directory. The uppercase 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' is significant. The string "-l" is dash el, not dash one. Your top level Andrew home directory needs to be at least world listable: "system:anyuser l".

Getting Help

Information about the CS computing environment is at
If you are having trouble logging in, please send mail to your instructor (

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get an account?
A: Accounts will be created for you automatically.

Q: Are the accounts ready yet?
A: Yes (as of Mon, Aug 29, 2005).

Here are the students who have accounts.
If you're not on the list, please request an account from Prof. O'Hallaron (

Q: What do I need to do before logging in for the very first time?
A: From your Andrew home directory on an Andrew Unix machine (e.g., or, run the following one-time checkin script:

    unix> /afs/cs/academic/class/15213-f05/bin/checkin
Your top level Andrew home directory needs to be at least world listable: "system:anyuser l".

Q: What does the checkin script do?
A: The checkin script activates your account so that you can login to the fish machines using your Andrew password. It creates a hidden directory called ~/.15213 with login credentials for the fish machines. If you don't have one already, it also creates a protected directory ~/213hw where you can safely do your assignments without other students being able to see them. You only need to run the checkin script once, before your very first login to the fish machines. However, you can safely run the checkin script as often as you like.

Q: How do I login to one of these machines once I have run the checkin script?
A: If your Andrew login is bovik and you want to login to the fish machine called, then type the following while logged in to an Andrew Unix machine:

    unix> ssh -x -l bovik@ANDREW.CMU.EDU
    [type your Andrew password to the prompt]
Note: The uppercase 'ANDREW.CMU.EDU' is significant.
Note: "-l" is "dash el".
Note: The "-x" option disables X11 forwarding, which interacts poorly with the new 64-bit FC3 boxes. It's not always necessary, but we suggest using it just to be sure.

Q: I did everything you said but I still can't login. Now what?
A: Here are the most common reasons students can't login:

If you still can't login, please send mail to your instructor.

Technical specs

Each node on the cluster runs a 64-bit version of Fedora Core 3 (Linux kernel 2.6.11) and consists of the following hardware:

Last modified: Mon Oct 10 01:18:15 EDT 2005