Lab 2 Wall of Fame
15-213, Fall 2005
The following Carnegie Mellon 15-213 students defused Dr. Evil's
secret phase in the Fall of 2005.
They are forever enshrined in this
Wall of Fame. Congratulations!
- asheu (Albert A. Sheu)
- chunl (Chun Ming Lee)
- dapplega (Douglas Applegate)
- edanaher (Evan Paul Danaher)
- ewee (Eugene Phuay Wee Ang)
- gmisek (Geoff Misek)
- iproctor (Iain Proctor)
- jjavarus (Jonathan M. Javaruski)
- jpwinter (Jason Paul Winters)
- jsherman (Jonah Sherman)
- jwnovak (John William Novak)
- mcwillia (Matthew Charles Williamson)
- mjrosenb (Martin J. Rosenberg)
- mwb (Michael W. Bridenbaugh)
- nsingal (Nalin Singal)
- rtark (Raphael Sung Tark Mun)
- schatcha (Suppakrit Chatchayanusorn)
- teckl (Teck Hua Lee)