- Be sure you know your recitation section. You will be required to
write this on your exam.
- The exam is open notes and open book.
- You may not use electronic devices of any kind, including
computers or calculators. (You won't need to do any difficult
calculations. You might find it useful to know (or have written
down) the powers of two from 0 (1) to 10 (1024).
- To study, read each chapter three times, work the practice problems,
and do problems from previous exams.
- The tested material will be from Lectures 08-17, Labs 3-4, and
the corresponding sections of the textbook.
(Note: Lecture 17 occurs in the 18th class meeting, because of Exam 1),
Old exams are available as follows. Of course, the course coverage changes over time, and so these older exams may not correspond exactly to the material covered by this exam.