15-213 (18-213): Introduction to Computer Systems (ICS)
The ICS course (15-213 and 18-213) provides a programmer's view of
how computer systems execute programs, store information, and
communicate. It enables students to become more effective
programmers, especially in dealing with issues of performance,
portability and robustness. It also serves as a foundation for
courses on compilers, networks, operating systems, and computer
architecture, where a deeper understanding of systems-level issues
is required. Topics covered include: machine-level code and its
generation by optimizing compilers, performance evaluation and
optimization, computer arithmetic, memory organization and
management, networking technology and protocols, and supporting
concurrent computation.
Course Syllabus
Prerequisites: 15-123 Effective Programming in C and UNIX
What's New?
- 12/15: The final exam (model
solution) is available at the ECE course hub (HH D-200).
Getting Help
Email |
15-213-staff@cs.cmu.edu |
Office Hours |
MTWR 5:30-7:30pm WeH 5207 |
Course Materials
Schedule |
Lecture schedule, slides, recitation notes, readings, and code |
Assignments |
Details of assignments, due dates, and policies |
Exams |
Information about quizzes, exams, and final |
Lab Machines |
Instructions for using the lab machines |
Resources |
Additional course resources |
Course Information
For details |
See the course syllabus for details (below is just a few overview bits). |
Lectures |
TR 1:30-2:50 DH 2315 |
Recitations [Office hours] |
Section A: Mon 10:30-11:20, WEH 5310, Tom Conerly [Tue]
Section B: Mon 10:30-11:20,WEH 6423, Joe Appel [Tue]
Section C: Mon 11:30-12:20, WEH 5310, Srihari Seshadri [Wed]
Section D: Mon 12:30-1:20, WEH 5302, Hunter Pitelka [Mon]
Section E: Mon 1:30-2:20, PH 226B, Lucas Tan [Thu]
Section F: Mon 1:30-2:20, DH 1211, Yi Zhuang [Thu]
Section G: Mon 2:30-3:20, WEH 5310, Taerim Kim [Wed]
Section H: Mon 3:30-4:20, PH 125C, Teddy Martin [Mon]
Textbooks |
Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron,
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011
(The authors are donating the royalties from CMU book sales to CMU)
Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie,
The C Programming Language, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988
Credit |
12 units |
Grading |
Composed from total lab performance (50%) and total exam performance (50%).
Labs |
There are 7 labs, not evenly weighted |
Exams |
There are 2 midterm exams, in class, closed book (12.5% each)
There is a final exam, closed book (25%) |
Home |
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~213 |
Questions |
Email to 15-213-staff@cs.cmu.edu, office hours (see above) |
Blackboard |
We are not using Blackboard for this course. |
Course Directory |
/afs/cs/academic/class/15213-f10/ |
Name |
Randy Bryant |
Dave O'Hallaron |
Contact |
randy.bryant@cs.cmu.edu, x8-8821 |
droh@cs.cmu.edu, x8-8199 |
Office |
GHC 5111 |
GHC 9125 |
Office Hours |
Thu 3-4pm (or by appt) |
Tue 3-5pm (or by appt) |
Course Assistant
Bara Ammoura |
Contact |
bammoura@ece, 412-268-6595 |
Office |
ECE Course Management Hub (HH D-200) |
Labs & Exams |
Bara will have copies of all uncollected labs and exams in her office. |