Lab 3 - Statistics


These are the latest statistics on the submitted solutions:

Correct Execution Time Avg. utilization Performance Correctness score Performance score Team
yes 32.370 85.347 96.232 - -


yes 108.380 81.988 95.497 - - Zap
yes 112.500 85.740 94.768 - - fehu
yes 59.730 77.554 94.389 - -
Team Phat
yes 78.810 77.113 94.278 - - OverKill
yes 109.770 77.065 94.266 - - Smokey
yes 112.530 83.601 94.214 - - Moo and Poop
yes 111.210 75.333 93.017 - - xyzzy
yes 110.700 72.526 92.657 - - Thargor
yes 112.920 78.078 92.580 - - Mr. LipSHITs
yes 112.580 77.113 92.559 - - OverKill
yes 86.790 67.712 91.928 - - Carmina Banana
yes 38.300 67.537 91.884 - - *(void *)0
yes 115.960 81.425 91.501 - - Wicked Bostonians
yes 58.238 65.889 91.472 - - g3n3r1K d00dZ
yes 104.260 63.528 90.882 - - Gundam Wing
yes 66.026 63.323 90.831 - - Round Tuit
yes 114.790 75.527 90.752 - - whatever
yes 101.130 61.946 90.487 - - Carmina Bannana
yes 111.715 63.105 89.625 - - Carmina Banana
yes 33.655 58.217 89.554 - - Speedy
yes 21.043 54.122 88.531 - - Super Speedy
yes 124.250 78.802 86.099 - - apathy monkey
yes 127.285 62.025 80.322 - - Carmina Banana
yes 149.120 75.466 74.191 - - < IMG SRC= >
yes 225.360 84.555 57.747 - -

White Elephant

yes 226.240 84.555 57.604 - - white elephant
yes 230.930 85.576 57.119 - - Ironmen
no 0 0 0 - -
no 0 0 0 - - 1108 Thugz
no 0 0 0 - - 13
no 0 0 0 - -

Way to go,


no 0 0 0 - - BCH
no 0 0 0 - -
no 0 0 0 - - Dinesh and Erik
no 0 0 0 - - Horse Hair
no 0 0 0 - - NO_TEAMNAME
no 0 0 0 - - Ridiculous
no 0 0 0 - - V-dog
no 0 0 0 - - bake_man
no 0 0 0 - - grr
no 0 0 0 - - lajaf
no 0 0 0 - - mochaccino
no 0 0 0 - - version 2.0
no 0 0 0 - - x

Memory utilization is measured as the fraction of maximum total memory requested to the final heap size. Execution time is simply the time to run all the tests. The results are sorted by performance index (see handout about how it is computed); your grade will depend on this index, which summarizes both space and time efficiency.