Spring 2004
Spring 2005
Fall 2005
This is just the beginning. Here are some lectures from this year's course.
Abstract Representation: Your Ancient Heritage
Unary, Binary and Beyond
Induction: One Step at a Time
Raising a Number to a Power
Rabbits, Continued Fractions, The Golden Ratio, and Euclid's GCD
The Fibonacci Numbers and an Unexpected Calculation
The Mathematics of Dating: Who Wins the Battle of the Sexes?
Counting I: Correspondences and Choice Trees
Counting II: Recurring Problems and Correspondences
Counting III: Pascal's Triangle, Polynomials, and Vector Programs
One Minute To Learn Programming: Finite Automata
Problem Solving: Where does the "aha!" come from?
On Time Versus Input Size
Grade School Revisited: How To Multiply Two Numbers
Grade School Again: A Parallel Perspective
Probability Theory: Counting in Terms of Proportions
Probability Theory: Paradoxes and Pitfalls
Decision Trees and Information: A Question of Bits
Probability Theory: Random Variables and Great Expectations
Probability Theory: The Probabilistic Method & Infinite Probability Spaces
Probability Theory: Random Walks
Cantor's Legacy: Infinity And Diagonalization
Turing's Legacy: The Limits Of Computation