15-294 Software Setup
- SolidWorks is the CAD (Computer Aided Design) package we will use for all our work.
- SolidWorks runs on Windows. It can be run on Macs under Parallels or BootCamp.
- You can download
CMU-licensed version of SolidWorks from
the CMU Software
- The student edition can be purchased on DVD (doesn't require access to the
CMU license server) for around $25 from the CMU bookstore.
- It's also possible to run SolidWorks remotely
Virtual Andrew. You can install the app, or access it via
the browser.
Note: you will need a three-button mouse with scroll wheel to
use SolidWorks properly.
- Download any version of Python from python.org and run the installer.
- Add Python to your search path. From a Command window, if you're running Python 3.8, do:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python38
Python dxfwrite package
- Download and unzip the dxfwrite package from here.
- You don't have to 'install' dxfwrite if you put the source file in the same directory as your application; Python will find it.
- If you do want to install dxfwrite, you can do so from the command line:
cd Downloads\dxfwrite-1.2.0
py setup.py install
- MeshLab is an open source tool for displaying and editing mesh files,
including the STL files that 3D scanners and printers use. It's already
installed on the Andrew system.
- Download MeshLab from the MeshLab web site.