S '98 Schedule

This schedule has been updated to include information about the final exam
Class Date Day Topic Reading Asst Lecturer
1 01/13 Tue Overview 1 Both
2 01/15 Thu Measurement 2.1--3 H1 Out TCM
3 01/20 Tue Integer arithmetic 4.1--7 REB
4 01/22 Thu Floating Point 4.8 H1 Due, H2 Out REB
5 01/27 Tue Fast arithmetic 4.9--12 REB
6 01/29 Thu Memory Technology 7.1 H2 Due TCM
7 02/03 Tue Cache structure 7.2 L1 Out REB
8 02/05 Thu Cache performance 7.3 REB
9 02/10 Tue Virtual memory 7.4, 7.6--9 TCM
10 02/12 Thu I/O, Storage 8.1--10 L1 Due TCM
11 02/17 Tue Exam #1
12 02/19 Thu ISA basics 3.1--5, A.1, A.10 H3 Out TCM
13 02/24 Tue Procedures 3.6, 3.9--10, A.6 TCM
14 02/26 Thu Data structures 3.7--8, 3.11 H3 Due, L2 Out REB
15 03/03 Tue Code Optimization Handouts TCM
16 03/05 Thu Benchmarking 2.4--9 TCM
17 03/10 Tue Other ISAs 3.12--15 REB
18 03/12 Thu Pipelining basics 6.1--3 L2 Due REB
19 03/17 Tue Data hazards 6.4--5 REB
20 03/19 Thu Exam #2
03/24 Tue Spring Break
03/26 Thu Spring Break
21 03/31 Tue Control hazards & exceptions 6.6--7 L3 Out TCM
22 04/02 Thu Multicycle instructions TCM
23 04/07 Tue Superscalar 6.8--6.12 L3 Prologue TCM
24 04/09 Thu Instruction-level parallelism TCM
25 04/14 Tue Multimedia computing Handouts REB
26 04/16 Thu Network Technology Handouts L3 Due, H4 Out REB
27 04/21 Tue Internetworking REB
28 04/23 Thu Multiprocessors 9.1--10 TCM
29 04/28 Tue Multiprocessors (cont.) H4 Due TCM
30 04/30 Thu Multiprocessors (cont.) TCM
05/11 Mon Final Exam, 5:30--8:30pm MM 103 & MM A14

Last Update: 2/27/98

Name: Randal E. Bryant

Email: Randy.Bryant@cs.cmu.edu