15-463 Project 2
Hybrid Images
Kevin Ku
September 29, 2014
The goal of this project is to create hybrid images using the approach described by the SIGGRAPH 2006 paper by Oliva, Torralba, and Schyns.
The algorithm takes in 2 images, aligns them, and passes 1 image through a high-pass filter and another through a low-pass filter. For the low-pass filter, we used a standard 2D Gaussian filter. For the high-pass filter, we simply subtracted the Gaussian filtered image from the original.
Click on any image to see the original.
Original Images

Source https://www.flickr.com/photos/freshwater2006/14955547241/in/photolist-oMz69M-os1nwy-os16LX-oEHqnu-oQNyAK-p5fb3R-p5vgCx-p8jzKi-89bedR-6puKfD-cor64L-6pz7fA-oEHNuB-oovBMz-oE96De-odhbAg-pcKxu8-ormAHh-p5Qsem-oMv7cb-cdDKJL-5vi7Vc-bjRore-jsPxZm-fdJgDo-5UaDCM-8KLHGq-74EpzM-bweBJg-6pzaRE-6puStc-6p1KWZ-dzJsqd-nVTSvw-85DHWz-6U9NkW-6JZdN6-Dez7i-5Fm7J5-9WCj6U-8hndWe-4N9WhM-tEDR9-aJUJ96-dzJsN7-7tr4W5-4VfXk4-5MLHZn-dzCZ7g-dzCYEx

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/quintanomedia/15340488382/in/photolist-oVf1E1-p9zBaC-opd1hb-pnA1K1-oAgye4-oLQfNn-ouC3Pi-oZbNRn-pheqHr-o7UzZN-oTR9jn-po6p9e-opYvvS-ofMWC5-oNnU4s-obRmTZ-o893ya-oeGykW-p4k1cq-ougnqU-o6JJrT-pfufwc-oYfVRg-p67pJX-p17RFB-ooz9a9-oSYJCp-p58KZw-pmBaFm-pdwzEv-oWgR12-oWhdzB-p8qVPW-oEN1Jk-pdJtvy-oWix9u-pjAD9q-oZwASx-ofsNmH-o9LiCF-o9Libi-o9KgpW-oferA5-oqXzPV-owm1kP-oGGwGd-oreiBo-oGAaFE-owmq6z-ougA8Y
FFT Images


As we can see from the FFT images, the image of Shanghai contains more high frequency information. Therefore, we passed it through the high-pass filter and passed the NYC image through the low-pass filter. For the filters, we used standard 2D Gaussian filter with sigma = 5.
Filtered Input Images


FFT Images of Filtered Input Images


Hybrid Image

Hybrid FFT Image

The result is very good, thanks to the vast difference in frequency information of the 2 images.
Superman Plane
"It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's Superman!"Original Images

Source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eaGmFVZ0cNE/T991eBTWvSI/AAAAAAAAAIQ/gA-B18i2nd8/s1600/1673558-superman_fly1.png

Source: https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8357/8403703984_325c0d0614.jpg
FFT Images


Filtered Input Images


FFT Images of Filtered Input Images


Hybrid Image

Hybrid FFT Image

The result for the superman plane image is good as well since the 2 images have pretty different frequency information.
Old Boat New Boat
Original Images

Source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-O1OMXCdY10c/T0-3qjhiGsI/AAAAAAAAAd8/jf2It-DSwiY/s1600/00003.jpg

Source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-z7I6t_sdFi0/U3CiW0ViM7I/AAAAAAAAxUM/xgjeu7AMiIA/s1600/Houbei-class-fast-attack-firing-yj-83-anti-ship-missile.jpg
FFT Images
Old Boat

New Boat

As shown by the FFT images, we can see that the image of the new boat contains slightly more high frequency information. Therefore, we are going to pass the new boat image through the high-pass filter and the old boat image through the low-pass filter. Again, we are using a standard Gaussian with sigma = 5.
Filtered Input Images
Old Boat

New Boat

FFT Images of Filtered Input Images
Old Boat

New Boat

Hybrid Image

Hybrid FFT Image

This hybrid image did not work out so well because the 2 images have similar frequency infomation. Therefore, we cannot really distinguish 1 image from the other once their low/high frequency information has been removed. In the case of this image, you can't really since the hull of the new boat in the hybrid image.
Bells and Whistles
I implemented a color version of the hybrid image by retaining the color in the image with more high frequency information (aka the one passed through high-pass filter).
I didn't have time to fine tune the parameters yet, so some of the colors may not be clear in the image.