15-494/694 Cognitive Robotics: Lab 4

I. Software Update and Initial Setup

At the beginning of every lab you should update your copy of vex-aim-tools. To do this on Linux or Windows:
$ cd vex-aim-tools
$ git pull

II. Measuring the Camera Tilt

Translating camera coordinates to groundplane coordinates requires knowing the camera pose. The camera is located 43.47 mm above the groundplane. It is supposed to be tilted 18o down, but there is considerable variation from one robot to the next. Thus, we need to measure the camera tilt for each robot in order to calibrate its vision system. Follow these steps.
  1. Run simple_cli and type "show crosshairs" (or press "c" in the camera viewer) to display a crosshairs in the camera viewer.
  2. Position a ruler so that the 0 mark directly abuts the front of the robot. The edge of the ruler that is calibrated in millimeters should lie along the vertical crosshairs line, like this:

    The other edge of the ruler will not be parallel with the crosshairs line due to parallax effect. That's okay.

  3. Take the tip of a pen and position it at the center of the crosshairs in the camera image.
  4. Read the distance value d at the pen tip on the ruler. You should see a value between 90 and 120 mm. Note that the camera is recessed slightly and looks out through a clear plastic window; add 3 mm to your d value to compensate for this.
  5. Calculate the camera tilt in degrees as atan2(43.47, d) × 180/pi. You should get a value between 17 and 25 degrees.
  6. Report this value along with your robot number when you hand in your homework.
  7. In aim_fsm/aim_kin.py, edit the value of camera_angle to match your measured value.

III. Effect of Calibrating Camera Tilt

Set up an Aruco marker at a known distance directly in front of the robot. (Measure distance relative to the base frame, which is at the center of the robot.) If you do robot.set_pose(0,0,0,0) before letting the robot see the marker, then you can directly read the calculated distance by doing "show objects" in simple_cli. Do this once with the camera angle in aim_kin.py set at 18 degrees, and again with the camera angle set to the value you measured for this robot. Report both values as part of your homework handin.

IV. Examining Data Association

  1. Reset the robot's coordinate system by doing set_pose(0,0,0,0).
  2. Show the robot two orange barrels side-by-side, straight ahead at a distance of around 150 mm. You can figure out which one is OrangeBarrel.a and which is OrangeBarrel.b by doing "show objects" and looking at the y-coordinate. Objects further to the left have more positive y-coordinates because in the base reference frame, the x axis points straight ahead and the y axis points to the left. You can also hold your hand in front of one of the barrels and do "show objects" to see which barrel is still visible.
  3. Remove OrangeBarrel.b and place it behind the robot. Now the unseen barrel shows up as dark orange in the world map viewer, and "show objects" indicates that it is not visible. Since the barrel's location falls within the camera field of view, we can confirm that the barrel is not there, so the barrel is treated as "missing".
  4. Do Turn(180).now() to turn the robot around so it sees the barrel you moved. Note that it is assigned the identity OrangeBarrel.b again, i.e., we assume that this is the barrel that went missing. The old OrangeBarrel.b disappears from the world map.
  5. Quit simple_cli. Position the two orange barrels so they are side-by-side at a distance of 150 mm ahead of the robot, but far to the left in its field of view:
  6. Start simple_cli and do "show objects". OrangeBarrel.a should have a more positive y coordinate than OrangeBarrel.b, indicating that OrangeBarrel.a is to the left of OrangeBarrel.b.
  7. Use one hand to block the camera, and slide both barrels to near the right edge of the camera's field of view:
  8. Unblock the camera. Because both barrels are far from their initial positions, neither matches a world map object, so the greedy data association algorithm tries to make assignments, and it may choose poorly. In other words, OrangeBarrel.a, which was originally the barrel on the left (more positive y-coordinate), might end up as the barrel on the right (less positive y-coordinate). Document this with screenshots showing the barrel configurations, the worldmap views, and the output of "show objects".

V. Kinematics Calculations

  1. In simple_cli, type "show kine" to see the robot's kinematic tree. Then type "show kine camera" to see the parameters for the camera reference frame.
  2. Read through aim_fsm/aim_kin.py to see the detailed kinematic structure of the robot.
  3. Read through aim_fsm/kine.py to understand how the forward kinematics solver works.
  4. The camera reference frame has its origin at the center of the camera image plane, with the x-axis pointing to the right, the y-axis pointing down, and the z-axis pointing straight out. Use the joint_to_base() function from kine.py and the translation_part() function from geometry.py to calculate the position of the origin of the camera reference frame in base frame coordinates.
  5. A fruit fly enters the AI Maker Space and hovers directly in front of the robot's camera, at a distance of 20 mm from the center of the camera image plane. Write down the fruit fly's coordinates in the camera reference frame, using homogeneous coordinates. Then write a Python expression using functions from kine.py to calculate the location of the fruit fly in base frame coordinates. Show the expression and your result.

Homework Problems (Solve Individually)

  1. Write a Flash node that allows you to program complex patterns on the LEDs. The contructor should look like
          Flash(pattern, cycles=None, duration=None)
    The pattern argument should be a list of form
    ((pattern1, duration1), (pattern2, duration2), ...)
    Where patterni is either a color, or a list of six colors (one per LED), and durationi is a value in seconds. A color is either an (r,g,b) triple or a member of vex.Colors.

    This convention will allow you to construct arbitrarily complex light patterns. For example, the code below implements alternating red and blue flashes like some police vehicles use:

    	blue = vex.Color.BLUE
    	red = vex.Color.RED
    	Flash([ ((blue, red, blue, red, blue red), 2),
    	        ((red, blue, red, blue red, blue), 2) ])
    To implement Flash you will need to use the poll() mechanism and set_polling_interval() that StateNode inherits from EventListener.

    If the cycles argument is an integer, the node will run through that many cycles of the whole pattern and then post a completion event and stop. If the duration argument is a number, the node will run through the pattern repeatedly for the specified duration (in seconds) and then post a completion event and stop. If both arguments are None, the pattern will repeated indefinitely, but the LEDs should be cleared when the node's stop() method is called, as might happen if an outgoing transition fires.

  2. Display reference frame: read aim_fsm/aim_kin.py and modify the file to add a reference frame for the color display at the top of the robot. We want the origin to be at the center of the display, with the z axis pointing up. Following the right hand rule, if we want the top left corner of the display to have negative coordinates and the bottom right corner to have positive coordinates, how should the x and y axes be oriented?

  3. Hungarian algorithm: in worldmap.py the function associate_objects_of_type matches newly-seen objects with worldmap objects. This is the "data association" problem discussed in lecture. The current code uses a greedy algorithm, which can produce suboptimal results. Rewrite this code to use the Hungarian algorithm. Note: you can write this code yourself, or you can ask ChatGPT or Copilot or some other LLM to write it for you. Either is acceptable, just document what you did.

  4. Fruit chameleon: review the latest version of GPT_test.fsm and you'll see that the CheckResponse node has been modified to support intermixing #hashtag commands with spoken text in the same response. The only requirement is that each #hashtag command must appear on a line by itself. Now watch this video demo of "the fruit chameleon". I had trouble getting Celeste to perform two separate actions in response to a camera image. See if you can do a better job of instructing Celeste on how to play the game. This can involve changing the preamble in GPT_test and/or changing the explanation you give of the fruit chameleon task. You'll need to incorporate your implementation of #glow from the previous lab. Also, since we don't have fruit lying around the lab, you can use these fruit images instead. We'll leave printouts of them in the robot cabinet, first cubbyhole. Just fold the sheet like you did the Aruco tag printouts.

What to Hand In

Hand in a zip file containing the following:
  1. Part II: your robot number and measured camera angle.
  2. Part III: Your Aruco distance measurements with standard 18 degree camera angle and with the actual camera angle you measured in lab.
  3. Part IV: images and observations from your data association experiment.
  4. Part V: the Python expressions and results from your two kinematics calculations (camera origin, and fruit fly location).
  5. Your code for the Flash problem.
  6. Your modified version of aim_kin.py with the color display reference frame, and your answer to the question about orientation of the axes.
  7. Your modified version of associate_objects_of_type using the Hungarian algorithm. If you used an LLM to help you code this, explain how you did it.
  8. Your modifications to the GPT_test preamble and/or the game instructions to make Celeste a better-behaved fruit chameleon.

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Dave Touretzky